
Tournament's End 4/4 Final!

Roy went to the back with the rest of the four last participants to pick his set of pokemon. He could see that one of the participants was shaking, this could be from being nervous.

"Same old same old, make your choice. This is half-time, so people are probably taking quick restroom breaks. You only have five minutes to pick a team, make it quick." The staff member gazed over the crate of Poke Balls before turning to leave.

The three other participants didn't waste time and randomly chose two Poke balls. Roy, on the other hand, looked carefully before picking two Poke balls.

"Alright, same as usual." After confirming with a staff member, Roy was pointed toward a room to check his pokemon.

Roy entered the room and, as usual, checked his pokemon by summoning them. He did this in front of an Admin staff member, who always overseers the pokemon inspection machine.

Once he summoned them, he found that it was a Persian and Venomoth.


<Species: Persian♀

<Type: Normal

<Level: 50

<Nature: Timid

<Aptitude: Shallow Green 🟢

<Ability: Limber

<Moves: Fake Out, Growl, Scratch, Pay Day, Bite, Taunt, Assurance, Fury Swipes, Screech, Slash, Nasty Plot, Shadow Ball[TM], Thunderbolt[TM], Icy Wind[TM],


<Species: Venomoth♀

<Type: Bug + Poison

<Level: 50

<Nature: Modest

<Aptitude: Shallow Green 🟢

<Ability: Tinted Lens

<Moves: Disable, Supersonic, Confusion, Poison Powder. Psybeam, Stun Spore, Mega Drain, Sleep Powder, Leech Life, Poison Fang, Zen Headbutt, Roost[TM], Protect[TM],


Roy sighed in relief, these were the pokemon he was trying to get. After using the inspection machine, he was sent back to the lobby. As soon as Roy arrived, they went to the battlefield immediately to start the last of this tournament's battles.

In a similar fashion, a man announced who would be fighting who. Troy had already signed his name on some papers to confirm everything for himself. This was for later when they were to go pick their first pokemon.

He was currently sitting in the audience with his mom and sister by this point.


Roy vs Paul

Ripley vs Weyland


Roy quickly got into position, while his opponent did so as well. Paul was a tall muscular youth, despite being fourteen, he was already around 6'1!

Paul had a short buzzcut hairstyle, he wore black boots and a black tank top with dark green and black camo pants. He had bronze-like skin, something that was clearly acquired due to being in the sun for too long.

Paul gazed at Roy sharply, his eyes filled with battle intent.

"Roy vs Paul, let the match begin!" The referee waved his flag with a smile.

"You two are up!"

"Come out!"

Roy's two pokemon appeared and so did Paul's, all at once. Paul summoned a Noctowl and Sunflora. Seeing these pokemon, Roy felt a bit of relief but he couldn't underestimate anyone or any pokemon

Roy quickly inspected them.


<Species: Noctowl♂

<Type: Normal + Flying

<Level: 50

<Nature: Sassy

<Aptitude: Shallow Green 🟢

<Ability: Insomnia

<Moves: Confusion, Reflect, Psycho Shift, Air Slash, Extrasensory, Take Down, Uproar, Roost, Moonblast, Hypnosis, Shadow Ball[TM], Hyper Beam[TM],


<Species: Sunflora♀

<Type: Grass

<Level: 50

<Nature: Calm

<Aptitude: Shallow Green 🟢

<Ability: Chlorophyll

<Moves: Growth, Endeavor, Synthesis, Seed Bomb, Tackle, Ingrain, Absorb, Mega Drain, Leech Seed, Razor Leaf, Worry Seed, Giga Drain, Bullet Seed, Petal Dance, Solar Beam, Double Edge, Sunny Day, Leaf Storm, Petal Blizzard, Grassy Terrain[TM],


There was no doubt that Noctowl was the biggest threat here, but he also had to be circumspect of Sunflora to some degree.

Sunflora basically learned all of its moves by the time it was 50 from what Roy could remember, this was Sunflora's whole learned-by-level move set!

Venomoth flapped its wings in place, waiting for its orders. Noctowl was standing on the ground waiting for its commands as well.

No one made a move right away, as everyone stared down one another.

"Go Noctowl, take to the air! Air Slash Venomoth; Sunflora, you use Sunny Day!" Paul suddenly tossed out a slew of orders.

"Don't even think about it! Venomoth dodge and use Disable on Sunflora! Persian, Thunderbolt that Noctowl!"

