
Pokemon: Trainer's Story

Tye Septem is a new up-and-coming Pokemon Trainer that starts his Kanto Journey by going to the prestigious Pokemon Technical Institute. --------- Updates: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. English first language, but I can barely speak it, First Fanfiction as well. Never played any Pokemon games before.

Alcem · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 13

"Open up!" the person shouted as they excessively banged on the only closed door in the hallway, after a few minuted of waiting, the door opened to Tye who was still in his sleepwear of just white short shorts.

"Who are you, what do you want?" He demanded, his voice sounding deeper than usual, the boy was knocking but didn't care.

"The tournament starts in 10 minutes, you are the only one not there yet" He was twitching in his place as Tye looked at him with a deadpan expression.

"The tournament is tomorrow, anyways you didn't tell me who you are, "

"Ah sorry, My is Daniel Wills, I'm this floor's overlooker, and the tournament is today, the announcement was made two days ago, and another news was made an hour ago saying the tournament was today."

"If you don't believe me you can check your Dex."

Tye who held the same expression muttered, "What the hell is a floor overlooker, where did that even come from..."

"You know I can hear you right." The boy said with his palm in the air,

"I'll check, ifs it is going on I'll be there." Tye didn't wait for a response before closing the door.


As the door closed behind him, Tye transmuted his Aura into a cleaning substance and completely cleanses him.

'Today, that doesn't make any sense, it was announced yesterday, on April 14, so it's April 15 now, and the Director said two days, something is going on, I'm just gonna follow along until I can find some clues about this."

After he checked the Pokemon, there was indeed an announcement about the tournament being today at 5 AM, it is currently April 15, 4:50 AM.

'I don't know the dress code, so I'll just wear the uniform.'

As he puts on his uniform, he quickly ate a snack, got Lancelot and Bedivere's Pokeballs, and headed out the door.

-------------(Pokemon Tech Chapel 5: AM)

As he enters the Chapel, he came to see dozens of Simulation machines to the side, while several large arenas were constructed, Audience stands were also brought inside as the stand was moved outside.

Dozens of students could be seen standing to one side as several cameras crews and several well-dressed men and women stand around them.

Looking at this scene, Tye would have thought that this entire thing was planned out months in advance, but it was made up just yesterday, in his own mind, it was like things were reversed.

After looking over everything, he joined the group of students that were talking with the Director.


"Is everyone doing alright, I know we did start a bit early but due to several circumstances such a stand will only be natural."

"For the first section of this tournament, we will be having simulation battles, for the second half of the tournament it will be 3 vs 3 Pokemon Battles, for those who don't have 3 Pokemon will be able to still compete but with just 1 or 2 Pokemon vs your opponent who may have 3."

"For the Simulation battles, 3 vs 3, only 16 of you can pass, you will be assigned a machine based on your Class and Seat Number, and there will be several rounds until 16 of you are left for the second half, unfortunately, this would not have worked with the 137 students in the beginner class, but 9 students decided to forfeit their right to participate, leaving 128 students here."

"Ready, let's officially begin the Pokemon Tech Beginner Tournament!"

After he said those words, the students found their assigned machines rather easily and got set up for the first round, some were nervously sweating, some were smiling, and some were praying, but one thing was sure, they were all wanting to win.

After the first round was started, Tye was placed against a random student, by the name Conner Seeder with a single Pokemon.

'Only one Pokemon, it's been 2 weeks since we got out starters, and most students already have at least 3 to 6 Pokemon already, I know I'm different since I'm focused on teaching these two Nen, and the Pokemon I would want are not around the Academy.'

'Maybe it's a special reason, or he completely focused on training his one,"

After thinking things through, he decided to send out Bedivere first, selecting this choice, the battle instantly started.

As the opponent sprite appears, Tye's surprise has his main emotion.

{The Opponent sent out Poliwarth}

Seeing the opponent, Tye now understood why there was only one Pokemon, it takes a lot of effort for a Pokemon to reach a level where they evolve, another factor could be the expensive water stone used.

With a few mental calculations, he knew that if this Poliwrath has a focus punch, it could 1 on hit knock out Bedivere, with a low roll in damage, it could do around 80% to 90%.

'It's a low chance for Bedivere to one hit Poliwrath, maybe if I use Aqua Ring I could heal Lancelot, no it does too much damage for that, if it has swift swim, it could go for rain dance and take out Lancelot, or maybe it has water absorb, or Damp, a bounce wouldn't do much anyway with Same type attack bonus.'

He looked to see that there were 2 minutes left of the turn.

'Play Rough to get it into 1-hit range with a quick attack, since bullet punch won't be effective to Poliwrath.'

After selecting Play Rough, the turn began.

{Poliwrath used Belly Drum}

{Poliwrath loses 50% of its HP}

{Poliwrath maxed out its ATK}

"What, Belly Drum, why that's basically suicide vs something that super effect, especially Azumarill since its Fairy Type that learns Play Rough early,"

{Azumarill used Play Rough}

{Poliwrath fainted}

{You have won!}

Tye was in dazed, looking at the screen blankly as the congratulation screen patronized him.

'This is utter bullshit, one poor decision basically turned the game from incredibly close to instantly winning, which dumbass is the trainer here.'






The boy who just faced Tye in a battle was screaming and shouting as security dragged him out of the Chapel.