
Pokemon:The New Gym In Kanto

In our well known region of Kanto the League has approved the establishment of new gym for the trainer's all over the Pokemon world to challenge and win the gym badge.The question are - Who is the gym leader? & What type of gym is it?Well why don't we find out by challenging it. --My 1st Novel . --DISCLAIMER: I DON'T OWN ANYTHING IN THIS FANFIC EXCEPT MY OWN STORY AND CHARACTER. --The cover does not belong to me found it in google images.

Daoistdragons · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

A Battle

The conference gave Laila more confidence on how to run a gym. Since there are still few weeks for the opening of the gym Laila decided to furnish the inner gym a little like the lighting, Battle ground, Training Ground etc. So, started working on them.

Two weeks later the whole gym finished it's furnished and total constructions and can be opened from now on. When the gym was finished Laila's, grandpa came to see it.

Grandpa POV: -

Seeing the gym with my own eyes I can say that It has a mysterious feeling. Looking at it, it sent shivers to the back of my spine. Bracing myself I enter the gym and start to look for little Lai saying.


Laila POV: -

As I was running through the supplies in the back of the gym, I hear someone opening the gym's front door. So, I go there to see who it is. Seeing the person, I call him loudly.

"Grandpa what are you doing here?"

Seeing that he has found who he is looking for he says.

"Aaa Little Lai I came to see you and the gym; you were very busy since you came home from the meeting so I thought if there is something, I can help you with."

Listening to the reason I felt very warm in my heart and tell him.

"Don't worry grandpa everything is done. The gym can be opened any time now. You can rest easy at home and leave everything to me; I'll take care it. "

"Okay that puts me at ease knowing the hectic days for you are over. "

Grandpa suddenly puts on a thinking position and suggests.

"Aha now that the gym is ready why don't we have a Pokémon battle to celebrate it little Lai?"

Listening to grandpa I too think that is a great idea and, also it can be a great stress relief for me.

"Great idea gramps. Now let's go to the battle ground and let's battle."

I say with great enthusiasm and run off. Seeing me like this my grandpa shakes his head in a helpless manner and slowly walks behind me.

Arriving at the large Battle Ground, we both look at it. The battle ground is a large area which is 60 yards wide and with 40 yards width for plenty of room for large Pokémon battles. That is exactly why I asked the league constructors to build it this big.

Now we both reach our ends of the field and get ready by taking out pokeballs.

"Ready gramps to lose."

"Little Lai your still a few decades away from beating me, so now show me what you learnt on your journey."

With that we both release our Pokémon from the pokeballs by throwing them at the same time.


Then on my side of the field a huge Hydreigon starts to float in the air showing its natural brutal aura in the field. Hydreigon is a three-headed, draconic Pokémon with six thin, black wings that each end in two points on its back. It has a fuchsia-colored collar on its neck which surrounds its head. The main head is dark blue and has black eyes with fuchsia pupils. Its two hands are also black and each one harbors a head; these are similarly blue with black eyes with small fuchsia collars on the inside. Its abdomen has two fuchsia stripes and its feet appear atrophied, having no claws or defined soles and two or three small toes. Its tail also sports a fuchsia stripe and ends with a black tuft.

Hydreigon is a violent, destructive Pokémon. It will attack anything that moves, determining it as a foe. Its heads can consume anything. Many stories describe Hydreigon destroying entire villages. And they are also one of the few Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon after evolving into their final evolution. These are very territorial Pokémon and, also super rare in the wild. I have to thank all my ancestors for me to be able to catch it when it was a baby.

After my beautiful dragon enters the field it gives me an earth-shattering roar with its three heads.

"Roooooooaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrr...." and gets ready for battle.

On by Grandpa's side comes into view is one of the few rarest Pokémon in the world which is a Golurk. Golurk is a bipedal automaton Pokémon resembling a suit of armor. It said to have been invented by ancient people to serve as a laborer. It is mainly teal in color with yellow swirls on its shoulders and hands. It has a small head compared to its body, and pale-yellow eyes, one of which turns to its left at the bottom, unlike Golett's eye, which turns right. There is a crack across the chest of the armor, which is patched diagonally with a brown seal resembling a belt. It has a crystal-like formation on each shoulder, and there are large bangles on its wrists and ankles. They are rare because they are only found in ancient ruins and historic sites and you must be super lucky to even come across one of them.

After it lands on the ground the whole field shakes. So, standing in front of me is a massive Golurk three meter's tall with a large frame. It's deep voice echo's in the gym.

"Go Go golurk"

Seeing Golurk again after a few years I smile but keeping my feelings aside I say.

"Gramps on the count of three we both start, okay?"


"Right on 1"




"Hydreigon start off with "work up"." I start off with this as it raises my Pokémon's Attack and Sp. Attack.

