
Pokemon The Strongest Pokemon Winner in History

Follow this reincarnated boy on his adventure across the Pokemon World. WARNING Thew are tons mistakes that are not fixed. Original Writer is God of Water I don't own anything and this.

xyzsaber · Anime & Comics
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142 Chs

Chapter 111 : Challenge Giovanni again!

Chapter 111 Challenge Giovanni again!

In the early morning of the next day, Wu You was taking Pokémon for training, and Garchomp was also brought over by Cynthia.

Because of the long absence, Garchomp looked at Wu You with excitement, and Latias threw directly into Wu You's arms, rubbing his head against Wu You's face.

What happened last night also came to an end, Lorelei and Sabrina said that they were temporarily succumbing to Cynthia.

Sabrina actually doesn't care about the main palace at all, as long as she is with Wu You, she is satisfied~.

Lorelei felt that he had planned to beat his younger brother from the beginning, and now it is too unkind to compete with Cynthia for the seat of the palace.

As for Wu You himself, he was happy in his heart, but he couldn't show it when he was happy, otherwise he would definitely be cleaned up by _.

After all, sharing your beloved with others is definitely uncomfortable in my heart. If Wu You looks happy again, it will be dead.

"Garchomp, let's challenge Viridian Gym again!" Wu You said while looking at Garchomp.

Garchomp was stunned when he heard the words, and there was a sense of war in his eyes, and he nodded sharply at Wu You.

Although he has already received the green badge of Viridian Gym, Wu You still wants to fight again with Garchomp.

It's better to let Garchomp and Giovanni's Nidoqueen play another game. I lost to Giovanni's Nidoqueen. Garchomp should still remember it now!

At this time, Garchomp broke through to the Champion Intermediate level and played a game with Giovanni's Nidoqueen. It was not without a chance to win, but the winning rate was very small, probably 30%!

This 30% winning rate may be a little too high!

"We will leave in the afternoon and head to Viridian City."

After training for Pokémon all morning, Wu You went back to have lunch.

"I don't have a sense of time. If you don't come back, I will call you." Cynthia looked at Wu You and said.

"Didn't I already come back! By the way, let's go to Viridian City in the afternoon!"

"Go to Viridian City? Wu You, haven't you already traveled?" Xiaoxue asked suspiciously.

"I want to challenge Gym again."

Seeing the suspicious eyes of the girls, Wu You said softly: "When I challenged Viridian Gym, Garchomp was beaten badly. This is Garchomp's revenge battle!"

"It turns out that Giovanni Leader is indeed very powerful, and the rumors of his strength are unfathomable. If he wants to become the Champion of the Kanto Region, he is not without this strength." Lorelei said.

"If Giovanni really becomes the Champion of the Kanto Region, it will be really lively." Wu You had an inexplicable smile on his face.

"Why?" Lorelei asked puzzled.

"If I say Giovanni is the boss of Team Rockets, do you believe it?"

Lorelei was stunned when he heard the words, then nodded.

"If someone else said it, I would definitely not believe it. After all, Giovanni Leader is a well-known philanthropist, but since Wu You said it, then I definitely believe it."

"I didn't expect Sister Lorelei to believe me so much, she was really touched!" Wu You said, hugging Lorelei with an open hand.

"Ahem~!" Cynthia gave a light cough.

"Cynthia, are you catching a cold? I have a special medicine for colds." Lorelei looked at Cynthia with a smile on his face.

"Do you two think I don't exist?" Cynthia said angrily, hugging her in front of the palace.

Wu You touched his nose, seeming to be a little overwhelmed.

"I didn't expect that Giovanni would be the boss of Team Rockets." Lorelei chose to change the subject.

"Indeed, I didn't expect that the leader of your evil organization in the Kanto Region was so arrogant and dared to show up publicly. The key is that you haven't found it yet." Cynthia laughed.

"Based on what Giovanni did before, no one knows that he will be the leader of Team Rockets, and even if he knows that he is the leader of Team Rockets, it seems to have nothing to do with him." Lorelei said.

Giovanni's influence in Kanto and Johto Region is too great and will affect his whole body. Even if he knows that Giovanni is the leader of Team Rockets, he can't do anything to him, otherwise it will cause great turmoil.

"Now I don't know whether to report to the Alliance or not." Lorelei said entangledly.

"In fact, the league also has doubts about Giovanni. After all, Giovanni is so powerful that it is impossible for the league to not pay attention to him."

"Don't think about it, it doesn't matter to us, as long as Giovanni doesn't come to provoke us, let him fight the alliance!" Wu You said with a smile.

But if Giovanni dares to provoke him, Wu You doesn't mind destroying Team Rockets.

Although the power of Team Rockets is great, in front of Wu You's sacred beast, it is just like paper.

Although there are a lot of black technologies in the Pokémon world, using technology to deal with the beasts will not be as easy to subdue the beasts as in the original book.

I boarded the plane directly in this city, headed towards Viridian City, and reached Viridian City in more than half an hour.

··· ·Look for flowers········

When I came to Viridian City, I was still looking for time, it was only after two o'clock in the afternoon, so Wu You and the others came directly to Giovanni's Gym.

Giovanni looked at Wu You, Cynthia, and Lorelei, his eyes flickered, and then smiled and said, "Isn't this Wu You! Why are you here again, won't you come to challenge my Gym again?"

"Yes, Giovanni Leader, I'm here to challenge Gym again, don't you know if it's okay?" Wu You asked with a chuckle.

"You have already got the green badge, why do you want to challenge Gym?" Giovanni asked suspiciously.

"There is no rule, you can't challenge Gym if you get the badge!"

"Well, since there are challengers, I will naturally not refuse." Giovanni smiled and responded.

.. .... ...

"Looking at his amiable smile, I really don't think he is the boss of Team Rockets." Sundae whispered to Lorelei.

"Who would have thought of it!" Lorelei shook his head. It is estimated that the whole Kanto people will find it difficult to accept it!

"This time we will have a six-to-six decisive battle. I wonder what you think?" Giovanni asked Wu You.

"no problem!"

"Then follow me to other places! I'm afraid we can't stand our fight here." Giovanni said.

Wu You nodded and followed Giovanni to leave the Viridian Gym and into the Viridian Forest. In the Viridian Forest, there is a big battle field, which was built by Giovanni.

The headquarters of Team Rockets is also hidden in the Viridian forest.

After all, the Viridian forest is very large, and what you do in it will not attract much attention. It is more suitable for a base than an overseas island.

"Go! Golem!"

Looking at Giovanni's Golem, Wu You's eyes flickered, and Giovanni actually used a Champion Pokémon when he came up.

This Golem has the primary strength of Champion.

"The first battle will be given to Aerodactyl." Wu You released Aerodactyl. His Aerodactyl is stronger than Golem.

However, the owner of Golem is Giovanni, so be careful and never underestimate the enemy.

"Very good Aerodactyl, this aura makes me feel shocked!" Giovanni looked at Aerodactyl flying in the sky and exclaimed.

This Aerodactyl should be Wu You's new Pokémon! Giovanni envied the luck to be able to subdue such a powerful Pokémon.