
Pokemon: The Ever-wanderer

Ezikel Jonn, who was supposed to be enjoying himself during his summer vacation had suddenly found himself in a different environment. He realized later that he was a baby. Reborn in an unknown location, Ezikel later discovers that he was in the pokemon world. Excited for the future, he now lives his new life as the son of Alfred Chayne and Aileen Chayne while preparing himself to be a bonafide pokemon trainer. Expect a journey filled with fun, action and many encounters and twist as Ezikel lives a new life in the pokemon world.

SnowflakeStorm · Anime & Comics
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Allen quickly composed himself and calmed down. 'Relax Allen, this isn't earth anymore. She's dead now. Relax'.

Flainne, who can perceive other people's emotions thanks to aura, felt this fluctuation.

Even if her aura is sealed, basic skills like emotion sensing aren't included.

The duo played for a while like nothing was out of the ordinary. They just played along, acting like they were enjoying it but really, two adult minded people pretending to be children....

not so fun if I would say.

The game was full of fake smiles as they played rock paper scissors, acting like it was fun and enjoyable.

"Time for lunch guys" Aileen announced.

'Finally' Al and Flainne thought at the same time.

The two went to the dining room to eat, finally freed from faking games that actually bored them.

After their little game, Allen couldn't stop thinking about his past and it bothered him very much.

No matter how much he tried, the memories would not stop flowing.


Earth, 2016..

In a modern house, two children were left alone. A teen girl with raven black hair and dark brown eyes and a boy who shares the same features.

(except he had short hair)

Anyone could tell that these two are siblings as they resemble each other so much despite their difference in shape.

"C'mon pig! buy me something to drink. I want cola" commanded the young girl as the chubby boy with his head down, could not refuse her order.

This was basically Ezikel Jonn's whole life in the Jonn household. Their mother worked abroad while their father who was supposed to take care of them disappeared without a trace.

The girl who slaves Ezikel around was his elder sister, Xenya Jonn. She always did as she liked without any restraints since childhood.

As for why Ezikel would follow her orders,

She blackmailed Ezikel by threatening to post videos of him ja*king off. Xenya told Ezikel that she won't post it as long as he obeyed her orders.

So without any chance to resist, Ezikel was under his sister's mercy and had to follow her every command no matter what.

Ezikel returned with a cola at hand and gave it to his sister with his head down.

"Ugh you stink, out of my room! now!" Xenya complained. Ezikel couldn't reply and just said to himself.

'I just took a bath, the heck do you mean?!'

He quickly got out of his sister's room and returned to the only place where he felt like home.

The pokemon world. Even after playing it many times, he still enjoys pokemon and right now he was playing pokemon, enjoying every moment of the game.

This was his only comfort game where he could be himself and enjoy himself. He felt very happy playing his favorite game every chance he could as it was the only thing that kept him from going insane.

Here on earth, almost anyone saw him as trash.


At school, Ezikel was finished dealing with the bullies, basically him getting beat up and his money taken from him.

He was used to this already, so he didn't even budge when they punched and kicked him. He went to the clinic and the nurse gave him the usual nagging and healed the wounds.

This was the norm and Ezikel was used to this already. Below average grades, alone, fat, short, ugly and miserable. He was an ideal target for any bullies of any shape and form.

'Luckily, I'll finally be graduating this year' Ezikel thought to himself. He couldn't wait to get out of this hellhole and live his life as he liked.

After all, he was saving for himself to leave home and go to someplace where he would live his life as he liked and not be bothered with people.

He got the money thanks to the monthly allowance she gives to them.


Three days after Ezikel's graduation...

Jonn household

"give me money, pig" ordered his sister who intruded his room out of the blue.

Today, Ezikel was ready to leave home. All his clothes packed in bags as he already found an apartment cheap enough for him to stay in for around 3 months.

This surprised Xenya, she never expected his wimp of a brother to actually have the guts to leave home and move to somewhere else for real.

"No, Xenya. From today onwards, I am my own man. I am not under you or anyone anymore" Ezikel steeled himself. He won't give a damn anymore if he was spread on the internet.

Even then, the apartment he rented for himself was very far away from their house so he couldn't be recognized there no matter what.

He had already suffered enough and was unwilling to go through any of that ever again.

Ezikel wanted to be free and live his life as he liked without anyone bringing him down.

"You really want me to post that? Alright you fat fk, try me" Threatened Xenya. She already took her phone out and opened it.

Ezikel just ignored this and took the chance to leave. He was still stopped by Xenya at the door but she could not ever defeat a guy almost 4x her size in terms of stength.