"Okay Golurk use Defense curl and then Thunder punch lets go buddy." that raises Golurks defense very much.

"Goooolurk" says Golurk and flies to my Hydreigon with a lighting covered fist.

Then I shout, "Dodge it and then use Dark Pulse on it. "

My Pokémon dodges it the last second and fires a Dark pulse in point blank range in Golurk's face. Then smoke fills the area.

"Gooooolurk." cries Golurk

Although the attack hit, my grandpa did not worry since Golurk is a tanky Pokémon it did not do a ton of damage tough I got the first hit on it.

Then Grandpa yells "Come on buddy quickly reach to it and use Heavy Slam. " Golurk uses it half ton body and very quickly slams my Hydreigon to the ground.

Hydreigon did not react quickly and got hit by it. After it lands, the field quakes a little and I started to get worried.

"Hyyyyyyydrrrrrrrerrigon " my Pokémon roars painfully. That one attack made my perfectly healthy Hydreigon to a worn out Hydreigon that didn't sleep for few days. Since the heavier the Pokémon is the more powerful the attack Heavy Slam gets.

"Now Golurk continue with Shadow Punch."

"No, you don't come on Hydreigon dodge and use Tri-Beam."

My Hydreigon escapes with its tired body and lands a Tri-Bean on Golurk, consisting of a thunder-beam, flame thrower and a hydro pump one type coming from each head.

"No golurk!!!"

Shouts grandpa seeing when the attack landed on it and suddenly gets paralyzed.

"Yes!!! now Hydreigon continue it with a Dragon Rush."

Then a Majestic glow that looks like a dragon shines around Hydreigon and rushes towards Golurk and collides with him seeing that he is still paralyzed. And explosion shot out when collided.

"gooooooooooolurkkkk" cries painfully.

"Quickly Hydreigon Dragon Claw we need to get as many hits as we can on it."

My Hydreigon swipes its claws coated with dragonic energy left and right on Golurk.

Golurk unable to move grunts with painful cries.

"No Golurk!!! Quickly use iron defense the get ready for your most powerful Focus Punch."

Listening to its trainer Golurk focuses all its energy on its last punch since the last few heavy attacks cut off a ton of its health and raises its defense exponentially again.

Getting serious since if that punch lands on Hydreigon its game over. So, I also ready my last attack calling it out.

"Now Hydreigon this is the last attack you better make it count use Draco meteor. "

Hydreigon focuses all its energy on its head for a few seconds and releases it into the air. The attack reaches tens of meters into the sky and splits into multiple meteors in the air and rain down on to Golurk.

"Not this time!! Golurk use Safeguard and then Phantom Force. "

"Shiiiiit!!!!!!!!!!!!" I shout loudly.

The meteors hit the shield around Golurk, and it suddenly disappears from the field. Knowing where it appears, I shout at Hydreigon.

"Dodge!!!!!!!!!!! Hydreigon !!!!!!!!!!!"

I was a second to late as Golurk suddenly appears behind Hydreigon and lands its most powerful Focus Punch on it.

Hydreigon flew down like the meteor it released in the sky and crashed heavily on to the ground.

Dust filled the field and nothing visible to anyone. I anxiously shout for my Pokémon worrying about her.


Slowly the dust reveals, and our Pokémon becomes visible to us. We both shout for our Pokémon.

"Hydreigon!!!" "Golurk!!"

And their lies my Hydreigon knocked out on the field and Golurk flying in the air and slowly landing beside gramp's. With that gramps win's the first match in the gym.

I quickly run towards my Hydreigon and lift its head to check if it's injured heavily. Seeing that it's me Hydreigon grunts sadly and a little painfully. Sighing slightly, I say.

"No need to be sad Hydreigon gramps Golurk can go head to head with most champion level Pokémon. You damaging him that much itself is an achievement and not many can accomplish it. So, be proud my darling."

"Hyyyyydreeeeigooooooooon" roars Hydreigon a little happily.

"Good girl." I say while smiling.

"Ha ha ha ha good work Golurk. You were Amazing out there." my grandpa laugh's happily at his Golurk by patting on it and walks towards me.

"Good battle Lai It's been a long time since we enjoyed a battle this much. Ha ha ha didn't I tell you you're still too early to beat me." says grandpa smirking at me.

"Okay you won old man no need to rub it on me." I say while pouting unhappily at him.

"Alright I'll stop now, let's go to the Pokémon center and get our Pokémon healed up."

Seeing that he is walking away I return Hydreigon to my pokeball since she is not in any condition to fly.

"Hey old man!!!!!!!!!!! wait up I'm coming."

Yelling I start running after my grandpa to the Pokémon center.

That's it for today chapter .................

hope you all like it..............

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