
Pokemon: The Silver Project

A petty criminal died, and reborned as the son of Giovanni, Silver. He doesn't reject his father's way, rather embraces it. Watch as he is mentored to be the biggest crime boss in the world of Pokemon.

ChampionOfNone · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Test Subject

It has now been 5 years since I reincarnated into the world of Pokemon. It has been one pretty weird time here in this world.

I was stationed in Viridian City, much to my joy. That means that Giovanni is keeping me close to him. Half of my idea of a plan revolves around him.

It was to join Team Rocket, and rise through the ranks quickly with the facts and perks of being Giovanni's son. I wonder if Giovanni is a fan of nepotism. I mean, he did inherit Team Rocket from his mother in the anime.

My life wasn't very normal though. I wanted Giovanni to be invested to me, but this seemed pretty crazy.

My mother, Arriana the Executive, hasn't come to see me once. All that love she was giving me on the first day here was apparently smoke and mirrors.

Instead, I had an assortment of maids in an apartment. I guess their job was to take care of me. They took care of most of my needs.

They didn't care to talk to me though one bit. Everytime I tried initianting a conversation with them, they would turn around and leave the room with haste. I guess being on Giovanni's payroll, you have to be committed to the job.

Linving inside of this apartment was pretty much a whole different experience to me. It's like I was being watched and reported back to Giovanni.

Believing in the former theory, I made myself out to be some sort of prodigy.

At only 1 week old, I walked for the first time. I managed to get quite a reaction from the maid who was watching me at the time.

2 days later, I started to talk. My first words were "Silver". Nothing too crazy, as not to alert Giovanni. Role playing as a baby was hard at first, but I soon got a hang of it. One of the best parts was not getting punished for a tantrum.

Life in this apartment was like prison.

Most of my shows on my Tv were restricted. I hope Giovanni updates this soon, as I was not in the mood to rewatch any shows.

I was almost never allowed to leave the apartment too. And if I did, it was accompanied by one of my caretakers, who had to be Team Rocket members. It was like they were attempting to raise the perfect Team Rocket member.

I was down with the idea. I needed to collect power and influence in order to not go to hell, and with my cards, becoming a Team Rocket member is the best thing for me.

The one thing I was able to do though, was study Pokemon. This was one of the only things that had no constraints. I guess Giovani wanted me to be a strong Pokemon trainer, and wanted to influence me into picking it.

Studying Pokemon was probably my favorite pastime. Seeing the mythical creatures I adored so much now is a reality, it was very cathartic for me.

I knew, if I wanted to be a strong Pokemon trainer, I needed to be smart, strategic and creative. That's why I spent most of my time researching Pokemon, as knowledge is power to me.


As I could see the sun setting, I was rushed to bed. I went there without any resistance, as I had been concocting a plan for a while.

Going to bed, the Team Rocket members turned off the lights and shut the door. I pretended to go to sleep. I had an idea of what I wanted to do tonight. I just hope it works actually.

As soon as the Team Rocket members closed the door, I crawled onto the floor, trying to not make any sounds. Under my bed, I pulled something out from under.

It was a glass cup. I had pocketed it when I was in the kitchen yesterday, and I have been salivating the night I would use it, which was tonight.

I stole this, because the room next to me, was occupied by who I claimed was the leader of the maids. Why did I think that? She gave them orders, and when I rarely left the apartment, she would come with me. I also noticed all the other maids feared her.

I assumed she would be the one reporting to Giovanni. I crawled to the wall that connected both of our rooms. The walls were thick enough that I couldn't listen with my bare ears. I needed some glass.

I put the bottom of the glass cup to the wall and kept it there.

For another hour and then some, there was radio silence. I knew the leader maid was in there, but she was just not talking to Giovanni. I was about to give up, until I heard what I was looking for.

" Mr. Rocke.... Sil...r has been progres... quite nicely", the maid said, probably talking to a man on the phone. I couldn't get some of what she was saying, but I got the gist of what she was saying.

" Silver has been showing inte.....Pokemon. Shall we enco... it more for the futu.....Rocket", the maid continued talking to the unknown figure, which was probably Giovanni.

I listened to the conversation for another few minutes before it was finnaly done. The call was mostly about my progress and I finally confirmed that I would be a future Rocket Member.

I crawled back to bed, having a huge grin on my face. Even though it was already very likely I was being groomed into Team Rocket, hearing it was so good. First time I would actually loved being groomed.

Life has been going steady, and this world of Pokemon was still pretty unknown to me. I didn't know why, but that actually made me exited and motivated.

This world didn't know what was coming for them.


First set of chapters done. Tell me your thoughts on them.