
Pokemon: Trainer's Story

Tye Septem is a new up-and-coming Pokemon Trainer that starts his Kanto Journey by going to the prestigious Pokemon Technical Institute. --------- Updates: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. English first language, but I can barely speak it, First Fanfiction as well. Never played any Pokemon games before.

Alcem · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 12

(A/N: Early Chapter, will be busy Wednesday)

As the light from Bedivere's evolved faded away and Lancelot gained his bearings, they stood on either side of the field as Tye stood in the middle.

Tye looked on both sides as he had a smile of satisfaction, after almost 6 hours of hard work he managed to cause a change in his two Pokemon, with the sensation of death, one realizes their own mortality and the very essence of striving to stay alive, this is the realization that these two have undergone, with Lancelot it is similar to standard, while Bedivere's caused his own evolution and spontaneous learning of a move.

He looked over to his watch as it was minutes to 6,

"This is the last round."

His words held a carried weight to the two of them as they prepared to attack, Lancelot crouched down as his entire body glowed silver while his legs slightly shimmered a metallic silver.

He charged forward while Bedivere stayed at his spot content on observing what was going to happen.

As Lancelot dashed forward, his entire body suddenly changed direction as he went in a straight line and maneuvered behind Tye as readied a swift roundhouse kick to his side.

As the kick approached Tye he turned to block it but Lancelot stopped the kick and dashed to the left as he traced Lancelot's movement Bedivere appeared at his side as water filled his vision.

He jumped away as Lancelot used this chance to attack, first it was a back kick that landed in Tye's crossed arms that acted guard, and then used the force from the back kick to spin into another round kick and finally his palms glowed a solid white and slammed it into Tye's forearms.

As Lancelot finished the combo hit the metallic silver glow around his legs dimmed as he took a punch to the face, as he tried to stand his ground but he didn't have the core strength to keep up.

As he kept slipping down, he relented his stance and sent a straight punch but as usual, caught in midswing as he was used as a bat to knock Bedivere out of the air.

Lancelot landed with a thud on the ground as he struggled to get up, Bedivere shook off the hit perfectly he swung his aqua tail which Tye stepped back to dodge, Bedivere kept on using Aqua Tail as water left over from each attack built up as in a final swing all the water that was flying about collect around his tail in a rotating current.

Using the momentum of the current and his own physical strength, Bedivere slammed the attack which Tye put up his forearms which were used to block, but instead of shrugging it off, as usual, he was sent stumbling back.

As he was unguarded, Lancelot came rushing in glowing with Quick Attack as he readied himself to use a bullet punch, his fist flew with newfound purpose towards Tye's chest intended to land a solid hit.

But instead of taking the attack, Tye chose to fall into a backward roll as both Bedivere and Lancelot rushed toward Tye in an attempt to attack.

As they drew closer Tye shot out his legs towards Bedivere's position hitting him straight in the head, as Bedivere was kicked back Lancelot closed in, using the ground as an anchor, Tye dug his feet into the ground and swung himself away.

As Bedivere landed on the ground, Tye ran to him, Bedivere seeing this got ready to use Play Rough, as he punched forwards Tye flipped over him and grabbed him by the head and slamming him to the ground with his whole body weight, instantly knocked him out.

Satisfied with his work, Tye rushed towards Lancelot who was running towards him, appearing right behind him, Lancelot was hit with a back kick to the head and was shot forward headfirst into the ground, as he landed he faded into consciousness.

Tye looked to the horizon to see it was night, the sun has fully set.

------------------- (Pokemon Tech - Pokemon Center)

Nurse Joy looked at the clock on the wall as she sighed, it has been a slow day for the Pokecenter, most of the students that would come by at any time in the day were nowhere to be seen.

She has been sitting at the front desk for hours without stopping, and by now she was afraid if she stood up she'll topple over from a lazy leg.


The Chansey beside her shared the same sentiment, although it would be in poor taste and unethical to wish for someone's Pokemon to be injured and in need of medical assistance, it was all they wished for at the moment.

But luckily for them, it was almost time for the shift change, there was the World Coronation Series going on at the moment, and she would love to catch up on all the battles she missed during the day, too bad there were cameras littered throughout the Pokemon Center so she can't take her phone out and start watching, or she'll get in trouble.

A yawn escaped Nurse Joy as she stretched in his chair, not long after Chansey did the same, as they stared out into space as the chimes suddenly rang.

Nurse Joy jumped in surprise as the weight sensor sliding doors opened to reveal a boy that looked younger than 10 years old, he had long green hair that's grown the ground or it would have touched the ground if it wasn't tied at the end, and similar green eyes, he wore a robe like clothes that seem to be in pristine condition, overall he would look like a person ready for a day or night out, but the image was broken by the copious amount of sweat pouring from him, so much so that each step he made left a small puddle on the ground.

"Tch, I should have worn something airable,"

She heard him quietly say to himself as walked up to the front desk, realizing what was going on she gained her bearings and greeted him.

"Welcome to the Pokemon Center, would you like to heal your Pokemon?"

"Yes, I would like it, can you do a full check-up as well, they've had a rough day."

"Of course, I'll take your Pokemon for a few minutes then, but if you like to have a full check-up, it would take quite a long time."

If she was being honest with herself, she was happy he asked for a full check, it has been hours since the last visit.

"No problem, I'll wait in the waiting room then."

She took the two normal Pokeballs, placed them on a tray, and carried them to the back, as she set up the revival healing machine, she placed the Pokeballs in the Pokeball holders as they Pokemon appeared on the screen.

Once she saw the condition of these two Pokemon, she couldn't help but utter something that would go against the code of Nurse Joy, rule 3, no profanities.

"What the fuck is this?"