
Pokemon: The Journey Begins!

The goal of all pokemon trainer is to have their pokemon battle against other pokemon in order for their pokemon to get stronger. If a pokemon gets enough battle experience, it could evolve into another, more powerful creature. In order to be a good pokemon trainer, you must capture a lot of pokemon, train some of them to be really strong in pokemon battles, and most importantly, you must get your pokemon to love you and trust you, or else they won't obey you! This Pokemon fan fiction follows the adventures of Clan Eclairè, a pokemon trainer from Twinleaf Town, who will travel through the different regions of the pokemon world with his friends, meeting all kinds of people and pokemon, stopping evil organizations from stealing and controlling rare pokemon, battling against other trainers and gym leaders, and all the while, Clan Eclairè tries to fulfill his dream of becoming a someone great. .... In every chapter, it contained 1800 - 3500 words in average. ... I'm a 3N person. NO Harem. NO System. NO Cheats. ... If you want to support me in my own journey as a Pokemon Author. An Author that would focus in making Fan Fictions of Pokemons, go to the website: Patreon . com/(not yet available). In here you can find yourself reading chapters ahead of others but in exchange of donating/paying me for the service. For those who are interested, you may go to the website for further explanation.

GRVYRD · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 005

Clan entered his room, bought with him, carried within his arms, were the things his parents purchased for him. He set them down carefully on the desk near where his computer situated.

He sat down on his chair, staring at the items absentmindedly. He definitely wouldn't disappoint them, not them, especially not for himself. With new found resolve, Clan considered on studying for an hour or two.

But, he decided against it after a second, tomorrow will be the day of the exams and it's already night, he didn't want to tire his brains out just because he wants to study, besides, studying tonight when the examination is as soon as tomorrow will not make such big of a difference.

So, what does he have to do now?

Getting some research done, that's what Clan is doing. Frankly, he didn't know what starter pokemons would the Hoenn region distribute to their new trainers. He was quite clueless with respect to what pokemons it will be.

He turned on his computer and opened the hoenn region's forum, he scrolled through the pages and found a post, posted by a guy named Harrison, captioned 'Hoenn Region's Starter Pokemons'. He clicked the link attached, thinking to himself how conveniently coincidental it was, it was even posted a month ago.

After clicking on it, the screen ushered him to a newly opened tab where he was surprised when he saw the quantity the list of various species of different pokemons sorted displayed. The list compromised of the seven following pokemon: The Hoenn's regional starter. Treecko, Torchic, and Mudkip. Then the rest of the pokemons are, Geodude, Aron, Spheal, and Lotad.

He was surprised for one reason. It was because of there being only seven pokemons. He was confused for a moment and thought to himself. If Clan remembered correctly, the least amount of different species the pokemon league regulated pertaining to pokemon distribution for trainers to choose from, were given to be at least twelve. But, this knowledge of his was only based on the Sinnoh league, he wasn't sure if in other regions they applied it on to their own league's regulations or system of management.

If they did, then doesn't that mean students qualifying in this year's PLRE, because of the exchange program, which by the way Clan was certain to happen, could only pick on seven different pokemons to have as a starter?

'Damn!' Clan was immediately in distress for a moment when realization dawned on him.

'Shit! shit! shit! shit!'

Isn't that so unfair!? Clan didn't know what to think. So this means, a ton of newly fledged trainers with less variations of starter would be produced this year and he was one of them. From the hundred qualifiers, the lucky three would be guaranteed to gain a regional starter, while the rest would choose from the other four? At least, from Clan's estimations more than a hundred of trainers would have the same pokemon as starter.

'Bullshit!! fuck that, I'm not even that confident to be placed in top three, it's uncertain and I don't fucking want numerous others with me possessing the same starter I have!' Even if Clan was a bit mature compared to others his age, he is still a teenager and he couldn't tolerate this kind of thing.

'It's all because of that shitty exchange program! Why would regional professors initiate such dumb project anyways? Hoenn region's distribution is so lame, go rot to distortion motherfuckers!!' Clan was fuming, he swore to those people who are responsible for this to happen, he was waiting for this his whole life, how could they do this. But, then he bitterly smiled to himself, he should still be grateful though, he thought.

At that point, on the corner of the list, was a tiny note written in tiny letters, it says. 'There are other pokemons which newly licensed trainers could potentially choose from, but because of them occasionally not being obtainable in every moment, they were not included in the list, but it is to be expected for Hoenn to give out at least twelve different species of pokemon in their yearly distribution.'

Clan's gazed flickered on the note, reading it again and again for a long time. Then, he gave out a sigh of relief from his mouth, he slumped on the chair, relaxed, as if there are no more worries he may have.

'That Harrison dude made me agitated for nothing, I really thought there were only seven, why the fuck would he write such note on a corner anyway, is this dude trolling?'

'Make the note bigger.' He wrote down his comment and submitted.

After that, Clan continued on his browsing on the web, he was quite curious on the pokemon called lotad, he honestly couldn't remember a pokemon with such a name. When he saw a picture of the pokemon, he was shocked to see the resemblance of features it had with the cartoon character parry the platypus in, phineas and ferb. He laughed at the similarity.

Fact check, lotad apparently was uncommonly found around the ponds and lakes in Sinnoh. 'Hmm, I didn't know that.' Clan thought. 'Welp, as they say, when you read, you'll learn something everyday.' What bewildered him the most regarding this pokemon was, it be having a grass and water type combination, which was very unique.

