
Pokemon: The Ever-wanderer

Ezikel Jonn, who was supposed to be enjoying himself during his summer vacation had suddenly found himself in a different environment. He realized later that he was a baby. Reborn in an unknown location, Ezikel later discovers that he was in the pokemon world. Excited for the future, he now lives his new life as the son of Alfred Chayne and Aileen Chayne while preparing himself to be a bonafide pokemon trainer. Expect a journey filled with fun, action and many encounters and twist as Ezikel lives a new life in the pokemon world.

SnowflakeStorm · Anime & Comics
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Time passed very fast and now Al is now 2 years old.

He and Aileen go into town once or twice a week to explore and socialize. Thanks to this and his parents' teachings, Al's understanding of Mewish has improved leaps and bounds.

He can now talk properly and easily understand the people. Thanks to this, he learned more about his place in this new world.

Allen learned that he was born in Kanto. But unlike in the games, Kanto is known as a country in this world and was at least 3x bigger than the one from the game.

Allen was interested in a group called "The pokemon Association". This organization is widely known because they were responsible for the concept of elite four and champions.

They also had many notable feats such as hunting down a full grown Tyrannitar which was almost impossible and many groundbreaking scientific breakthroughs.

Furthermore, they also held a significant influence in multiple countries and had certain areas in Kanto under their control.

He also learned that the people only had knowledge about the Countries Jhoto, Hoenn and Sinnoh, whilen Allen's knowledge extended to the Paldea region.

But even then, pokemon like Pansear, Panpour and Pansage are known pokemon to the public along with other pokemon from other "undiscovered" countries/regions.

Plus, he learned that the Pokedex doesn't exist yet and the elite four of Kanto was different. Except Agatha, Allen didn't recognize the remaining 3. He doesn't even know anything about the current champion except his name, Kenji.

As someone who knows the pokemon storyline, Allen theorized that Samuel Oak was probably still in the middle of his journey.

Besides, if Agatha is here, why would Oak be different?


Al realized the rarity of psychics and aura users. After physical contact with many villagers, almost all of them had 0 psychic and aura potential.

Even the few exceptions only have 1-3 potential and only one of them can use their ability.

Today, Al and Aileen arrived at the Glynn residence. The house is moderately small and made of strong wood which Al couldn't recognize from his past memories from Earth.

The house has a slanted, green roof and a glass window in front along with a long rectangular pot for flowers. It looked very modern and advanced despite being made from wood.

The people of Cream town used this kind of wood and architectural design for most of their houses and that's why almost everyone's houses look like this, and this is also another reason why the community is called Cream town.

It was because the wood's pigment was cream brown. It is a very sturdy wood known as "Rogessar".

Aileen knocked once and the door opened almost immediately, revealing a small child around the same age as Allen.

She had short, raven hair and a pink clip. Her oval face and round dark brown eyes only screams cute despite her blank expression.

"Ennan" Al smiled as he hugged the girl.

Ennan didn't flinch as she knew this was Allen's character in front of his mother. A happy, friendly child.

She didn't know Al acted like a clingy friend to update her status.

"come in Al, mama is cooking" Ennan invited.

Aileen didn't know what to feel when Ennan didn't recognize her, but she was happy for her son having such a close friend.

The mother-son duo then found themselves in a cozy home they recognized. From the doorstep, one could already smell the aroma from the kitchen.

Allen and Ennan bolted towards the living room. Ennan then took a wooden board with checkers, if one was an earthling, they would immediately recognize it as a chessboard.

But no, these 2 year olds won't be playing chess. Al put his hand on the chessboard while Ennan opened it. The reason why Al likes coming over to Glynn residence.

It was because, Ennan is a psychic that can use telepathy.


Name: Ennan Eli Glynn Condition:healthy

Age: 2.6

Gender: Female

Affinity: Reading

Skills: Telepathy, reading (A),....

Trainer potential: 5/10

Psychic potential: 3/10

Aura potential: 0/10

Unique trait: [ Master reading to unlock ]


Allen noticed that her reading skill has an A and was a bit surprised. He knew that it had something to do with mastery but wasn't sure about it.

'maybe it stands for Advanced? it can't be A-class because there was no B the last time.

So if she masters reading, would there be an M?' theorized Allen as he touched the chessboard.

The two telepathically communicated the moment they both touched the chessboard.

Al didn't know how but aside from direct touch, only this chessboard can help them transmit messages towards each other.

'So Al, did you find anyone like us?' asked Ennan

'No, we're very rare you know.' replied Al.

