
Pokemon: The Darkest Timeline

Volume 3 unleashes a relentless Jordan, fueled by unwavering determination, on a mission to crush Giovanni and supercharge his team. Will this surge of power be enough to thwart Giovanni, the indomitable Team Rocket leader? As the ominous Quartz Conference looms, can Jordan conquer both adversaries? Brace yourself for the high-stakes battles in Pokemon: The Darkest Timeline, Volume 3 – where every page pulses with electrifying action!

Kris_Tylers_1273 · Anime & Comics
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114 Chs

Ash vs Lt. Surge

The Vermilion city gym was as large as a Pokemon center and it was golden, There was a lightning emblem in the center of the gym building above the outer door and this made it attractive.

Lieutenant Surge, The gym leader had once participated in the Pokemon war with his Raichu and gotten out alive which was a miracle and after that, He started killing members of Team rocket for fun. He had a high hit rate and he had a big bounty on his head in Team Rocket.

[A / N: Please comment, Should the MC Kill Lieutenant Surge for the bounty?]

Six people walked into the Vermilion city gym with excited faces, Misty was excited for her lover since he was finally battling Vermilion city's gym, Brock was excited to see if there was a Female referee in the gym, Ash was excited to get his battle on with Lt. Surge, Ran was excited to see Jordan battle again, Cecilia was excited to witness the battles that were about to take place and finally I was excited... to finally challenge a gym.

I have defeated over 6 Pokemon Leagues, Elite 4 and all... in Pokemon games so beating Lt. Surge would be easy. I registered for an A rank gym battle while Ash registered for a B rank gym battle.

Honestly I don't get this dude, Why travel all over Kanto to get some gym badges? Why not just get about 4 or 5 A-rank gym badges and then leave it?

We met the receptionist which was a beautiful golden haired woman which Brock was fawning over.

"Are you the trainers Ash Ketchum and Jordan... Hand over your identifications," She said, her voice changing from professional to gangster within seconds.

We handed over our IDs and she scanned them with her computer before handing them back and pushing us through a door into the gym room.

There were several people in the stands and they were cheering on Ash Ketchum.

'Seems like he was quite a lot of fans,' I thought. A Person's win rate played a very good role in his supporters and apparently I had no supporters yet.

We headed up to the stands while Ash remained in the arena, standing on the Challenger's platform opposite Lieutenant Surge who was on the Gym Leader's platform.

"So Kid, You got the balls to challenge me?" Lt. Surge asked in a gruff voice.

People booed him from the audience and it seemed they really hated Lt. Surge.

"Yup," Ash said while turning his hat to the back and then smiling, "I already promised Gary I would become a Pokemon Master and you are just a stepping stone in my goals,"


"Oh, A Big talker huh? Referee!" Lt. Surge shouted and a female referee entered, the attendant with golden hair arrived in a referee's clothing.

"This will be a 3 vs 3 Pokemon Battle between Pokemon Trainer Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town and Lieutenant Surge from Vermilion city. The battle will be concluded when the Pokemon from either side is unable to battle and if the Challenger and the Gym leader get a tie then the Challenger wins. Kid, Prepare for a battle," She said.

Suddenly, The golden arena started glowing in a light blue light and electric sparks flew on the arena.

"An electrical generator capable of boosting the power of Electric type Pokemon," Ash said.

"Because you referred to me as a stepping stone, You get to face me at full thrust!" Lt. Surge announced while smirking.

"Just keep your wiener in your pants and stop thrusting," Ash commented while smirking.


Lt. Surge scowled before sending out his chosen Pokemon, Electrode.

Ash smirked and sent out Charmeleon.

"Alright, Dragon Dance!" Ash called out.

"Don't let it use a Status move, Use Thunderbolt!" Lt. Surge ordered.

Charmeleon jumped into the air and started spinning quickly while wrapping himself in draconic aura, Electrode's thunderbolt attack bounced off Charmeleon and Charmeleon completed Dragon Dance.

"Now Start the attack, Use Dragon Claw!" Ash ordered.

"Rollout right now!" Lt. Surge ordered.

Charmeleon was faster now and closed the distance between himself and Electrode within seconds while raising his right hand into the air which was glowing in draconic aura. He slashed...

Dragon Claw hit and sent Electrode flying into the ceiling, The Pokemon exploded making Charmeleon look cool.

My pupils dilated.

'When the hell did Ash Ketchum become so cool?!!' I complained inwardly, 'If he was like this in the anime, I would have been an Ash fan,'

Lt. Surge returned Electrode and sent out Electivire while Ash returned Charmeleon and sent out Bronzong.

"The second round begins!" The Referee announced.

"Electivire, Electric Terrain!" Lt. Surge ordered.

The arena suddenly turned into an electric field which was brimming with golden electricity.

"Now Thunderbolt!" Lt. Surge ordered.

A super powered thunderbolt tore through the air heading to Bronzong but Ash had that stupid grin on his face.

"Psychic!" Ash ordered.

Bronzong glowed in a purple hue and the Thunderbolt stopped and exploded mid-air.

"Now Close in and use Mach Punch!" Lt. Surge ordered.

"Bronzong, Keep your distance and use Lock-on!" Ash ordered.

Electivire lunged forward with his hands glowing in a light red hue and then with a burst of energy, He attempted to punch Bronzong who floated back at the last second while using Lock-on.

"Alright, Fall back and use your most powerful THUNDER!!!" Lt. Surge shouted, His voice filling the entire gym.

Electivire glowed in an intense blue lightning as the Pokemon stomped the ground and created a huge bolt of lightning, blasting it right at Bronzong.

"Now that Lock-on's attribute has been activated, Use Meteor Mash!" Ash ordered.

Bronzong glowed in a metallic glow as a crater formed beneath the floating Pokemon and it shot forward, colliding with Electivire's Thunder attack.


Author's Note:

Hey guys, I noticed that our Power stones last week didn't reach 12 so I didn't post a Bonus chapter.

Why guys why? Please support this book with your Power stones, after all, it's my first Pokemon Fanfic ever.

Anyway, Please continue reading, The 2nd chapter should be tomorrow hopefully.

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