
Pokemon: Unchained Idiocy

In a drunken birthday celebration, Vajk and his friends drink a mysterious "Arceus Vodka," jokingly speculating about its ability to transport them to the Pokémon world. As the alcohol takes hold, they pass out one by one, with Vajk last to succumb. A strange figure approaches, whispering cryptic words as Vajk slips into darkness. This Fanfiction can also be found at: RoyalRoad: https://www.royalroad.com/profile/350627 Fanfiction.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14348923/1/Pokemon-Unchained-Idiocy

ZatyaIsten · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

- Sweet, Sweet Home!

Vajk slowly opened his eyes, squinting against the bright sunlight that had rudely invaded his peaceful slumber. He groaned, his voice thick with sleep and annoyance. "Are you fucking kidding me?" he muttered, glaring at the small gap in the curtains that had allowed the offending rays to sneak through. He reached for his phone under the pillow. He managed to smuggle it in between his baggy clothes after he changed clothes, alongside his wallet. His bleary eyes struggle to focus on the screen. "7:30 AM? Fuck me sideways, who the hell the sun is being a bitch and waking up this early on a goddamn Sunday?"

He flopped back onto the bed, burying his face in the pillow in a vain attempt to block out the light. But it was no use. He was awake now, and there was no going back to the blissful oblivion of sleep. "Fucking sun," he grumbled, his voice muffled by the pillow. "I swear, if I ever meet the asshole who invented mornings, I'm gonna punch them right in the dick."

With a heavy sigh, Vajk finally sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he took in his surroundings. He had to admit, that Johnson's older son had a pretty sweet setup. The room was easily twice the size of his dorm back in his own world, with walls painted a calming shade of light blue. A large desk stood against one wall, its surface cluttered with what appeared to be textbooks and loose papers. Vajk snorted. "Nerd," he muttered, shaking his head in amusement.

His gaze drifted to the posters that adorned the walls, each one featuring a different bizarre-looking Pokémon, featuring a Probopass and the other a Garbodor. Vajk frowned, squinting at the images in confusion. "Damn, these are pokémons?" he wondered aloud, his brow furrowed. "They look like someone put a bunch of animals in a blender and then gave the resulting abominations the stuff they smoked when they did them. I may have to question this guy's taste..."

He got up from the bed and wandered over to the bookshelf, his curiosity getting the better of him. He picked one of the books, reading its title. "Introduction to the world of Pokémons, by Professor Oak, huh? Published in 1996?" he read aloud, his eyebrows raising in disbelief "Damn, this shit is old school," he flipped it open to a random page and started reading in it. "'Gotta catch 'em all?' The hell does that even mean?"

With a dismissive shrug, Vajk shoved the book back onto the shelf. "Well, at least the years seem to match up with my world. I'm now interested in the current date," he said with a bit of relief. His attention was drawn to the sleek-looking computer that sat in the corner. Vajk's eyes widened as a sudden thought occurred to him. If this world had computers, then surely it must have internet too. And if the internet...

He smirked devilishly as he practically skipped over to the computer desk, his eyes glinting with mischievous excitement. "Oh, this is gonna be fucking good," he muttered to himself, rubbing his hands together in anticipation. "Alright, you sexy little machine, let's see if I can turn you on..."

Vajk plopped himself down in the chair, making a dramatic show of cracking his knuckles before reaching for the power button. But as his finger hovered over the button, he paused, a sudden thought occurring to him. "Wait a second, where the fuck is the power button on this thing? Is it this one? No, that's the goddamn DVD tray, you dumbass."

He frowned, leaning in closer to examine the computer from every angle. "Why the hell do they always have to make these things so complicated? It's like they're trying to fucking trick you or something."

After a few more moments of increasingly frustrated searching, Vajk finally located the power button on the side of the computer tower. "Ah, there you are, you sneaky little shit. Now, let's research!"

As the computer hummed to life, Vajk couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the sight of the operating system's loading screen. "PokéOS? Really? They couldn't come up with a better name than that? What's next, PokePhone? PokeBook? Poke-fucking-everything?"

He shook his head in amusement as the desktop finally appeared, taking in the colorful icons and Pokémon-themed wallpaper. "Well, I guess when your whole world revolves around these little critters, you gotta stick with the brand, huh?"

His heart raced with excitement as he reached for the mouse. But as he moved to turn on the computer, he was met with a password prompt. Vajk groaned, his head falling back in frustration. "Oh, come on!" he whined, glaring at the screen as if it had personally offended him. "Who the hell password-protects their own computer? Paranoid much?"