Allen was the one who discovered Ennan's ability when they were both playing. He accidentally touched her, the surprised Ennan then subconsciously sent her feelings of surprise to Allen.

When he first communicated with Ennan, Al told her that her ability only works on people that have psychic energy in their body and that's why only they can communicate with each other.

She only nodded that time like she already knows that she had psychic abilities.

They needed a medium so that they could communicate with much more efficiency. Like how radios need an antenna to send signals.

Ennan suggested that.

Al was the one who tried the chessboard and this impressed Ennan as she didn't even sense any psychic energy from the board.


Today, Al practiced his psychic abilities here, every time he sent messages telepathically, he could feel his psychic energy improve, even though it's way slower than Ennan's.

Allen was happy that he could send telepathic messages though.

Another reason why Allen likes Ennan over other kids his age, was that she was more mature than them. Both of them actually study pokemon together.

A two year old who can read and has a rank in the skill is a genius.

Al thought that Ennan was like him but when he brought up the topic, she only told him that it's impossible. She believes that if one died, they would never return and remain dead forever.

Luckily Allen didn't mention anything about his experience, only the theory about reincarnation.

The duo continues telepathically talking until the adults call them over for lunch. Then, Al and Aileen left around 3:30 PM to return home.

Al couldn't wait for the time when he could visit them anytime he wanted.

Three months later.....

Al and his mom were walking towards the town entrance because 2 days ago, Aileen's niece contacted her saying that she was going to visit them.

Al was walking with his mother, holding her hand. watching people go about their day but he was thinking about another thing.

'Am I the only one with this kind of ability?'

This was an unanswerable question that Al can't get off his mind. He knew it was not impossible and the chances are very miniscule, but it was still bugging him.

There is a possibility, no matter how low it is.

His train of thoughts was interrupted when he heard various noises, Al shifted his attention towards the sounds and realized that they had arrived at the town entrance.

A large, opened gate that welcomed many people and pokemon alike. Although some of these pokemon are wild, they were free to enter as long as they do not bring harm to the people.

Of course, certain pokemon are banned in public places due certain reasons, but almost all of the pokemon that entered are low leveled bird Pokemon that are at the E rank.

Al could see other pokemon but none of them interested him. The mother and son duo waited until a tall lady around 5'9, approached them.

She had long crimson hair, untied and freely fluttering as she was wearing a crop top that matched her hair color and wore black pants.

Her amber eyes looked very interesting and intrigued Al more. "Hello, are you my cousin?"

He said in a cute and friendly tone.

Acting like a child is like 'child's play' for Al now as he had been acting as such for 2 years now, so a cute tone was nothing for him.

The lady smiled, "mhm, yes I am. You must be little Al" she replied while patting Al's head. He sensed something weird from his cousin.

Al showed a happy expression and nodded. but somehow he felt scared of this lady who was supposed to be his cousin.


Name: Flainne Harrison

Bloodline: Blaziken(22%)


Age: 19.5

Gender: Female

Affinity: Fire element

Skills: Riso aura technique (M), Riso battle dance (M), Riso fire trainer (M), ....

Trainer potential: 9/10

Psychic potential: 2/10

Aura potential: 10/10 (SEALED)

Unique trait: [ Flexible physique ]

Pokemon: Blaziken Lv.45, Magmar Lv.34, Houndour Lv. 32, Fletchinder Lv. 30



[ Now can view other's pokemon after meeting a human with pokemon blood ]

'A what now?' thought Al, he was speechless from the information he saw using his ability.

"Flainne, how are you? it's been a long time" said Aileen, wanting to catch up with her.

"yes, it's been 6 years already. it's good to see you again, sister Ai" replied Flainne.

Aileen and Flainne are part of a clan that holds a relatively high position in the pokemon Association, the Harrison clan.

This clan produces many trainers with potential and is a major supplier of elemental stones, namely fire stones.

The two were like sisters, despite Aileen being her aunt. She thought of Flainne as her little sister and became a reliable big sister to her.

Along the way home, Al learned more things about Flainne, like she was the daughter of Aileen's half brother and that she studied in a "trainer academy".

She didn't mention anything about aura which led to Al theorizing that aura are kept secret by the top brass of the social ladder.

Al also learned that Flainne recently returned from Hoenn and wanted to visit Aileen and get some catching up before returning to the clan.

The two talked for a bit before Aileen went to cook while Flainne was chilling in the living room, watching TV with Al when she spoke...

"Hey Al, wanna play a game?" she said in a smile that sent shivers on Al's spine.

Al suddenly remembered the past he always tried to bury and forget.