If by any chance, Clan would encounter this species on his adventure, the pokemon would certainly be something he's considering on catching, because when he searched deeply and watched a few of battles, he was amazed by how formidable they fought in the videos.

Lucicolo, the final evolve form of lotad were very strong. He can see the rationale on it being a starter pokemon which could be distributed to new trainers. Heck, if Clan didn't obtain the opportunity to pick a regional starter pokemon, he would undoubtedly be choosing lotad as his starter among the rest, he would heavily invest on such pokemon even, because he was awe struck in one video a ludicolo defeating a scyther with a powerful special attack, although it barely won the battle.

It was a pokemon Clan would be happy to have, depending if he encounters one that shows potential and willingness to be its' trainer. Clan, himself set his own morals and standards when having a pokemon joining his team, it matters not if they posses outstanding growth, if the pokemon in question isn't willing to becoming his, he won't force it. He wants a family and a friend, not something formed together because of force or one's own self interest.

Clan also searched details on the other three but with less shown interest. Geodude are not that uncommon of a pokemon, they are commonly found in fields, mountains, mountain trails or in forests. Most people may not notice, but with a closer look should reveal that there are many geodudes around. Sometimes, some people mistaken them as boulders, people often step or trip on them, which greatly angers the rock pokemon.

Aron, usually lived deep inside the mountain, occasionally in a state of hunger will drive it to descend the mountain, munching on railroad tracks and cars around twinleaf. In one field work Clan was doing, he was dangerously lucky enough to catch a glimpse on it's final evolution, Aggron. A huge, bipedal pokemon. Every step it took shook the ground a little, Clan was fortunate that the pokemon haven't notice him that day or it could have been bad.

Spheal, in a cold region like Sinnoh were not as common as it seems, unlike the other two, you could commonly encounter them generally around bodies of water.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

"Clan, dear, you should go to sleep, you don't want to miss out on such an important day tomorrow." Noraima's voice sounded out on the door after a gentle knock.

"Of course, mom! you too, okay? Both of you and dad should rest too!" Clan said.

"Hehe~ Okay my little sweetheart. Goodnight!"

Fading footsteps then got off outside the door after that.

Clan rubbed the area between his eyes, this was a habit he manifested through studying nonstop every night. He very tired, he should go to sleep, he still got to prepare for tomorrow.

He turned off his computer and got ready to sleep.

Good luck me, tomorrow will be the day you have always been waiting for, you can do it!'

'It will be a breeze... I'll pass the exam with flying colors hehe~...'

'I'll show them how awesome Clan Eclairè is...'

'After that... my journey will begin... beating all the trainers left and right... keke... that's right... that... is... ZZZ-Zzzz-ZZzzz-hngGGggh-Ppbhww- zZZzzzZZ'


"Come on, Clan. You still have bed hair, I thought you said you brushed it." Noraima admonished, with a smile on her face.

"I did. My bonnet keeps on messing it up." He said back, holding up the offending object. He jammed it back on to his head, seriously styling it to his own satisfaction.

The corners of her mouth twitched up into a warm grin. "Your lunch box is on the table, I cooked your favorites." She paused and turned to the wall, which proudly bared a clock that Clan had checked more times in the last hour than ever before. "It's 9:37, Clan. Shoes tied?"

He rolled his eyes, but did check. They were.

The pokemon regions, for the past hundreds of years, been conducting this examination to determine those who are more capable than the rest. Clan, made sure everything was ready, he was nervous but he would do his best in the exams. His goal was to be placed in the top three. The league had a few major towns and cities administer those who are doing the examination.

This year, for those who came from Twinleaf Town, they would undertake theirs on Sandgem Town, which is the nearest and was supervised by the famed, regional professor, Professor Rowan.

"Clan! your friends are here!" Came a shout from his father outside.

Clan perked up from where he was. He spun towards the door. "Oh! About time!"

Clan properly checked his bonnet one last time before opening the door. There, who were greeting his father who was in the garage, was his friends, Dawn and Barry. Who decided to go to Sandgem Town together, accompanying them from behind is Dawn's mother, Johanna.

Johanna turned her face towards Clan when she saw him. "Ah! If it isn't my daughter's chocolate boy. Are you ready to go to Sandgem Town?"

"Mom!" Dawn stomped her foot from her mother's teasing.

Clan nodded quickly, and trotted off of his porch, turning back to wave at his parents, they waved furiously back. "Come back right after you get back, okay sweety?"

Clan smiled and nodded. He stopped looking back after they walked a bit of distance. They would be riding to the other town in Johanna's car which would take them two hours to arrive.

Clan chatted with both Dawn and Barry, to ease a bit of their intensifying exhilaration they were feeling from today's occasion. Johanna was in front, leaving the kids to their own talks, from time to time, she commented in their conversation.

"Well then! You kids already got the news concerning your selection of starter pokemon from Dawn, correct? Have you guys seek what pokemons you can choose from? On the condition that you guys qualified."

The three nodded their head affirmatively. Johanna looked around, leading then to a vehicle parked near a crossed road.

"That's good. I expected you kids to do so, after all, you are quite jitter to not know." Chuckling slightly, she pulled out a key from her pockets and opened the car after pressing a thin button.

After sitting in it, they started their travel to Sandgem Town. Leaving the town of Twinleaf.

(For three whole days this would be the latest chapter, for now. I still have some difficulties on editing the most advance chapter and I don't really like to find some plot holes in my plans since I'm such a perfectionist in the views of my perspective. But, after the three days, I'll continue the updates. Have a good day! Thank you for reading!)