
Pokemon: The Steel Tyrant

Folker embarks on a Pokemon Journey as he slowly uncovers the mystery behind sudden disappearance of his parents. MC is not a reincarnator I do not own Pokemon Franchise Cover Photo not mine Do check out my other work if you're interested. The Rift: Masked Phantom

Jims_Rid · Anime & Comics
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101 Chs

Viridian Forest

Viridian Forest

The deep and sprawling forest is said to be a natural maze as many people get lost inside. The trees in the forest are so thick that little light gets in, and because of this the forest is full of Bug- and Flying-type Pokémon that attract Bug Catchers and other Trainers.

At this time, two young men can be seen carefreely walking in the middle of the forest, followed by a small blue canine Pokemon and a small humanoid Pokemon with light green hair and waist, white upper body.

Naturally, these two young men are Folker and Corin, followed by Riolu and Kirlia, who now appear to have evolved from Ralts.

Riolu can discern the physical and emotional states of people, Pokémon, and other natural things from the shape of their aura waves. This ability can be used to detect incoming danger.

Although Folker already has an innate ability to detect danger, it wouldn't hurt to have another sensor.

At the slightest hint of danger, Kirlia can use the move [Teleport] to immediately teleport everyone away from danger.

With such a lineup, they naturally have the time to be carefree.

"So, you mentioned the Kanto Rookie Tournament before, what does it have to do with Professor Oak?" Folker asked curiously.

"Not that much, actually. I just received news that Professor Oak would select strong trainers to give Pokedex'' Corin replied.

'Since the likes of Red and Ash didn't exist in this timeline, not to mention that Professor Oak doesn't have a grandson in Pallet Town, it would be the perfect chance to obtain his recognition and have a chance to select a royal starter Pokemon from Kanto' Corin thought to himself.

"Oh, that device they call the Pokedex. It surely is a wonderful device to have as a Trainer" Folker said.

Although there are public PCs in Pokemon Centers that trainers can use to analyze the data of their Pokemon, it can only assess basic information such as age, gender, type, and movepool.

Pokedexes, on the other hand, is a device that can assess and show more advanced data such as Pokemon's stats like HP, Attack, Special Attack, Defense, Special Defense, and Speed.

Unlike the PC, Pokedexes can be used outside Pokemon Centers, it can even be used in the middle of a battle to assess how much HP is left for a specific Pokemon.

Currently, the Pokedex has the data of almost all the local Pokemon of Kanto Region. With countless trainers having access to Pokedex, only the Legendary Pokemon like Zapdos, Moltres, and Articuno are left since they're really hard to catch.

Suppose that a trainer has caught an unknown Pokemon whose data has not been published yet, the trainer can obtain the data of that unknown Pokemon and choose to not publicize that data.

It is unknown if there are strong trainers who caught legendary Pokemon, but currently, it appears that the data for the legendary Pokemon are still empty.


Suddenly, Riolu went on alert mode. Nearby Pidgeys also flew away as if sensing something.

Riolu must have detected something. However, Folker didn't sense any kind of danger, so it must not be anything dangerous, at least for their group.

Kirlia also prepared [Teleport] in case something dangerous happens.

"What is it, Riolu?" Folker said as he frowned while surveying the surroundings.

"Rio, Riolu!" Riolu replied while surveying the surroundings. Afterwards, he ignored them for a while and suddenly ran.

"Riolu! Where are you going? Come back!" Folker screamed. However, Riolu didn't stop and continued running towards a certain direction.

"Can you ask Kirlia to interpret Riolu's words?" Folker said as he looked at Corin while following Riolu.

Folker and Riolu can understand each other on a basic level but Folker still can't understand complex Pokemon language. It's like speaking to a friend you know so well but he replied with a language you don't know.

"Kirlia, can you interpret Riolu's words?" Corin said to Kirlia in telepathy. Kirlia nodded and replied something to Corin in telepathy.

"Someone is calling for help and that someone is in danger" Corin said as he looked at Folker while running.

"Someone? Do we know that person, Riolu?" Folker said as he looked at Riolu running in front.

"Rio, Riolu, Rio!" Riolu replied and suddenly sped up.

"It said that it doesn't know but we must hurry up" Corin said to Folker.

Folker then nodded and also sped up along with Corin as they followed Riolu's figure.

They continued running and as they ran, a silhouette of the back of a girl appeared on their view. She appeared to be standing while facing another figure. Around the girl is what appeared to be a mini-sandstorm.

Gradually, the figure of the girl grew clearer until they finally had a somewhat clear view.

The girl had long silver hair that . She appeared to be wearing a white dress and a small hairclip on her hair.

They followed her gaze and saw a huge white figure as it looked at the girl.

In front of the girl is a huge figure of a large, bipedal, dinosaurian Pokémon with a green, armor-like hide covering its body. It has two pairs of pointed teeth: one in the upper jaw and one in the lower. Several spikes of varying size protrude from the back of its head, neck, and shoulders.

Both sides of its chest, the center of its back, and its knees have two triangular holes. There is a gray, diamond-shaped patch of scales covering its belly, and a smaller one on its back. It has three claws on its feet and hands. A ring of spikes surrounds the tip of its tail.

Folker and Corin's expression suddenly froze in disbelief with their mouths open. They couldn't believe that they would see such a figure this time in this forest.

Folker and Corin then looked at each other with frowns on their faces and nodded at the same time. They reached for their pockets and grabbed two Pokeballs each and called out all of their Pokemon.

The figures of Scizor and Golbat suddenly appeared in front. They saw the huge figure and also froze in disbelief like Folker and Corin did.

One of the Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon, Tyrannitar.