But then, a small smirk crept onto his face as he remembered a trick he used to use back in situations like this. Before going away, he would always write down his password on a small piece of paper and stick it somewhere on the computer itself, usually on the back or the side, because he was a forgetful dumbass who could never remember his login info after being away for more than a couple of months. "Alright, let's see if this guy's as predictable as I am," Vajk muttered, his fingers running along the smooth plastic casing of the monitor as he searched for any sign of a password hint.

And sure enough, after a few moments of searching, he found a small strip of masking tape stuck to the back of the monitor, a string of letters and numbers scrawled across it in messy handwriting. "Jackpot!" Vajk crowed, grinning triumphantly as he typed in the password. "Honestly, for a smart guy, you really shouldn't be following any of my stupid ideas, y'know?" he muttered with a chuckle as if the computer's owner could hear him.

He shook his head in amusement as the desktop finally appeared, taking in the red and white themed icons shaped like pokéballs. "Well, I guess when your whole world revolves around these little critters, you gotta stick with the brand, huh?" But as his eyes finally settled on the Pokémon-themed wallpaper, Vajk couldn't help but do a double-take. "What the actual fuck is that thing?" he muttered, leaning in closer to the screen to get a better look at the monstrosity that greeted him.

It was a Muk, a creature that looked like a sentient pile of toxic sludge with eyes and a mouth. Vajk stared at it in a mix of horror and fascination, his brain struggling to comprehend the sheer absurdity of what he was seeing. "Holy shit, it's like someone took a dump in a radioactive waste pit and then gave it a face. Who the fuck would choose that as their wallpaper? Clearly, this dude has a thing for the ugly and bizarre."

Despite his initial skepticism, Vajk couldn't help but bounce excitedly in his seat, his earlier grumpiness and disgust forgotten as he only wants one thing. "Alright, internet from another fucking world, hit me with your crazy shit!" he said gleefully, his fingers already flying across the keyboard as he opened up the web browser, which he noted with a smirk was called "PokéNet Explorer."

As Vajk clicked on the PokéNet Explorer icon, the browser sprang to life, instantly bombarding him with a flurry of colorful ads and headlines. But one in particular caught his eye, standing out from the rest with its bold, eye-catching font and dramatic imagery.

"The Pokémon World Championships: Battle for the cup!" the headline proclaimed, accompanied by a sleek logo featuring a stylized Pokéball with a crown perched atop it. Vajk raised an eyebrow, intrigued despite himself. "Huh, so they've got their own version of the Olympics or something like that here?" he muttered, leaning in closer to read the article.

"The Pokémon League is proud to announce the 25th annual Pokémon World Championships, to be held in the heart of the Johto region's beautiful Goldenrod City!"

Vajk raised an eyebrow, impressed by the grandiosity of it all. "Damn, they're really hyping this thing up," he muttered, scrolling down to read more. "Must be a pretty big deal in this world."

According to the website, the Pokémon World Championships was a massive international tournament held every year, bringing together the best trainers from every region to compete for the title of World Champion. This year's event was being hosted in the Johto Region and was already shaping up to be the biggest and most anticipated in the tournament's history.

"Trainers who have earned eight or more gym badges in or out of their home region are eligible to compete," Vajk read aloud, his brow furrowed in confusion. "The fuck is a gym badge? Is that like a participation trophy or something?"

He scrolled down further, skimming over the details of the tournament's format and rules. Apparently, the competition would begin with a series of preliminary rounds, with trainers battling it out in one-on-one matches until only the top 32 remained. From there, the tournament would shift to a bracket-style elimination system, with each match being a full six-on-six battle.

"Six-on-six? Huh... sure..." Vajk muttered, trying to wrap his head around the concept. "I guess these Pokémon things must be pretty tough if they can fight that many times in a row."

But what really caught Vajk's attention was the announcement of the tournament's opening ceremony. "In a historic first, this year's Pokémon World Championships will kick off with a ceremonial match between two of the most legendary trainers in the world," the article declared, accompanied by a pair of photos that made Vajk's jaw drop.

On the left was a stunning blonde woman who looked to be in her mid or late thirties, with piercing gray eyes and a confident smirk on her face. The caption identified her as Cynthia, the undefeated champion of the Sinnoh region. "Damn, she's a badie though," Vajk muttered, impressed despite himself. "But she looks like she could crush me with just a look. I wouldn't want to mess with her."

On the right was a photo of a man who looked to be in his late-thirties, with sleek steel-blue hair and a calm, calculating expression on his chiseled face. The caption identified him as Steven Stone, the former champion of the Hoenn region and a legendary master of steel-type Pokémon. "Steven Stone, huh?" Vajk mused, studying the trainer's cool, collected demeanor. "Sounds like a total pretty boy name, but he's got that whole 'silent but deadly' vibe going on. Wonder what his deal is..."

