An unfortunate accident struck Roy, which started his transmigration. In this world, he was reborn and renewed. Roy was born with a complete family, his father, mother, brother, and sister. Come along the journey with Roy as he Transcendes all obstacles in his way. Will he be a modest person in the world, or will cause mayhem on his way to the top?
Paul was aggravated, why did this Venomoth have to have Protect of all things? The game was practically in his hands if it didn't have this move. Protect was a move that cost a lot on the market.
In the games, it was cheap but the reality of the matter was much different. This was the same for other setup moves like Reflect and Swords Dance. The most expensive were weather and environment-changing moves like Sandstorm and Grassy Terrain.
Paul could only sigh in the end before shaking hands with Roy and saying. "We'll battle again when we've completed our teams or some time on our journey."
"I'll be waiting," Roy smirked and said.
With that, the battle concluded in Roy's favor. He went to the back as usual to pick a new set of pokemon. The battle between the other two was still ongoing, so he still had time to pick his pokemon.
Roy looked around the crate closely before his eyes lit up. He picked a Poke ball with a Pink and Dark blue aura around them. This dark blue aura was new, he hadn't seen it in the previous crates when he was picking his pokemon.
After confirming his pokemon, he check them to find that he had drawn a Clefable and a Dragonair.
'Good stuff!' In Roy's mind, there was simply no way he could lose with these two at his disposal. This was especially so with their outrageous move sets and very few weaknesses to counter the two.
After using the inspection machine, he was ready for his final battle. Roy's match came soon, his next opponent was Ripley.
Ripley had short pink hair and eyes, she wore a black short skirt with a jersey-like shirt. She wore black and pink stockings and was quite tall for girls her age, taller than Roy at least. Ripley gave off tomboyish vibes, her figure was just as good as that Adara girl from back then.
Roy had the mind of an adult, so he cleared his head of things as his conscience didn't allow him to have such bad thoughts. However, it was clearly noticeable, and he felt the need to point it out to himself.
'I'll wait until I'm grown anyway before I start thinking about those things.' Roy shook his head. He had been waiting for his opponent near the battlefield because his match ended before hers.
Once they were in position, they summoned their pokemon to battle. Ripley had a Magneton and Weezing for battle.
The battle commence, but once he inspected Ripley's pokemon, he smiled. Though, he was still cautious when it came to battling these pokemon—particularly Weezing.
The battle raged right off the bat, she was extremely aggressive as Roy had expected. Ripley frowned when she first saw Roy's pokemon, he had extremely rare pokemon. She knew right then that this battle was going to be tough.
Many people were shocked as well. Roy had managed to get the rare Clefable and Dragonair! If he lost this match with these pokemon, wouldn't he be thought of as a joke?
Clefable had Psychic while Dragonair had the move flamethrower and other elemental skills. Clefable was at the highest risk here, while the biggest threat here was Weezing.
With that, they attack Weezing. As you might guess, Weezing wasn't the fastest, it dodged Dragonair's Dragon Pulse, but it was hit with a Psychic blast. Magneton's focus was on Clefable, but she simply ran away from Magneton to avoid confronting it.
"Why are you running?!" Ripley was furious, Roy was having his pokemon run circles around Magneton while they were beating down on Weezing.
Magneton was too slow with its plus special attack and minus speed nature. Usually, it was faster than Clefable, but this time it wasn't.
Eventually, Weezing was defeated before Clefable and Dragonair ganged up on Magneton and destroyed it.
"Dang, it! Roy, you're despicable!" Ripley's pointed at Roy with gritted teeth, her hand appeared to be trembling from anger.
"......" Roy could only hold his hand up in a 'I don't know gesture', it was indeed somewhat despicable, but that was how doubles were played sometime.
In any case, Roy could truly care less about how despicable it was. At the end of the day, he won the match and entered the top five!
"Yeah!" Troy jumped out of his seat and clenched his fist in the air
"He did it!" Diana's eyes brightened with elation.
"That's my boy!" Diane smiled and her heart finally settled.
Once the match ended, the head of staff spoke to him privately before going to speak to Ripley privately. Ripley continued to glare at Roy and would occasionally harrumph or sniffle her nose at him.
