
Pokemon: The Steel Tyrant

Folker embarks on a Pokemon Journey as he slowly uncovers the mystery behind sudden disappearance of his parents. MC is not a reincarnator I do not own Pokemon Franchise Cover Photo not mine Do check out my other work if you're interested. The Rift: Masked Phantom

Jims_Rid · Anime & Comics
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101 Chs


The fat young had a black wavy hair and wore blue long sleeves and brown pants.

Farlan was taken aback when he suddenly heard his name and looked at the one who called him before his eyes lit up as his lips curled up.

"Folker! It's been a while my friend. I knew I'd find you here" Farlan greeted and turned his gaze towards Chelsea's figure beside Folker and sized her up for a bit as his eyes narrowed down.

Folker was about to reply when suddenly, "Impossible!" Farlan exclaimed as his eyes widened with eyebrows raised, shocking both Folker and Chelsea.

"What's wrong?" Folker asked.

"Do I know you?" Chelsea asked with a curious gaze. She figured it had something to do with her.

"D-don't tell me.. she's your girlfriend?" Farlan said with exaggerated shock on his expression.

After hearing those words, Folker facepalmed himself while Chelsea's right eye twitched.

"Yeah, yeah.. I knew you'd do something like this. Also, she's not my girlfriend" Folker shrugged it off with a sigh.

"You see, we're just friends, traveling companions for now" Chelsea replied.

"Whew.. There's no way you could get a girlfriend before I do" Farlan's expression quickly turned from shock to a bored expression as he let out a sigh of relief.

This time, it's Folker's eye that twitched. He suddenly had an urge to smack this guy's head.

"Well, you should know my preference" Folker said as he calmed himself down.

"It was me, after all, who enlightened you to the heavenly path" Farlan said confidently.

"What is he talking about?" Chelsea asked as she looked at Folker.

"Nothing important. Just some adult stuff" Farlan lazily shrugged.

"Tch, so it was you who corrupted him" Chelsea said with a low voice but enough for Farlan to hear.

"Hey, I'm not that bad" Farlan retorted.

"And what adult, you look about the same age as us" Chelsea added with a shrug.

"You're the same age as Folker, right? I'm older than you by about 2 years, you know" Farlan replied.

"Knowing you, you probably came here for the Sensational Sisters, right?" Folker guessed.

"As expected of my good friend. So, what you doing these days? I heard you embarked on a pokemon journey already. How's it going?" Farlan asked.

"Fine, I guess. As you can see, this girl here is my traveling companion. She's Chelsea, by the way" Folker replied.

The three of them chatted for a while before Farlan rented a room for himself on the inn.


The next day, on Cerulean city Gym, loud cheers of the crowd spread throughout the entire gym as they looked at the three figures of beautiful women on a swim suit at the central platform.

"Let's welcome the stars of the show, the sensational cerulean city synchronized sisters!" the announcer said with a microphone.

The cheers loudened as the Sensational sisters waved their hands towards the audience. They then dived beautifully on the pool as they performed a spectacular show afterwards.

Somewhere on the seats, Folker sat besides Farlan on the right, Chelsea, and Misty on the left.

"So, among the three of them, which one do you prefer?" Farlan shamelessly asked with a low voice that only Folker can hear.

"Hmmmm.. Violet, I guess?" Folker said with hesitation as he rubbed his chin.

"Oooh, don't tell me it's because her boobs are larger?" Farlan asked. Folker nodded hesitantly.

"Let me enlighten you, my friend. Pokemon of all kinds are equally beautiful, each one is unique on their own and has their own perks. The same goes for boobs" Farlan said as he flashed out a holy smile.

"Oooooh. I see" Folker said as his eyes widened in enlightenment.

"Hey, stop corrupting Folker" Chelsea said. She didn't hear what Folker and Farlan were talking about but she can guess.

"What are you talking about? I was just enlightening Folker that all pokemon are equal, there's no need for discrimination" Farlan defended himself shamelessly.

"Really?" Chelsea said as she eyed Folker with suspicion.

"Technically" Folker said as he laughed and turned his gaze towards the performance of the Sensational sisters.

Suddenly, a click of a pokeball from Farlan's pocket can be heard as a small, mammalian, quadrupedal Pokémon with primarily brown fur appeared. The tip of its bushy tail and its large furry collar are cream-colored.


"Oh, hello little guy" Farlan said gently as he carried Eevee like a baby and caressed its head.

"Sooo that's your pokemon" Folker said as he looked at Eevee's figure.

"Awwww, how cuuute" Chelsea said as she caressed its body. Eevee then lied and showed its belly, letting Chelsea pet on its belly like a puppy.

"An Eevee! That's wonderful!" Misty praised as she joined Chelsea on petting Eevee.

"This one just hatched from its egg about 2 months ago. Ever since then, it's been draining me of my money. It also likes to come out of its pokeball on its own" Farlan said with a smile.

"Eevee is known for its multiple evolution choices. Do you have an Eeveelution in mind?" Chelsea asked.

"I recommend Vaporeon" Misty suggested as her eyes sparkled.

"Figures, as long as it's you, it's always the water types" Folker said.

"It depends on what it wants. If it chose to stay this way, I won't force it" Farlan said with a smile as he caressed Eevee's head.

Folker then recalled that Farlan's family owned a restaurant in Vermilion CIty. Farlan is also quite a good cook too. His eyes suddenly lit up with an idea.

"How about going on a journey with me, what say you?" Folker said as he asked Farlan.

Farlan rubbed his belly as countless figures of adult beautiful ladies flashed in his mind. He was 2 years older than Folker and was supposed to have started his pokemon as soon as he got his first pokemon journey about a year ago.

For some reason, however, he chose to stay in Vermilion City. Now that he heard Folker's proposal, he was tempted to agree.

He then smiled and looked at Folker and said "No".