Vajk scrolled through the comments, his eyes widening in a mixture of amusement, disbelief, and morbid fascination as he read the increasingly unhinged and vitriolic predictions and proclamations.

"LMAO Cynthia is going to absolutely DESTROY that pretty boy Steven," one commenter declared, their post a mess of emoji spam and internet slang that Vajk had seen before enough times. "Her Garchomp is fucking GOATED, no cap! It's gonna one-shot his whole team and then teabag their corpses! 😂😂😂"

"Bruh, you're trippin," another replied, their comment a wall of equally incomprehensible text. "Steven is a fucking gigachad, his Metagross is literally built different! It's gonna clap Cynthia's cheeks so hard she'll be walking funny for a week, no 🧢! Bet!"

"CYNTHIA IS A GODDAMN QUEEN AND Y'ALL JUST CAN'T HANDLE HER BIG DICK ENERGY! 👑🍆" one particularly rabid stan declared, their comment a strobing nightmare of all-caps text and flashing GIFs. "SHE FINNA PISS ON STEVEN'S GRAVE AND THEN MAKE HIM LICK IT UP LIKE THE LITTLE BITCH HE IS, PERIODT! 💅😤"


"Cynthia could literally spit in my mouth and I would say thank you," a particularly thirsty commenter chimed in, accompanied by a barrage of simp emojis and a disturbingly detailed fanfic snippet. "Please step on me, Mommy. 😩💦"

This comment was met with a torrent of disgusted replies and copypastas, ranging from the classic "every day we stray further from Arceus's light" to more creative and profane variations.

"LMAO SIMP DETECTED!" one commenter declared.

"Bro really out here down astronomical, caught in 4K! 📸😂 Touch grass, my dude, this ain't it chief!"


"This man woke up and chose eternal virginity, smh my head," another said, accompanied by a GIF of a cartoon character shaking their head in disappointment. "Homie needs to go outside and feel the sun on his skin, maybe interact with a real human being for once in his life."

"Y'all mfs need Arceus, I'm logging off," a third commenter said, followed by a string of disgusted reaction images. "Ain't no way I'm subjecting myself to this level of cringe, I'm out! ✌️😷"

"I hope Cynthia sees this bro, I'm sure she'll be super impressed by your creepy-ass thirst and total lack of social skills 🤡🤡🤡" 

Vajk could feel his eyes glazing over, his brain cells committing seppuku one by one as he tried to make sense of the unhinged ramblings and fever dream memes and endless dick-measuring contests. He had thought he was jaded and cynical before, but this... this was a whole new level of soul-crushing despair.

With a heavy sigh, he reached out and clicked the power button on the computer, watching as the screen went black and the chaotic discourse faded away into blessed silence. He sat there for a moment, staring at his own haggard reflection in the darkened monitor, his eyes dead and his expression one of utter defeat.

"Yeah, that's enough internet today..." he muttered, his voice a hollow monotone. "I thought I wanted to go back to my own reality, but now... now I'm not so sure I have the will to return."

He pushed himself away from the desk, his movements slow and listless, as if the very act of existing was a Herculean effort. The room around him felt small and suffocating, the walls closing in like a physical manifestation of his despair and disillusionment.

"I need a drink," he said, his voice a hoarse whisper. "Or maybe a lobotomy. Anything to erase the memory of what I just witnessed."

Vajk was just about to get up and make his way towards the door, desperate for any kind of escape from the nightmare he had just witnessed on the internet when a sudden knock on the door jolted him back to reality. His eyes widened in panic as he realized the predicament he was in. He was sitting at someone else's computer, using it without permission, and if Johnson or anyone else in the family caught him like this, it would raise a lot of uncomfortable questions and potentially ruin the image of the poor, lost soul that the kindhearted police officer had taken in.

"Shit, shit, shit!" Vajk hissed under his breath, his heart pounding in his chest as he quickly closed all the browser windows and shut down the computer. He could hear footsteps approaching the door, and he knew he had only seconds to act.

In a burst of adrenaline-fueled panic, Vajk leaped out of the chair and made a mad dash for the bed, his socked feet slipping and sliding on the hardwood floor. He dove under the covers just as the doorknob began to turn, pulling the blankets up to his chin and doing his best to feign the peaceful, innocent look of someone who had been sleeping soundly the whole time.

The door creaked open, and Vajk held his breath, his heart hammering against his ribcage as he waited to see who would enter. To his relief, it was Johnson's wife, a kind-looking woman with a warm smile and a tray of food in her hands.

