
Pokemon:The New Gym In Kanto

In our well known region of Kanto the League has approved the establishment of new gym for the trainer's all over the Pokemon world to challenge and win the gym badge.The question are - Who is the gym leader? & What type of gym is it?Well why don't we find out by challenging it. --My 1st Novel . --DISCLAIMER: I DON'T OWN ANYTHING IN THIS FANFIC EXCEPT MY OWN STORY AND CHARACTER. --The cover does not belong to me found it in google images.

Daoistdragons · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Hidden Space

As Laila is beginning to wake up, all the Pokémon surrounding her move away to give her space and also that she won't be scared by seeing them suddenly as she opens her eyes.

Laila POV: -

"How long was I asleep?" I talk to myself.

As I open my eyes to look around, I am shocked. There are many Pokémon surrounding me. Many of them are not even native to this region.

But I notice a peculiar thing, most of them are Ghost type Pokémon. But the thing I am more shocked about is the shadow that I have seen in the forest is standing in front of me. I have never seen anything like it before, but sense Ghost energy from it so it must be a Ghost type Pokémon.

Then a giant shadow covers me, looking back to see whose shadow is it, I am god smacked to see a familiar Pokémon but never this huge. It is a Spiritomb, but its size is four meters tall. While my Spiritomb is large 1.5 meters, this one is just huge.

I see many Pokémon here like Honedge, Doublade , Aegislash ,Dusknoir ,Dusclops,Duskull etc.

Suddenly I here Pokémon noises, upon turning to that direction three Pokémon come crashing into me. They are my Pokémon Inkay, Sandile, Purrloin.



"Purrrrrrrrloin" they all happily run into my embrace.

"Ommmp Good to see you guys again, how you all have been while I way asleep?" I ask them in worry. But they Smile and give me positive response.

"Good, now let me see if I can know where we are now." I say that aloud.

"You are in a hidden space in the forest that only we can enter." A reply comes.

I quickly look around to see if there is anyone other than us, but I find no one.

"Who is that, can you come out so that we can speak to you?" I tell the speaker.

*I'm right in front of you. * The voice replies.

Looking around I see no one, my eyes fall on to the shadow.

"Yu-You can speak, was it you who talked?" I shudder while speaking.

*Yes. * The shadow answers.

*All the images you saw in the Dream scape are mine. * It tells me.

I'm shocked again to know the scenes were the shadows. That means what I saw where it is memories.

"Why did you show me your memories." I ask it, confused why it would do that.

*I want you to understand me. I'm a Marshadow. I want you to know How I was born. * The now known Pokémon as Marshadow replies.

"WHAT!!!!! Marshadow!!!!! I thought that it was just a Myth." Today I see more and more shocking things than the ones I saw in my journey.

*Yes, I'm a Marshadow. I want you to be my trainer. *It tells me more shocking news.

"W-why?" I ask Marshadow.

*I've been observing you since you were small, and whenever I'm near you it gives me a calming sensation and allows me to grow stronger. And it is also my form of compensation to you for following you around the world and seeing new places. * It gives me guilty look and answers me sincerely.

These are too many shocks for one day. I'm starting to think this is just a dream.

"Hey!! Sandile bite me, I think I'm still dreaming." I ask Sandile, it gave me a confused look before using 'Bite' on me.

"Owwwwwwwwwwww Ow. Why did you bite so hard Sandile, you should be gentler?" I ask it with an aggrieved expression.

"San Sandile" It looks at me with a confused look like 'You were the one who asked me' look.

*You are not Dreaming Laila Sable; this is indeed real. So, I ask you once more I would like you to become my trainer. * Marshadow asks me seriously this time again.

Thinking again I would gain many things my becoming Marshadow's trainer like It can guide my young Pokémon , It can become my second monster in my team , And also it can tell me about the energy that it talks about.

"Okay, I agree. But can you tell me about the energy you talk about in me. From what I can see, from a young age Ghost/Dark type Pokémon have been always close to me, and I also feel comfortable in their presence." I ask Marshadow.

*Yes, it is because of the energy that Ghost/Dark type Pokémon are so close to you, and also the reason I am interested in you. From my experience all I can say is thar your body has a natural affinity towards Ghost/Dark energy thus making you comfortable around the said type of Pokémon. All I can tell is that it has similarity like 'Aura' but not similar at the same time. * It tells me more information.

But rather than answering the questions I already have, it made me think about more questions.

"Okay, I understand. Thank you for telling me." I thank Murshadow.

*No need, I'm just telling you what you already now.* It shakes his head and suddenly comes forward and sits on my lap , before I ask him about more things , he falls asleep with a smile on his face.

Smiling at seeing his face with a peaceful expression. I start to think

'He must be exhausted looking after me since I was small, it's good to know I was not alone, and someone is looking after me other than Grandpa in this world. Have a good rest my friend and also-'

"Welcome to the Family Marshadow. "I speak in a small voice. Marshadow in its sleep smiles slightly.

I started to think 'He must have been protecting the forest from humans and other Pokémon for more than two thousand years, he must have been very tired. This will be one of the most relaxing rest of his life.' I smile slightly as I see him as a small child resting in his mother's embrace.

That's it for todays chapter............hope you all like it......plz comment and vote...............stay home and be safe....

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