
Pokemon The Strongest Pokemon Winner in History

Follow this reincarnated boy on his adventure across the Pokemon World. WARNING Thew are tons mistakes that are not fixed. Original Writer is God of Water I don't own anything and this.

xyzsaber · Anime & Comics
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142 Chs

Chapter 110 :Tong Yanghu Wu You?

Chapter 110: Child Raising Husband Wu You?

When they arrived in a city, it was getting late, Wu You and the others found a hotel to stay.

During this period, Cynthia kept holding Wu You's arm, while Lorelei and Sabrina kept staring at Wu You with dangerous eyes.

Coupled with the bitter eyes of Xiaoxue and Sundae, Wu You has an urge to die.

Fortunately, after arriving in the hotel's luxurious suite, Cynthia finally let go of Wu You, and Lorelei and Sabrina's dangerous eyes were finally withdrawn.

Sitting on the sofa, Hina went to prepare dinner, Koyuki went to help, and Sundae slipped into one of the bedrooms to study.

Wu You, Cynthia, Lorelei, and Sabrina were sitting on the sofa. The eyes of the three women were always on Wu You, making Wu You feel like sitting on pins and needles.

"Don't keep staring at me, is it okay? Am I good-looking?" Wu You finally couldn't help it.

"It's very beautiful, I remember when I first saw Wu You, I thought Wu You was cute and wanted to hold it in my arms." Lorelei said with a light smile.

"So you were hitting my brother's idea from the beginning." Cynthia stared at Lorelei closely.

"No, I just thought Wu You was cute at the time, but then I didn't know when I fell in love with Wu You."

"Humph! How can you snatch my brother." Cynthia snorted proudly.

"My lovely brother, you only have your sister in your heart, right?"

Cynthia hooked Wu You's neck, poked her finger on Wu You's cheek, and asked in a gentle tone.

Wu 123's face became stiff, can I choose not to answer this?

"Sister, your place in my heart is very important."

Seeing Cynthia's eyes narrowed, revealing a dangerous light, Wu You could only answer like this.

"Huh! I would say that as expected, this answer is really cunning, let you go first." Cynthia snorted softly and rolled Wu You's eyes.

Soon Hina made the meal, and after the meal, there was another battle without gunpowder at the dinner table.

"Wu You, you eat this." Sabrina picked up a piece of meat and placed it in Wu You's bowl.

"Xiaoyou, you like pork ribs the most. I'll give you this rib." Cynthia was not outdone at all.

"Wu You eat more, you have lost weight these days." Lorelei followed with a prawn.

"This rice ball is also delicious, I made it myself." Xiaoxue handed a rice ball to Wu You.

"Cousin eats greens." Sundae also joined in the fun.

After eating a meal, Wu You was completely unwilling to move on the sofa. It was uncomfortable to support!

Surrounded by many women, Wu You didn't feel any enjoyment at all. Wu You was the victim in the fight between the women. Of course, he was also the beneficiary.

"Wu You get up and go to the room with me." Cynthia pulled Wu You up and walked towards the cebd room.

"It's so uncomfortable, can you let me take a break first, I'm almost tossed to death by you." Wu You rubbed his stomach.

Wu You couldn't help but eat what they picked up, otherwise this look could kill him.

Eighty percent of the food on a table enters Wu You's stomach. Wu You doesn't know how he eats it.

"I have something important to tell you." Cynthia grabbed Wu You by the arm and entered the bedroom.

"What's the matter?" After arriving in the bedroom, Wu You couldn't help but ask curiously.

"It's a very important thing." Cynthia looked quite mysterious.

Seeing Cynthia's appearance, Wu You couldn't help being more curious.

"Actually! We had a baby kiss when we were young. It was after you were born, my parents and your parents decided."

Wu You looked at Cynthia in surprise.

"Really? How did you know?"

"What? Do you still suspect that I lied to you, or that you hate my sister me." Cynthia looked at Wu You fiercely.

"Eh? No, if there is such a beautiful fiancee as you, I am too happy to be too late! But why I don't know."

Cynthia felt happy when she heard Wu You say she was pretty.

"It's not just that you don't know. I just learned about it not long ago. Grandma told me. Actually, grandma didn't know it before. When grandma was looking at the relics left by my mother, she read it in this diary. Arrived."

Cynthia took out a diary that was a few years old.

"So! You are my fiance." Cynthia announced excitedly.

"I feel like I am more of your child husband!" Wu You couldn't help but vomit.

"No matter what, you are my person anyway." Cynthia said domineeringly.

"So? The other women will listen to me."

"Eh? Sister, do you agree with them?" Wu You asked tentatively.

"Okay! In front of your fiancee, dare to consider other women." Cynthia grabbed Wu You's ears hard.

"It hurts, it hurts, my fiancée and sister are forgiving."

"Cut~! I didn't use any force, what hurts you?" Cynthia gave Wu You a white look.

"I know you can't leave them because of your personality, but it's! They will have to listen to me in the future. Even if you really want to open the harem, I will also be the main palace." Cynthia pledged his sovereignty .

"Yeah! Resolutely obey your sister's command." Wu You raised his hand and said.

Cynthia can agree that it's good to have her own harem, Wu You thought she was going to be cold before!

Cynthia walked to the door of the room, then opened the door and looked at Lorelei and the others who were listening in front of the door.

"What are you doing here?"

"It's just passing by." Lorelei replied calmly.

"You heard what I said before, right?"

Lorelei and Sabrina shook their heads when they heard this. Although they were indeed eavesdropping, the soundproofing in this hotel was so good that they didn't hear anything at all.

"Okay! Since you didn't hear it, then I'll announce it to you again." Cynthia straightened her chest, feeling that she was headed up above them.

"I will formally introduce my identity to you. I am Cynthia, my sister Wu You, and I am also Wu You's fiancee."

"What?" ×4

Lorelei, Sabrina, Xiaoxue, and Sundae all looked at Cynthia in amazement.

Seeing them stunned, Cynthia showed a satisfied smile on her face. Was she stunned by the news? It would be best if you can quit.

But Cynthia also knew it was unrealistic. For Lorelei, the former sister's current rival, Cynthia knew very well that she was not the kind of person who gave up easily.

"Why haven't you heard of it? Isn't it fake news? Although I know Wu You is not your brother, I have never heard that Wu You is your fiance!" Lorelei stared at Cynthia tightly.

"Hmph, I will lie to you. This was decided when my parents and Wu You's parents were alive, and I just learned about it." Cynthia said with a snort.

"But so what, let alone a fiancée, even if it is a real couple." Lorelei chuckled and looked at Cynthia.

If Cynthia wants her to quit, Lorelei can only tell her that this is impossible.

"I know you won't let it go, but I also know the appeal of Xiaoyou. After all, it is normal for a man as handsome as Xiaoyou to have a few women."

After Wu You heard it, his face was excited, and he gave Cynthia a thumbs up in his heart, blushing a bit when he was praised!

"But you really want to enter our house, and then you will obey me." Cynthia announced to Lorelei and the others.