"Good morning, Uhm... Vajk, am I right?" she said softly, her voice gentle and soothing. "I thought you might be hungry, it's already past 8:00 AM so I thought I should bring you some breakfast. I hope you like pancakes and bacon."

Vajk let out a shaky breath, his body sagging with relief as he realized he had narrowly avoided disaster. He sat up in bed, doing his best to plaster a grateful smile on his face as he accepted the tray of food.

"Thank you so much, ma'am," he said, his voice still a little hoarse from the rollercoaster of emotions he had just experienced. "This looks delicious. I really appreciate you and your husband taking me in like this."

Johnson's wife beamed at him, her eyes crinkling with warmth and kindness. "Oh, it's our pleasure, dear. We couldn't just leave you out there all alone. You're safe here, and we'll do everything we can to help you get back on your feet."

Vajk nodded, swallowing back the lump of guilt that had risen in his throat. If only she knew the kind of person he really was, the things he had seen and done. Would she still be so quick to offer her hospitality and kindness?

But he pushed those thoughts aside, forcing himself to focus on the present moment and the delicious-looking breakfast in front of him. "Thank you," he said again, his voice sincere. "I don't know what I would have done without you and your family's help."

Johnson's wife patted his hand, her touch gentle and reassuring. "You just focus on getting some rest and regaining your strength, dear. We'll figure out the rest as we go along. You can come downstairs and introduce yourself to our son as well if you wish."

With that, she turned and left the room, closing the door softly behind her. Vajk let out a long, shuddering breath, his body sagging back against the pillows as the adrenaline drained out of him.

"That was too fucking close," he muttered, rubbing a hand over his face. "I need to be more careful. I can't risk blowing this whole thing over some idiotic stuff like this."

He glanced over at the computer, its blank screen seeming to mock him with its silence. Vajk shook his head, a wry smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.

"I couldn't even check what I wanted," he said, picking up a fork and digging into the fluffy stack of pancakes. "Never mind, I can do that later. Now... I have to get started by giving good impressions to everyone in this family, except that freak who lives in that room, I hope I don't have to see him."

After finishing his breakfast and taking a few moments to compose himself, Vajk decided it was time to properly introduce himself to the rest of the family. He climbed out of bed and made his way over to the closet, where he had stored the clothes Johnson had bought for him the night before.

He pulled on a pair of dark blue jeans that fit surprisingly well, considering they had been purchased in a hurry. The material was soft and comfortable, and Vajk couldn't help but appreciate the way they hugged his slim, childlike frame. He paired the jeans with a simple black t-shirt that had a stylized image of a Pokéball on the front, the iconic red and white design standing out in stark contrast against the dark fabric.

Vajk slipped on a pair of brand-new sneakers, marveling at how cushioned and supportive they felt compared to the worn-out, ill-fitting shoes he was used to wearing. He took a moment to run a hand through his hair, trying to tame the unruly bedhead into something presentable.

With a deep breath and a final glance in the mirror, Vajk steeled himself and made his way out of the room and down the stairs. He could hear the sound of voices and laughter coming from the kitchen, and he followed the noise, his heart pounding with a mixture of nervousness and anticipation.

As he entered the kitchen, Vajk was greeted by the sight of Johnson's wife standing at the stove, flipping the remaining pancakes with practiced ease. Johnson himself was seated at the table, a steaming mug of coffee in front of him and a newspaper spread out before him as he slowly eats his breakfast. And there, sitting quietly in the corner, was a young boy who looked to be about the same age as Vajk's current body.

The boy had shaggy reddish hair that fell into his eyes, and he was dressed in a simple t-shirt and shorts. He looked up as Vajk entered, his hazel eyes widening slightly before he quickly looked back down at the handheld game console he was playing.

"Ah, Vajk!" Johnson's wife exclaimed, her face lighting up with a warm smile. "Come on in, dear, sit down I will pour some tea for you!"

Vajk stepped further into the room, his hands fidgeting nervously at his sides. "Thank you, ma'am," he said, his voice quiet but polite. "And thank you again for the clothes and everything. I really appreciate it."

Johnson looked up from his newspaper, his own smile just as warm and welcoming as his wife's. "It's our pleasure, son. We're just glad we could help."

He gestured to the boy in the corner, who had paused his game and was now watching Vajk with a mixture of curiosity and shyness. "This is our son, Ronin. Ronin, this is Vajk, the boy I was telling you about."

Ronin set his game console aside and stood up, his movements a little awkward and unsure. He approached Vajk, his eyes darting between the other boy's face and the floor. "H-hi," he mumbled, his voice barely above a whisper. "It's nice to meet you."

