
Pokemon: The Steel Tyrant

Folker embarks on a Pokemon Journey as he slowly uncovers the mystery behind sudden disappearance of his parents. MC is not a reincarnator I do not own Pokemon Franchise Cover Photo not mine Do check out my other work if you're interested. The Rift: Masked Phantom

Jims_Rid ¡ Anime & Comics
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101 Chs


Vermilion Forest

The light of the setting sun shone on trees of many kinds in Vermilion Forest. Southern winds blew with fresh scent from the blue sea, only to be tainted with the scent of the forest.

Different kinds of Pokemon can be sighted in this forest. With the law of the jungle, Pidgeys prey on bug type Pokemon while bugs feed on grass and berries.

At this moment, a figure of a young man with medium and wavy hair and a backpack on his back can be seen. In front of a figure is the back a small blue canine Pokemon with black mask and red eyes.

"Use Vacuum wave on the tree!" Folker said with a loud voice.


The small blue canine Pokemon let out a cry and whirled its hands. A round blue light suddenly appeared on its hands and sent it towards the tree.


The poor tree lightly shook as the round blue light hit its trunk. Green leaves fell from the tree as smoke came out on the part of the trunk hit by Vacuum Wave. As the smoke cleared, a large dent marked the trunk of the tree.

"Perfect!" Folker said with a smile on his face as he looked at the large dent on the tree. He then reached for his backpack and grabbed a bottle of Moomoo milk as he approached Riolu.

"Here, drink some milk. It's gonna make you stronger. You wanna get as strong as Scyther, don't you?" Folker said lightly as he looked at Riolu. It then grabbed the bottle and drank the milk inside it.

Gulg! Gulg! Gulg!

It took only about a few seconds before Riolu drained the bottle of its milk. Riolu then looked at Folker as if asking for more. Folker could only smile wryly.

'At this rate, you're gonna milk me dry of money' Folker thought to himself as he let out a sigh and grabbed another bottle of Moomoo milk as he fed Riolu. But as he looked at the smile on Riolu's face with content, all his misgivings about it disappeared.

'I need to find a way to earn lots of money. Not to mention I would have to add more Pokemon to my team in the future, I would surely need lots of money' Folker thought to himself as he rubbed his chin.

Folker came to Vermilion forest to train with Riolu. At first, he decided against the idea of training it on the day it was just born but as he recalled it fearlessly attacking Scyther at first glance, he decided that he might as well try.

Newborn Pokemon would usually treat the first thing it saw as a parent. As the first human Riolu saw, Folker is confident that it's only a matter of time before he tames it.

Surprisingly, no taming methods were needed. He just gave it a battle and Riolu would listen to his commands without hesitation. Its only problem is that it couldn't resist the urge to attack another Pokemon in sight.

After a series of battles, Riolu finally lay on the ground. Folker then seized the opportunity to talk to it and enlightened it with the importance of rest and training.

Riolu then actually listened to Folker's words and judged that he actually made sense. Afterwards, a wild Pidgey passed by and Riolu just looked at it without launching a vacuum wave as it flew, realizing that NOT attacking every Pokemon in sight is common sense.

After resting for a while, Folker then trained Riolu, particularly its aiming using Vacuum Wave. He noticed that while Riolu's sense for battle is impressive, its control and aiming need some training to do. And that is how the scene of Riolu training came to be.

"Let's head back home now" Folker said as he recalled Riolu to its Pokeball and called Scyther to walk with him. It's still rather dangerous to go outside the city without Pokemon. Scyther's fearsome presence can help ward off some wild Pokemon. He would then recall Scyther back to its Pokeball once he arrived at the city.


Vermilion City

Folker finally arrived in front of the door of his house and held the doorknob without a key. He has a habit of trying to open the door without a key to make sure it's locked and would then unlock the door and open it. Surprisingly, as he rotated the doorknob, no resistance could be felt as the door opened without a key.

'Huh? I'm pretty sure I locked the door before I left' Folker thought to himself. Suddenly, his eyes lit up as he realized someone was inside the house. He quickly reached for his pocket and grabbed a Pokeball.

He was just about to release Scyther out of its Pokeball when suddenly, a figure quickly approached Folker and jumped to immobilize him with the figure's arms.

'It's a woman' Folker thought to himself as the woman immobilized him with an embrace, preventing him from his Pokemon

He was just about to shout and call for help from his neighborhood when he realized that the woman said excitedly "Folker! I missed you!" as the woman's embrace loosened.

Folker looked at the woman and realized that this woman who suddenly "assaulted" him is his aunt, his mother's sister.

"Auntrellia! You nearly gave me a heart attack. I thought an intruder just assaulted me. Can't you just see me like a normal person would?" Folker said with a pout as he looked at his Aunt.

Her name is Aurellia. She calls her Auntrellia, short for Aunt Aurellia. It's been 2 years since he last met her. Back then, she would yearly take a trip from Sinnoh and come here for vacation.

"I can't help it. My little Folker is a big boy now. A few more years and you'd be a fine and handsome man. It would be a shame for your beautiful aunt to not give you a nice surprise" Aurellia said with a smile as she patted the young man's head.