Noctowl took to the air when it suddenly flapped its wing hard—tearing through the void. An almost invisible slash tore through the air, but with Venomoth's good eyesight, it dodged.

Sunflora was in the midst of using Sunny Day—that's when Venomoth's piercing gaze ran over it. Its body quivered, it felt like the move it wanted to use had been sealed. The original smiley Sunflora, strangely frowned when it felt this.

Roy saw a strange image of a chain binding on Sunflora's chest for a second before disappearing. At that moment, strands of lightning struck out at Noctowl who quickly flew in another direction to avoid it.

Persian strafed the lightning, and it followed Noctowl for a short while.

"Go, Venomoth, use Stun Spore on Sunflora and Noctowl!" Paul was clearly trying to get a speed boost from the sun for his Sunflora, but how could Roy allow that? He would need to slow these two down to deal some real damage.

The scales on Venomoth's wings lit up and released a yellow cloud of spores.

"Run! Don't let that yellow cloud hit you! Noctowl, you use your wings to blow it away!" Paul hurriedly said.

Roy used the move Stun Spore recklessly because he could afford to do so. After all, Persian was immune to being paralyzed.

Sunflora ran as fast as could while avoiding the paralysis cloud. Noctowl kicked up some wind to blow the cloud away, which eventually worked.

"Now, attack Sunflora while it running! Hit it with a Slash, Persian!" Roy turned to the clumsy-looking Sunflora and grinned. This pokemon was wide open for an attack without the ability to evade.

Persian ran over, its eyes seemed to be smiling as well. It would appear that it understood just how much of a joke Sunflora was, as it gazed was filled with disdain for it.

"This pokemon is kinda arrogant, isn't it?"

"That's Persian for you, it has always been a graceful pokemon."

"Yeah, I saw some rich lady with one, you don't even want to look it in the eye, lest, you risk getting clawed in the face."

"What? This pokemon is too much!"

Many people were stunned when they understood how Persian operated. Some people were still quite scared of pokemon, but this was a small group of people.

Right as Persian was about to lash out at Sunflora, Paul ordered Noctowl to go on the attack.

"Hypnosis!" Paul ordered.

Persian looked up at Noctowl because it was coming to attack it.

"Don't look it in the eye, Persian!" Roy's expression changed.

However, it was too late, Persian couldn't help but look at Noctowl since it was coming right at it. This was its instincts, so it was hard to avoid. Persian also had no bond with Roy, so it didn't heed his orders fast enough.

Swirls appeared in Noctowl's eyes, they looked similar to the Rinnegan from Naruto—if Roy had to describe it. Roy only looked for a second and turned away, if he kept looking then he would risk falling asleep as well.

Persian collapsed mid-run on the ground and started rolling before kicking a small dust cloud. It had actually fallen asleep while running to attack Sunflora!

"Go! Help Persian, Venomoth, Psybeam!" Roy's eyes widened and said.

Venomoth quickly shot a laser from its mouth that surprisingly hit Noctowl on the back. This caused it to stumble mid-flight, but only for a second. Noctowl turned to Venomoth as its eyes glinted coldly, and without the order of its trainer Paul, it sent an Air Slash crushing toward Venomoth!

"Dodge!" Venomoth turned sideways and evaded the attack, but the wind from the attack knocked it off course.

"Seed Bomb, Sunflora!" Paul was originally stunned by Noctowl attacking without his command. However, he snapped out of it and ordered Sunflora to attack Venomoth, who was stumbling in the air!

"Noctowl, Hyper Beam that Persian, take it down!" Paul smiled coldly, victory was on the horizon from what he could see.

Noctowl immediately began to power up its strongest attack. Its mouth began to gather orange and black energy. Venomoth had been hit with Seed Bomb, as they exploded over it back.

This, however, did nothing to Venemoth since it was four times resistant to it. Technically, Venomoth could ignore Sunflora the whole fight if it wanted to.

"Go over to Persian while using Stun Spore! Guard in front of Persian with Protect, quickly!" Roy's expression was grave, he would surely lose if Persian was taken out.

"Uh, oh! Mr. Mimes, all you set the barriers to maximum!" The referee quickly commanded with a dark expression.

Venomoth's spores came upon both Sunflora and Noctowl, with neither of them being able to dodge. With this, both of them were paralyzed on the spot, but Noctowl wasn't striped by paralysis.

