
Pokemon: Trainer's Story

Tye Septem is a new up-and-coming Pokemon Trainer that starts his Kanto Journey by going to the prestigious Pokemon Technical Institute. --------- Updates: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. English first language, but I can barely speak it, First Fanfiction as well. Never played any Pokemon games before.

Alcem · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 14

"At that end of the first round, 64 participants have been eliminated, some leaving in heated emotions, some even being escorted out by security, there are 64 participants left, stay tuned for the second round."

As the commentator finished speaking and the camera panned over the disqualified participants, Mother Septem swallowed another spoonful of ice cream from one of the 6 containers at her side.

'This is fantastic, I must buy more,'

She thought as she took a larger spoonful and ate it, in her amusement, she looked at the TV screen that was showing who passed through to the second round, that when she saw a long green hair completely covering a student around the back of the area.

'He managed to pass, was he lucky, or go up against someone tough, I wonder what Pokemon he has, did he go for that Azurill he said he would, hope Lancelot is doing well, did he catch a Pidgey, one can never have too many Pidgeys, how are his grades, hope he isn't slacking on them from Pokemon training, too many tutors went into him to fail because of some distraction.'

As she continued eating, she suddenly held her head as she silently screamed in pain of a brain freeze.


'Alright, next battle, after this, two more rounds left.'

The thought of fighting in a real Pokemon battle excited him to no end, he never had a battle before or seen a battle in real life, only through the TV or his phone did he ever see a Pokemon battle.

{Pick Your Pokemon To Start}

Seeing the opponent had 2 Pokemon this time, He decided to have Bedivere start, recognizing that Bedivere had more coverage of types than Lancelot.

{The Opponent sent out Diglett - Level 21}

{Azumarill has been trapped by Arena Trap}

{Diglett used Bulldoze/ -18% HP}

{Azumarill's Speed has been lowered}

{Azumarill used Aqua Tail - 100% HP}

{Diglett has fainted}

'Should be switched from the beginning, what's the point of a team if you use each Pokemon individually.'

{The Opponent sent out Jolteon - Level 25}

'A Jolteon, once Diglett has been sent out, Bedivere was affected with Arena Trap, making it so he can't switch out, making it basically a free switch with minimal chip damage or at least a 4th of its HP'

Tye was perplexed at the choices of his opponent.

{Jolteon used Thunder Shock/ 38% HP}

{Azumarill used Aqua Ring}

{Azumarill has been healed}

{Azumarill has been recalled}

{Riolu - Level 26 has been sent out}

{Jolteon used Thunder Shock - 43% HP}

{Riolu has been healed}

{Jolteon used Thunder Shock - 43% HP}

{Riolu used Circle Throw - 48% HP}

{Riolu used Quick Attack - 22% HP}

{Jolteon used Thunder Shock - Riolu fainted}

'Azumarill is free to take it out now.'

{Azumarill - level 27 has been sent out}

{Jolteon used Thunder Shock - 38% HP)

{Azumarill has been Paralyzed}

{Azumarill used Aqua Tail - Jolteon Fainted}

{You Have Won!}


After fighting for one more round, there were 16 participants left, and 16 participants ready for the second half of the tournament.

As they've been given an hour break, Tye has been sleeping to rid himself of the constant headache he had since he woke up.


"Ahhh..." Tye stretched as he got up from the table, carefully flexing his muscles and bones.

'That was a nice nap, should be about the time it starts now.'

As he left the room he found around the back of the Chapel, he noticed a crowd of reporters and cameramen talking to the various students that will be in the second half, as the tournament was about to start, they were wrapping everything up as they head towards the main area.

As they reached the Chapel, it was certainly changed, the simulation machines that span almost a third of the Chapel were now removed, in favor of two large battlefields that were surrounded by stands.

The director along with school staff was sitting on the left-most chairs that were beside the exit while cameras were set up around the battlefields.

The students were seated along the stands and chatter could be heard from them, a scoreboard was set up where the usual stage would be.

----------(9:31 AM)

"The battles are in a 3 vs 3 formats, switched allowed, no items allowed, and a dedicated healing center is provided on the side with Nurse Joy."

The referee listed off the rules as the projector changed to a tournament bracket chart, and showed the first pairing,

"The first match shall be, Lori Haynes vs Kathy Lambert."

Excitement shimmered through the crowd of students, and several teachers actively perked up as well, but the ones out of the loop of who these two were, were the TV crew and Tye himself.

"This is about to be a good match."

"Lori got Kathy beat at any time of the week, Kathy stands no chance,"

"Two outstanding students for the first match."

"Those two manage to fortunately pass."

As the two contestants walked to the stage, one was a tall girl with braided purple hair and sharp features, the other with straight long blond hair, a pointed nose, and smooth features.

"Ready?" The referee called out, the one with purple hair who was Lori responded with a nod, other Kathy responded with, "Yeah."

"May the battle begin!"

Lori threw out her Pokeball in an extravagant manner and called out,

"Go Rattata!"

while Kathy simply held it out as it opened.

"Ready to battle Marill."

As both Pokemon took the field, they both stared each other down, the other waiting for an attack,

"Rattata use Quick Attack!"

"Dodge it and use Bubble Beam."

As Marill attempted to dodge the speeding Rattata by moving to the side, it wasn't nearly fast enough for that to happen as Marill took a direct hit and slid back from the hit.

"Marill use Bubble beam."

"Rattats use Focus Energy!"

As the bubbles shot forward, Rattata took the hit and shrugged it off as the focused.

"Now, Use Bit attack!"

Before Kathy could give an order, Rattata bit down hard on Marill as it screamed in pain, it attempted to shake Rattata off but it was of no use, it was at this point in time the previous focus came into use and Rattata slightly glowed a brownish color as a small explosion took place.

The smoke cleared to reveal Marill on the ground completely passed out.

"Marill Fainted!"

"Trainer Kathy has two Pokemon left!"