This girl was quite tall, she must have been around 5'10 to 5'11! She was extremely fit, but Roy found out later that she came from Cianwood City. However, she was staying in New Bark Town with her grandparents for the time being.
After talking to the head staff member about the next set of instructions, he left to go home. Weyland and Paul had to fight for seventh place, and in the end, Paul ended up winning and coming in seventh place.
Once they reached the house, they found that their dad would be home in an hour. He was getting off work today, so Roy's mom happily went to the kitchen to start cooking.
"Roy that was amazing, I'm so glad you won! Thank goodness!" Diana was so happy that her whole family got such good placements, she congratulated Roy. She talked about it the whole way home, she was simply too excited.
"Thanks, I was worried at first but I managed to pull through in the end." Roy laughed and said.
"Yeah, congratulations. I can't wait for us to finally get our prizes and then start our journey." Troy chuckled and patted Roy on the back.
"Congratulations to you as well, you managed to get third place in the tournament; that's crazy." Roy was stunned when he saw Troy acquire this placement, it was too surprising.
"Hehe, it was luck, just luck." Troy rubbed his chin and grinned, trying to act modest.
"Ah, whatever, you're gloating, hmph!" Diana saw through Troy's act.
"Ahem, I don't know what you're talking about, but we all managed to do well. I hope we have amazing lives forever and forever." Troy put his arms around Roy and Diana and hugged them both with a wide smile.
Troy was truly happy for himself and his family. An hour and a half later, Roy's father came home and heard the news from his wife.
Royce was overwhelmed with joy, it was a good thing he dropped by the supermarket to grab some cake and ice cream.
The roasted Farfetch'd was still cooking in the oven while they were talking about their future.
"What happens from here, how do they plan to give you guys your rewards?" Royce was curious and asked.
"They will send us a letter in the mail on where we should go to receive our rewards. It should come in through the mail in 2-3 days."
Roy went on to explain that they would also tell them the date on which they could pick up their rewards. This meant choosing their starter and all before their journey began.
Roy and his siblings had to wait until they were fifteen before starting their journey. They would also make them wait until they had come of age before giving them their rewards.
"Oh, this is perfect! I'm curious about what pokemon you guys will pick." Royce wondered what their taste in pokemon was.
Afterward, they continued to talk about pokemon. Roy finally told Diana about the location of Mareep, and which route to find them on. She was stunned at first but she smiled right after, Roy mention that there was possibly a horde over there.
This was the best opportunity and way to take down the first Gym Leader.
Eventually, it was time to eat. Diana and Royce also fed their pokemon with some flavorful pokemon poffins. Everyone laughed and talked together, his parent relayed their time as kids and their first pokemon encounter.
Diane also talked about the many danger zones in Kanto, particularly Cerulean Cave. This was the most dangerous area in Kanto, it might even be the most dangerous place on the continent. This meant even amongst the locations in Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh.
The pokemon in Cerulean Cave were terrifying, the number of fatalities each year was in the thousands!
"Cerulean Cave, huh?" Roy really wanted to be born in the Kanto region, but being born in Johto was fine.
Despite Johto being his least favorite among the four regions on this continent, it was the closest to Kanto.
Afterward, everyone enjoyed some cake and ice cream after eating some oven-baked Farfetched. The day went by fairly quickly, he spent the rest of his time reading some books about other regions. around the world
"I'll need to visit that island west of Cherrygrove City, this island wasn't in the game but it's in this world."
From what Roy read, this island was called Castaway Island. It was an hour away from Cherrygrove City, and one could take a small ferry ship to get there.
At the docking area, they handed out a small manuscript with information about the island. This meant the pokemon that inhabited the island. Roy's mission was to literally catch them all and add them to his Pokedex.
At least, one of his mission.
"Once I get my license, I'll understand more things about this world." Roy sat back in his chair before standing up to undress, he was going to go to sleep now. He felt like he lost sleep anyway from waking up so early in the morning—something he hated doing.
Time passed in a flash and many months went by in a blink of an eye.
By this point, Roy and his siblings had already received their letters on where they should go to receive their rewards.
The date and time were written in these letters, this meant the rewards the individual was privileged to because of his or her's placement in the tournament.
The day was close at hand!