Hyper Beam was still charging, but it soon reached its max charge!

"Let's go! Blast'em!" Paul didn't mind his pokemon being paralyzed, as long as he could defeat this Persian, it was fine.


Suddenly, a blinding orange and black laser was launched. A series of wind imploded and kicked up, with the void itself splitting apart!

There was no way Persian could withstand this attack!


Venomoth quickly swept down and set up a protective barrier around itself in front of Persian. The Hyper Beam arrived in front of Venomoth and hit the protective shield.


What followed was a massive explosion, the area and anything in it was swept away. Persian was also sent flying from the attack. The earth shattered, and what followed next was a huge mushroom cloud that could be seen from all around the stadium,

This shocked everyone, including the trainers battling on the other battlefields.

"Keep those barriers strong!!" The referee roared.

The shockwaves shook the barriers, the Mr. Mime group appeared to be struggling but they manage to pull through in the end.

Everyone looked up in shock when they saw the huge mushroom cloud. There were a set of tremors that only lasted for about 10 seconds, so it was nothing compared to the earthquake from yesterday.

"My god, what happened?"

"That Noctowl just used Hyper Beam, I think I saw Venomoth take the blast."

"It took some time for Noctowl to charge that move, but in Master Cups, I've seen Dragonites and Tyranitars release Hyper Beams instantly with no charge timer."

Many people stated their opinion, this catastrophic attack had drawn everyone's gazes away from the other battle.

The dust began to slowly clear, it eventually revealed both parties. Noctowl had used too much energy and it landed on the ground shortly after to recharge itself.

By this point, Persian had awakened. Of course, how could it not awaken after being blown away by those shockwaves? Venomoth also emerged okay and ready to fight, it flapped its wings and took to the sky.

Persian approached slowly, it only remember gazing into Noctowl's eyes before everything went black. When Roy came to it, he saw that there was a huge crater in the middle of the battlefield.

As shocked as he was, Roy couldn't worry about this now.

"GO! Attack Noctowl with everything you have! Thunderbolt, Psybeam, and Icy Wind—beat him down!" Roy pointed at Noctowl and order his pokemon to attack.

Both Persian and Venomoth ganged up on Noctowl. They attacked it all together, but Noctowl had really good Sp. Defense so it was trying to endure.

Lightning, Psybeam, and Icy Wind struck down on Noctowl!


"Go, Sunflora, help Noctowl. Use Seed Bomb!" Right as Sunflora was about to attack, static jolted its body and its muscle shut down.

Persian and Venomoth kept attacking Noctowl with everything they had. They both Ignored Sunflora, especially Venomoth—who Sunflora posed no threat against.

"Damn it!" Paul gritted his teeth. He knew Hyper Beam was a high-risk high-reward move, but he didn't know Venomoth could move so fast.

Noctowl was finally done recharging itself before being ordered to get out of dodge of those attacks.

"Noctowl, use Roost!" He wanted to have Noctowl heal its wounds and then use Psycho Shift to give Venomoth Noctowl's paralyzed status.

Noctowl landed and was about to use Roost.

"Oh, no you don't! Use Taunt, Persian!" Persian gave a screeching meow toward Noctowl, effectively shutting any attempt to heal or set up anything down.


Right then, a green and yellow laser shot over toward Persian, who quickly jumped out of the way in surprise. The blast exploded when it landed on the ground behind Persian.

Roy looked over and saw that it was Sunflora, who had been charging up a Solarbeam. He sneered in his heart, he would continue to ignore this pokemon. Even if it gained speed from setting up Sunny Day, it would still be slower than Venomoth and Persian—with the paralysis.

Noctowl could no longer Roost up or Psycho Shift, it was also much slower than it was before. It was practically a sitting duck that couldn't do anything to fight back.

"Hehe, take him down, guys! Thunderbolt and Psybeam, let's go!" This was the best opportunity to defeat Noctowl.

Noctowl tried to fly away, but with the lightning current going through its body, it was too slow. It was quickly bombarded with attacks and knocked out of the air. Within seconds, it was defeated and fainted on the spot with a burned steamy smell coming from its body.

Next was Sunflora, it was even slower than Noctowl. Shadow balls and Poison Fang were enough to eventually take down Sunflora. It was completely walled by Venomoth, to begin with.

In the end, Roy was declared the victor.