
Pokemon: The Steel Tyrant

Folker embarks on a Pokemon Journey as he slowly uncovers the mystery behind sudden disappearance of his parents. MC is not a reincarnator I do not own Pokemon Franchise Cover Photo not mine Do check out my other work if you're interested. The Rift: Masked Phantom

Jims_Rid · Anime & Comics
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101 Chs

Bullet Punch

Pokemon Center, Battlefield

On the left corner of the Battlefield of the Pokemon center, a figure of a young man with wavy hair stood behind a figure of a red bipedal insectoid Pokemon.

The young man is naturally Folker with his newly evolved Pokemon, Scythe, as it let out a sharp cry.


After evolving Scythe, Folker was so excited that he immediately challenged another trainer to a battle

On the right corner of the Battlefield, a figure of another young man with a blue hat, yellow shirt, blue shorts and black running shoes.

In front of the young man is a bipedal, simian Pokémon with a round body covered in whitish, shaggy fur. There is a throbbing vein on the left side of its forehead, and it has triangular ears with pink insides, narrow eyes with tiny pupils, and a pink, snout-like nose.

Its arms and legs are brown and have metal shackles on the wrists and ankles. This is probably indicative of a method of training with weights. The hands have no visible fingers, instead resembling mittens or boxing gloves, and the feet have two toes. It then let out a sharp cry in response to Scizor.


'What a fierce looking Pokemon!' Carl thought to himself as he gasped at Scizor's figure.

'Whatever, whether I win or lose, it doesn't matter. What's important is that me and my Primeape learn something from this battle' Carl thought as he steeled his determination.

'Looks like a formidable trainer' Folker thought as he eyed his opponent. He noticed the determination within Carl's eyes.

Suddenly, Folker nodded as he looked at his opponent. Carl also nodded back, indicating that the battle had begun!

"[Bullet Punch]!" Folker screamed. He started with Bullet Punch right off the bat.

[Bullet punch] is a move that Scythe learned after his evolution. Folker hurried back to the Pokemon Center to check Scythe's data on the PC. He noticed a new move added to its movepool. This move is called [Bullet Punch]

Before Carl could even command his Pokemon, Scythe immediately charged towards Primeape and let out a tough punch as fast as a bullet and hit its face.

[Bullet Punch] was just a steel type move with base 40 power. However, Scythe's [Technician] ability allows it to strengthen weaker moves by 50%, coupled with Same Type Attack Bonus (STAB), it sure dealt some damage to Primeape, despite the type disadvantage.

Primeape was pushed back from the impact and rolled a few times. However, it stood up and let out another sharp cry.


"That's the spirit! [Bulk up]!" Carl screamed as he praised Primeape's unyielding spirit.

Primeape then tensed its muscles with fighting type energy and bulked up its body, boosting its attack and defense at the same time.

"Another Bullet Punch!" Folker screamed as he urged Scythe to use another [Bullet Punch] to its face.

However, before Scythe could throw a Bullet Punch, Carl screamed "[Counter]!".

Unlike the first time, Carl is prepared for a super fast move and quickly thinks of a countermeasure which just happened to be the move [Counter].

Scythe let out a tough punch as fast as a bullet and was about to hit Primeape's face but it hurriedly side-stepped to the left, causing it to miss and countered with a punch right back at Scythe's face.

This time, it's Scythe's turn to be pushed back by the impact but it didn't roll over like Primeape did. Scythe managed to stand on its toes the whole time despite being pushed back. It endured the hit!

'As expected of a Bug/Steel type Pokemon!' Folker smirked as he praised Scythe's durability and lack of type weakness in his mind. Its steel typing makes it super durable while only being weak to Fire type moves.

"[Bullet Punch], once again!" Folker once again shouted the same move.

After Scythe evolved into a Scizor, its defense improved by a lot at the cost of its speed. However, it can be compensated with the move [Bullet Punch] which uses steel type energy to allow it to move as fast as a bullet.

"[Counter], once again too!" Carl replied with a scream.

Folker heard Carl's command and smirked.

Scizor once again charged at Primeape's figure and let out a tough punch as fast as a bullet with its right fist on Primeape's face. Primeape is also fast on its own and attempts to dodge by side-stepping on the right.

However, Scythe quickly followed up with another [Bullet Punch] using its left fists and hit Primeape's face before it could counter Scythe's move.

Primeape was pushed back from the impact and rolled over a few times once again. But this time, it didn't stand up as it fainted with its eyes spiraling.

Looking at the fainted Primeape, Carl let out a sigh but followed it up with a smile. He then called Primeape back to its Pokeball.

"That was a really strong opponent but you sure did great, Primeape! I'm so proud of you" Carl said as he looked at Primeape's pokeball. He then turned his gaze towards Folker and approached him.

"You did well, Scythe!" Folker said as he praised Scythe after his first battle as a Scizor. He looked at the approaching figure of Carl.

"You really are strong. I learned a lot from this battle" Carl said with a smile and shook hands with Folker.

"You too as well. Your Pokemon showed some determination and gave me a great battle. I learned a lot from this too" Folker replied with a smile and turned back.

'Learned a lot my ass, I can tell that you held yourself back and only used Bullet Punch for practice while I fought with my heart out!' Carl complained internally as his eyes twitched after hearing Folker's words.

'I learned [Bullet Punch] is a great move for Scythe. It would be a shame not to abuse it. Yep, [Bullet Punch] is the way.' Folker thought to himself.

"Let's head back to the Center for some check ups with Nurse Joy" Folker said as he looked at Scythe and walked away with it.

Looking at Folker's back as he walked away alongside his Pokemon, Carl let out a sigh. A figure suddenly flashed in his mind.

'First, there was that guy with a Golbat. Now, there's this guy too. I wonder which one between the two is stronger' Carl thought to himself and compared the two trainers.

'I'm going to train harder if I want to catch up with them' Carl thought as his eyes flashed with determination.



I decided to use [Brackets] for pokemon moves and [abilities].

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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