Vajk couldn't help but feel a sense of kinship with the shy, awkward boy standing before him. He recognized the familiar signs of someone who felt like an outsider, someone who didn't quite fit in with the rest of the world. It was a feeling Vajk knew all too well, and his heart went out to Ronin in that moment.

With a gentle smile, Vajk extended his hand towards the other boy, his voice soft and reassuring as he spoke. "It's nice to meet you too, Ronin," he said, his tone warm and friendly. "And please, don't worry about me intruding on your family. I promise I'll do my best not to be a bother."

Ronin's hand was warm and slightly clammy as it gripped Vajk's, his shake tentative but earnest. "It's okay," he mumbled, his voice growing a little stronger with each word. "I don't mind having you here. It's actually kind of cool to have someone my age around for once."

Johnson's wife watched the interaction between the two boys with a twinkle of amusement in her eyes, her lips curving into a fond smile. "Well, would you look at that," she chuckled, her voice light and teasing. "Seems like you two are getting along just fine. Why don't you both sit down and have a nice chat over some of my homemade tea? I swear, it's the best you'll ever taste."

Vajk and Ronin made their way over to the kitchen table, settling into the chairs across from each other as Johnson's wife busied herself with preparing the tea. The aroma of freshly brewed leaves and subtle spices filled the air, warm and inviting.

As they waited, Vajk took a moment to study Ronin more closely. The boy was small for his age, with a slender build and delicate features that gave him an almost otherwordly quality. His reddish hair was tousled and unruly, falling into his eyes in a way that made him look even younger than he already was.

But it was Ronin's eyes that caught Vajk's attention the most. They were a striking hazel color, flecked with bits of green and gold that seemed to shift and change in the light. There was a depth to those eyes, a sense of wisdom and understanding that belied Ronin's young age.

"So," Vajk began, breaking the silence that had settled between them. "What do you like to do for fun around here?"

Ronin's eyes lit up at the question, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Oh, you know," he shrugged, his voice growing a little more confident. "I like to play video games, read comics, learn about pokémons, that sort of thing. Nothing too exciting, I guess."

Vajk grinned, leaning forward and resting his elbows on the table. "Hey, don't sell yourself short," he said, his tone conspiratorial. "Video games and comics can be plenty exciting... and yeah, I guess learning too... What's your favorite game at the moment?"

As Ronin began to enthusiastically describe his current gaming obsession, his eyes sparkling with excitement, Vajk couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity wash over him. The game, Pokénimals Ultra Star, sounded remarkably similar to the Pokémon games from his own world, albeit with a few key differences.

In Vajk's reality, Pokémon were fictional creatures, beloved by children and adults alike for their unique abilities and charming designs. But here, in this strange new world, it seemed that the concept had been adapted to feature real-life animals instead.

Vajk listened intently as Ronin rambled on about his favorite Pokénimals, his voice growing louder and more animated with each passing moment. There were creatures like the Swift Cheetah, with its lightning-fast speed and agility, and the Mighty Gorilla, with its immense strength and powerful punches. Each animal had its own unique set of moves and abilities, just like in Pokémon.

As Ronin spoke, his earlier shyness seemed to melt away, replaced by a vibrant enthusiasm that was infectious. Vajk found himself nodding along, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth as he watched the other boy's face light up with joy. Johnson's wife approached the table with a tray laden with steaming mugs of tea and a plate of freshly baked cookies.

"Here we are, boys," she announced, setting the tray down with a flourish. "Drink up while it's still hot, and don't forget to try the cookies. They're an old family recipe, passed down from my great-grandmother."

Vajk reached for one of the mugs, inhaling deeply as the fragrant steam wafted up to his nostrils. The tea was a rich amber color, with a subtle aroma of cinnamon and cloves that made his mouth water.

He took a cautious sip, letting the hot liquid roll over his tongue and down his throat. The flavor was exquisite, a perfect balance of sweetness and spice that seemed to warm him from the inside out. Vajk couldn't remember the last time he had tasted something so delicious.

Across the table, Ronin was dunking a cookie into his own mug of tea, a look of pure bliss on his face as he savored the combination of flavors. "Mom's right," he mumbled around a mouthful of crumbs. "These are the best cookies in the world."

Vajk laughed, reaching for a cookie of his own and taking a large bite. The texture was perfect, crisp on the outside and soft and chewy on the inside, with just the right amount of sweetness to complement the tea.

For the first time since arriving in this strange new world, Vajk felt a sense of belonging, a feeling of being welcomed and accepted. It was a foreign sensation, but not an unpleasant one.