
Pokemon: The Silver Project

A petty criminal died, and reborned as the son of Giovanni, Silver. He doesn't reject his father's way, rather embraces it. Watch as he is mentored to be the biggest crime boss in the world of Pokemon.

ChampionOfNone · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Project Started

" It's a baby boy".

My mother held me up with her hands, lifting me up in the air. I guess it was official now, I was reincarnated. No, I was the first ever reincarnator.

My name was Peter, well at least for now at least. I was a petty criminal, robbing small stores and the occasional individual. At first, I convinced myself it was for the money. but now I knew, it was for the thrill.

How it felt robbing someone, seeing their faces morph into horror. I liked it. It gave me a sense of power I didn't know I needed. I was the man in charge in those situations, and I liked it.

So, how did I die? One night, while mugging someone for money I didn't need, another person that night decided to be a hero... and succeeded. They snuck up on me and knocked me out, causing me to fall to the floor.

I hit the floor pretty hard, and was knocked out. I could feel the blood gushing from my head at that point. I died right after, a criminal, a failed one at that.

I was soon summoned by a God, with some very peculiar wishes and motives.

It seemed like God was particularly bored this millennia, and the man wanted to have some entertainment. That's where I came to play.

He asked me which piece of media I had the most knowledge of. I told God my favorite piece of fiction, the Pokemon franchise. Nothing like playing the games, taking down a crime syndicate right after robbing a small store.

The God then told me something that rocked my world. Instead off going to Hell, which I was heading to, I was going to take a detour.

I would be reincarnated into a world he instantly designed, that was based on Pokemon. It wouldn't be the anime or the games, but something different.

I was ecstatic hearing this, mostly because that meant I wasn't going to Hell. I don't really know how they got on down there, I wasn't trying to find out.

God had then told me I would be reincarnated in a very unique position, and gave me an exact goal. " Become the most powerful man in the world". I don't know what context he meant, but he wouldn't elaborate.

I tried to tell God that wasn't realistic, but this God wasn't benevolent.

The God said if I failed to complete the task, There would be a grave punishment for me. God said he would designed a fate worse than Hell after I died a second time, if I failed to do what he said.

There was also a reward. If I completed my task, God would pardon me and I would be living a lavish life in Heavan. Now that the stakes were high, I had no other choice but to do what God asked.

I asked God what was the purpose of this. God said he wanted to test a human's resolve and decision making in a new world.

I snapped back to my new reality, with my mom with scarlet red hair holding me in her arms. Looking at her, she seemed like someone I knew from the Pokemon franchise.

" My baby boy is finally here. Seems like you taken after me more than your father", my new mother said to me. My mother continued talking to me.

" Your father won't be making it, but that's only because he has important matters", My mother said quietly to me. I had a deadbeat dad in my last life. I didn't really want one in my new life as well.

This hospital room seemed pretty weird to me. The nurses had a sort of manner to them that seemed almost subservient. It's like she was their boss.

Another few minutes had passed, with my mother just admiring me. She then began to say something.

" I thought about this, long and hard. Your name, will be Silver".

My eyes widened after hearing my new name. Soon , all the puzzle pieces started to connect, one by one.

Silver was a weird name, and only one person really had that name in the Pokemon franchise. The rival in the Jhoto saga, Silver.

Seeing the scarlet red haired woman in front of me, I mentally gasped at who she might be. That's why she was so familiar. She was the Team Rocket executive, Arriana.

And my father! The reason why he didn't show up to my birth, was because he was an important man.

He was Viridian City's Gym Leader, and the main person behind one of the largest crime syndicates in the world. He was the boss of Team Rocket.

With my newfound information, I was at a loss for words.

So this was the "unique position" God said I would be reincarnating in. It truly was pretty unique, and it also had some pretty crazy opportunities.

Being the son of Giovanni had some pretty crazy implications. It would mean I was the son of a crime boss. That sounded like a good life, if you hadn't played the Pokemon games before.

Giovanni abandoned Silver after getting rocked by a 10 year old child. I hoped the world God has designed has some differences from cannon. I was in the dark of the world of Pokemon that awaited me.

I now knew what God meant when he said " Become the strongest". I thought, since I was in the Pokemon world, that it was meant to be the greatest trainer. With such developments, I now thought differently.

I needed to become the strongest in terms of influence. I needed to become the most dangerous man in the world, and now I had a pretty good idea how to. Or at least the start of my plan.

I knew, without a doubt in my mind, I will do anything to achieve it. It was either eternal pain or eternal bliss.

Today marked the start of my unknown journey here in this world. I mean, how hard could one thing be?


Small prologue finished. This is the start of a project I been thinking about for a while. It's my first book, so I'll take any advice