
Pokemon: Trainer's Story

Tye Septem is a new up-and-coming Pokemon Trainer that starts his Kanto Journey by going to the prestigious Pokemon Technical Institute. --------- Updates: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. English first language, but I can barely speak it, First Fanfiction as well. Never played any Pokemon games before.

Alcem · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 11

Pain, the pain was all that Bedivere felt as the leg of his trainer strike his side, his body converged around the leg as he was launched several feet away while bouncing and skipping along the ground.

As he lay there on the ground, he instantly tried to move having been kicked like this countless times over the past 5 hours, he was used to it but that doesn't mean he can ignore it.

As he tried to get up, he felt something crack in his side before he lifelessly fell to the ground, as he tried to take a deep breath all he could do was choke and cough as his lungs felt like they were on fire, being torched from the inside out.

'No, no no no no no, breathe breathe.'

As he willed himself to breathe, his choking and coughing became worse as he started to lose consciousness and tears started to well in his eyes.

'I can't breathe, I can feel my own life burning up...'

'My consciousness is fa...'

The world around him went dark it was slowly fading out until it became pitch black until blue-colored light started to fade into his vision.

The sound of something crashing against water came from everywhere, the sound of bubbles vibrated through his body, and he felt pressure as he was sinking down into the depths.

'I'm in water?'

'why can't I breathe?'

'I should be able to breathe in water!'

Before he could comprehend what was happening his vision suddenly changed as he was high above a river and something that looked like a Marill was behind him in the sky, they landed as Bedivere crashed into the ground and the Marill safely bounced onto its tail.

The sound of laughter could be heard when Bedivere landed, "The loser couldn't even land properly!"

"Haha haha!"

Bedivere trembled as he heard the laughter, it remembered him of something unpleasant, he instinctively was about to clutch his fist in anger but he soon found out something that shocked him to the very core.

His arms were gone, they weren't replaced with stubs, they just weren't there, as he tried to walk, he felt so much lighter than before, and the world felt so much bigger as well.

'Have an un-evolved, devolved?'

'No, this can't be happening, it's impossible, it has to be!'

As he stood up, he felt his feet struggling to hold, he turned around to see who was laughing, but what he saw made his stomach fall to the bottom of his feet.

The Marills and Azumarills he lived before he was captured, as he shook his head in denial he ran away as the scene stretched out into blurry lines as appeared back into a similar area.

"Come on loser, use Aqua Jet and get up here."

The Azumarill he saw from before said, Bedivere was standing below a cliff as the Azumarill was on top of it, water could be seen splattered on the ground but around it was very dry.

As Bedivere involuntarily moved, he jumped and jumped, and kept jumping for the next 20 minutes, by this point the Azumarill at top of the cliff has already moved away, but he still kept jumping.

'Stop, please...'

But he still kept jumping in place,

'I don't do this anymore...'

Even with his desperate pleas, his body still keep jumping up, sometimes it would spew out water as in to mimic Aqua Jet, but it never came.

'I'd rather die...'

As soon as Bedivere had that though, his vision faded to black and he was right back at the beginning, underwater.

And once again he was saved and landed flat on his stomach on the ground, and once again he found himself underwater.

The Countless times was he underwater, the countless times he was land, and then a change happened, the laughter and jeering began.

By this point, Bedivere was at his worst, and all he wanted to do was erase this Azumarill from existence.

In his anger, Bedivere found himself desperate,

'Move, move, move, I command you to move, I WILL KILL HIM!'

As his anger reached a boiling point, his body started to twitch, violently, after a couple of seconds, he could barely crawl, but that was all he needed as he desperately crawled over to the Azumarill, as he lift his head up.

The scene changed again, it was that of the dorm room, it was late at night after his Nen training, and too tired to return to his Pokeball, he slept in the same bed as his trainer.

As he shifted in the bed, he opened his eyes and saw Lancelot Meditating on the ground, he meditated every time he woke up in the night, after his unfortunate nightmares.

As he thought about what just happened, tears began forming in his eyes as it leaks all over the sheets, he almost began sobbing as a hand landed on his.

The tears seemed to pause as he felt something warm covering him, he looked up to see Tye's hand rubbing just between his ears.

It was at that point a bright blue light covered his vision.

The scene changed once again, but it was something of slight comfort, it was that of the battlefield, his body changed back to that of a Marill, and the familiar feeling of arms returned back to him.

He was overjoyed, but his anger didn't settle, as he forced himself to stand, he felt something different.

The energy he never had before, felt so energetic that he began twitching in place, water burst from him as it naturally formed a ring, and as the ring pulsed, the feeling of pain faded and subsided.

As he looked towards the horizon, the sun was barely popping out, and a bright blue light covered his vision.

"This is the last round."


It was minutes to 6 PM as she was ready to go to bed, it was a hectic day, the simulation rooms were filled all day as the beginner classes were canceled for a tournament, similarly, the various fields were also filled with students as she couldn't get any practice done.

So she decided to call an early night and wake up early the next morning, as she covered herself with the sheets and turned off the lights, she suddenly felt a shiver down her spine as he jumped out of bed and got into a fighting stance.

"Whose there!"

As she didn't sense anyone around her room, she looked out the window to see two people's Aura blazing out.

"What the hell is going on?!"


(A/N: This part was planned to be the end of the day as a whole, I don't know why it came out so long, I wanted it to be 300 to 500 words long, but instead it's longer than the usual chapters.)