Ezikel left his room and went outside and had now finally escaped from his sister's tyranny.

Physically that is, while he had escaped home, Ezikel didn't have a way to earn money in order to support himself. Furthermore, he hasn't completely healed mentally.

The years of suppression from Xenya was still here despite him being far away. She still haunted him to the core no matter how far he goes.

The trauma even reached another world.

After all, he was still a child when she started being a monster in Ezikel's life. Even before the blackmail stuff, she was still scary and the kind of person Ezikel didn't like to deal with.

During their childhood, Xenya would always take the chance to make Ezikel's life miserable. Even though their parents tried to stop this, they ultimately failed as the girl was very cunning.

Ezikel basically became Xenya's plaything. She would scare him, beat him up and many more things without restraint.

She would do things that a any sane man would call cruel, but she was a child who just wanted to explore and experiment.

And Ezikel who was surpressed couldn't fight back no matter how hard he tried. He could only hide behind his mother.

But when his mother left, Xenya didn't try anything with him again. This went for a few months until the blackmail incident happened.


Night time, Chayne residence..

Allen was still thinking about Xenya and his past life. 'Sigh, I can't sleep at this point. I gotta do something about my past life.

I need a way to imrpove my mental state and recover from my past experiences. Simply burring it won't do anymore' Allen thought as he found a way to better his current situation.


Back on Earth, this is a very popular way to calm one's mind and focus. He never tried this during his life as Ezikel.

Breathe in, Breathe out....

It was midnight when a two year old boy in his room was meditating in his room. The tranquility of the night only helping him.

Despite the many thoughts in his head, Allen never entertained one of these as he focused on his breathing.

With his being now calm, the little Allen finally fell asleep.


'Woah. What's this feeling of clarity?' when he woke up, Allen felt a change in him. Like he had this new sense of serenity and clarity.

He never felt this calm in his life. When he checked his status, a pleasant surprise was waiting for him.


Name: Allen Mattios Chayne Condition:healthy

Age: 2.3

Gender: Male

Affinity: Pokemon(any type)

Skills: ....

Trainer potential: 7/10

Psychic potential: 2+1/10

Aura potential: 2/10

Unique trait: [Reach Trainer talent 10, psychic talent 10, Aura potential 10 to unlock]


'Wow, I feel so stupid since I never thought that meditation can't increase psychic potential. I think what influenced this the most was Ennan's telepathic ability.

It also seems that the higher up the psychic potential, the clearer and stronger one's mind is.

No wonder Ennan is so smart and mature, if 3 points already does this much, I can only imagine what 4 points can do' Allen thought.


The glorious Sun rose up as a brand new day was upon the Chayne residence.

Allen was the very first one to wake up, but meditated for the morning. Al didn't meditate for status increase but mainly for the effects it has with his mind.

He now decided that he would meditate everyday to improve his mental state and finally heal his past mental scars.

He stopped when the sunlight touched his skin and got out of bed.

On earth, kids use a crib while in this world they use a bed with a wall that can be controlled through a switch of some sort.

Parents leave the switch inside the bed for their children to learn how to leave the bed on their own without their presence.

Furthermore, a child can't fall down the bed because it's not too high from the ground.

It can still be considered as a crib for some but with a controller. Still, in this world it is called a child-bed.

Anyways, Allen went down the stairs. Unlike Earth, children's human physiology is way more sturdier. A fall from the stairs won't cause any major injuries.

Just minor bruises and a lesson for the child. Anyway in this world, children are more independent but they are still immature besides a few exceptions.

Allen went to the kitchen to drink water and eat breakfast while his mother was trending the garden and feeding the pokemon with Flainne.

An earthling would not be so carefree with their children but this is a norm in this world. Leaving a two year old alone for a few hours is completely normal here for some people.

Abnormally mature minded children aren't rare so Aileen considers Allen as such. Even Ennan and a few others were the same when she was 2 years old.

"Morning, little Al" greeted Aileen when she saw her child growing so fast. She considers herself a lucky mom to have such an independent son.

This is also why Ennan's mother and Aileen get along very well. Because their children were both very matured despite their age.

Their friendship led to Aileen being a bit carefree as a mother but that didn't bother Allen at all. In fact he was happy to get so much freedom despite being a child.

"Good morning mom, we go to Ennan's today?" requested Al to his mother.

Unfortunately Flainne was here "Sorry Al, maybe next time. You can play with your cousin for today" Declined his mother.

'Ehh right, she's here' complained Al.
