
Second Battle Begins

Thunder was completely nullified and Ash's Bronzong struck it in the face, sending the electric Pokemon back and into the ground.

"Generate even more energy," Lt. Surge barked out and the field glowed even more brightly while Ash just snapped his fingers.

"Alright Wonder room!" He ordered.

At that moment, Lt. Surge knew the battle had already been lost. As seen, Wonder room nullified the effects of the generator and a Flash cannon from Bronzong finished off the Pokemon.

Instead of being angry, Surge smiled and then extended his hand to Ash.

"It's League rules to not use our full power against challengers," Surge said, "Therefore I shall grant you the Thunder badge since I have seen your battle power,"

He brought out a golden badge that looked like a Thunderbolt, Ash's eyes glowed as he returned Bronzong and Lt. Surge returned his Electivire while letting out a sigh inwardly.

'This Kid may have beaten Raichu, I'll use him on the next challenger,' Lt. Surge thought, 'I'll let out all my pent out stress from losing the battle out on the next contestant,'

Ash took the badge and spread his hands wide in front of the crowd, Everyone yelled his name and cheered him on and a blush crossed his face as he exited the arena.

"The next battle will be in 30 Minutes," The Referee / Attendant announced and the crowd riled up, they were here for Ash's battle but they didn't expect that they would meet another person's battle here.

Surge left the arena and entered an Inner room in the gym, probably going to arrange the Pokemon he wanted to use.

I yawned and stretched my hands, A scarf landed on my face and I heard a curt voice next.

"I'm sorry," I heard a familiar voice say.

I turned to the person sitting at my right and saw the purple haired girl seen in the last season of Pokemon, I'm sure of it, Chloe wasn't she?

Yeah, It's Chloe, Prof. Cerice's daughter. I took the scarf from my face and extended it to her with a smile.

"No problem," I said and her eyes lit up.

Perhaps she saw how handsome I was or something else but she froze up. By the way, Why isn't Goh here?

Anyway, This was just for a moment as she smiled at me the next moment and collected the scarf.

I turned to my right to see the Professor giving me a bad eye. Oh come on, I just talked with your daughter...

30 Minutes passed by and Lt. Surge finally arrived in the newly repaired arena. The Female Referee was riled up as she pumped her fist into the air.

"Challenger Jordan, Please make your way into the arena," She said.

"I guess that's my cue to leave," I said and stood up causing Chloe to look at me, "Don't worry, I might look normal but I pack a punch,"

'Normal, my ass,' She thought while looking at my clothing design.

A Gray shirt and a red scarf wrapped around my neck as well as gray trousers. I looked anything but normal.

I walked down, The audience stared at me... Yup, They thought this was going to be a rookie match.

One thing I learned was that Dratini would be of no use in this battle, Lt. Surge was going all-out and trying to beat the crap out of me so I guess I would go ahead with the original plan and steamroll the idiot with Charizard.

I stood at the Challenger's platform and then gritted my teeth while staring into Lt. Surge's eyes.

"I watched your battle with Ash and I have to say, really unimpressed that you didn't beat him," I said and then gripped Charizard's Pokeball in my right palm with a slight smirk as my light blue eyes glowed a bit.

"Holding back in this battle will result in an instant loss so I hope you do the needful and go all-out, as much as you can for an A-rank gym battle," I said, "unless you want to suffer trauma,"

Lt. Surge had enough of this, First it was that Ash Ketchum guy and now it was this trainer whose name wasn't even worth remembering. He was fed up with the arrogance of trainers these days and sent out Magnezone.

"Power the Electric field to the maximum," Lt. Surge said and then the electric field glowed in a bright blue light while Magnezone absorbed it's energy.

"Still not enough," I said, "Alright, Let's start the battle!"

"This will be a 3 vs 3 Pokemon Battle between Pokemon Trainer Jordan from Viridian City and Lieutenant Surge from Vermilion city. The battle will be concluded when the Pokemon from either side is unable to battle and if the Challenger and the Gym leader get a tie then the Challenger wins. You smack talked the Gym Leader, Get ready to pay," The Referee said and with that, I threw the Pokeball into the air and it spun rapidly.

The ball opened slightly and flames started bursting in all directions before it opened completely and with a roar, Charizard made his appearance.


Charizard descended on the Electric field with a ring of fire surrounding him.

"Arrogant bastard," I mumbled and then smiled, "You learned it from the best,"

"Alright Charizard, It seems this gym leader refuses to take us seriously so let's go," I said and then Charizard pumped his fist up into the air, excitedly, "Pulverize his Pokemon!"

The order was going to be executed swiftly.


Author's Note:

Data problems in the Hospital, damn it. I couldn't get out of my room to publish so here we are.

So like last week guys, I need 12 Power stones within the week and then you get a Bonus chapter. Also One last review before this book can get rated so you guys should at least give me a good review.

Thanks for your support to this injured author, I'll never forget you guys.

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