
Pokemon: The Cult Leader System

Alex, A Hard-core Pokemon fan who have watched every season, movie and even hent*i of pokemon somehow get reincarnated as Ash ketchup just the day before his journey starts. Oh and, he also got a cult leader system that let him make a harem cult of his own. With such legendary system, what will he do? Of course, he will fulfill his childhood dream— To Make the biggest harem in whatever way possible and be the strongest. ### This will be wishfulfillment! ### Conform Believer's Number: 16 ### This is only for the strong hearted as there will be a lot of fucked up things presented in the story. The Main Character, Ash (alex) will be Chaotic evil from the start and the reason? no reason causes just want to fulfill everything he want to do without any hindrance so, if you don't like such protagonists, then This is not for you and even after this, you spam review saying he's unreasonably evil then I'll delete it. ### ### A/N: Hey there, smut lovers! Want to get your hands on more of my steamy stories and support my dirty habit? For just the price of a coffee, you can unlock a whole new level of erotic entertainment and become a VIP member of my smut empire. Here's what your hard-earned dollars will get you: Advance chapters: Be the first to know what kinky adventures await. Early access means you get to satisfy your cravings before anyone else. Exclusive content: I'll be crafting bonus scenes and alternate endings that only your horny eyes will see. It might even get so hot that I can't post it anywhere else! Special treats: From custom wallpapers to sexy fan art, I'll be throwing in some extra goodies from time to time to keep you coming back for more. So, what are you waiting for? For just the price of a cup of coffee, you can keep my vibrator charged and my fingers typing up a storm. Join now, and let's take this relationship to the next level!! P.S. This is our little secret, so shhh... Now click that support button and let's make things even steamier. A.P.S. There are already 10 people who have joined the empire!! So go and get your seat because your dear author is throwing a lot of 4k NSFW images of your favorite waifus today. Oh, and you can also request any waifu's NSFW images only for you and not for anybody else!! Shh... join now, you horny pricks! Link: buymeacoffee.com/GodlyMadara

Twintail · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 9: Delia Ketchum [2]

As I walk into the restaurant while holding delia's hand, a confident smirk naturally appeared on my face.

'This is gonna be fun," I thought before approaching the host who was on the reception desk.

"Reservation for ketchum," I said with a small smile as she checked the reservations today before sering there was a Reservation made by ketchums.

"Of course, Mr. Ketchum and Mrs. Ketchum, right this way." The host said, leading me and Delia to a cozy, candlelit table near the window.

Before I sat on my seat, I pulled out a chair for Delia. "Here you go, Delia." I said with a small smile as she smiled back warmly at me before sitting on the chair.

"Thank you, Ash! You're quite the gentleman tonight," she said, teasing me but you just lightly smiled before sitting across her.

"Only the best for you, Delia" I gently and softly while looking directly at her eyes with a warm smile on my face.


As the waiter bought their menus, they chatted up a little, about the menus items, laughing at the fancy name that they took for the food names.

"This place is a bit too much, don't you think?" Delia chuckled, looking at the options presented in the menus.

"Yeah, but i figured it'd be nice to go to places like this once in a while," Ash replied. "Beside, it's not everyday that we get to have dinner together, no?"

"Yeah, you're right!" She said with a small smile on her face.


After a little discussion of what to order, they placed their orders, they stay silent for some time as they enjoyed the ambiance, soft music playing in the background and the delicious aroma of gourmet food that set the mood.

After some times, the waiter came back with the food they order and started to eat over a chat.

"Hmm, the food here is really amazing," Delia said, taking a bite of the dish. "I'm really glad we came here."

"Yes, it's really good," Ash agreed. "Though nothing beats your cooking, Delia"

"Quite the charmer, aren't you?" Delia said as she laughed softly hearing Ash's words.

Ash leaned back, sipping his drink as he said, "It's true though?. I'll miss your cooking when I'm on my journey."

"I just want and hope that you'll be safe whenever or wherever you are, Ash! You know, travelling with pokemons can be very dangerous and i heard that a lot of people die and that their body can't even be found 'till this day." Delia softly said, her worries evident in her tone and words.

"I know Delia. But I've learnt a lot and besides, I've got a great, strong friend here with me and a lot of pokemons in the future watching my back so, you don't have to worry about me." Ash replied.

"Even so, i'm still worried." She said as she can't dismiss the danger that lay ahead on Ash's journey.

"I know it's dangerous as I have experienced it myself and I also don't want you to go but i know you well enough that I know you won't stop." She said as her expression softened.

"Yes Delia. I want to be the strongest trainer who have won every championship in the world." Ash said with a determined and a smirk on his face making Delia smile.

"I know you can do it." She said, encouraging Ash.

"Yeah." Ash said.


As they talked over the meal, suddenly, a grand piano in the restaurant started to play as soft musices from the piano started and violins also started to play, making all the people in the restaurant look at them for some time before they all start dancing except for Ash and Delia.

As they look at the people dancing with their partners, Ash also got the idea to dance with Delia and so, he stood up and walked to her side as she looked at Ash wirh curious eyes.

Ash then got on one knee as he took the hand of Delia and look her in the eyes and said, "May i have the honor to have a dance with you, princess?"

He said, looking at her with a sincere smile on his face. Delia hesitated for a little before she smiled as grabbed his hand.

"Sure, I'd love to dance with you, "Prince"." She said, addressing him like what he addressed her.

Then they both head to the dance floor near the grand piano where all the couples were dancing.

Ash then gently placed his hands on her waist as she rested her on his shoulder then they began to sway with the music. As they began to sway to the music, their movements were slow and fluid, perfectly in sync with the melody. The world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the soft notes of the piano and the rhythm of their hearts.

He twirled her gently, her dress flowing around her like a delicate waterfall. She laughed softly, a sound that blended harmoniously with the music. As they danced, their eyes locked, communicating more than words ever could. The connection between them was electric, yet serene, a perfect balance of excitement and comfort.

The music shifted to a slightly faster tempo, and they adjusted effortlessly, their steps more animated yet still graceful. Ash guided her through spins and dips, each movement bringing them closer together. The other guests in the lounge watched with smiles, the spontaneous dance adding a touch of magic to the evening.As the song reached its crescendo, they slowed once more, coming to a gentle stop. Their faces were close, breaths mingling. For a moment, they stood still, savoring the closeness.

"Thanks for everything today, Ash" Delia muttered with a bright smile on her face which he hasn't seen for some time now as he returned the smile.

"You're welcome, Delia." Ash said, returning the same bright smile.

Hand in hands, they both walked to the reception and paid the money before heading outside.


"Tonight was really nice," Delia said, glancing at Ash.

"It really was," Ash said, agreeing with her.

"You know Delia, you're really amazing." Ash said, his tone becoming a bit serious.

"What brought this on?" Delia said, looking at ash in surprise.

"Nah, just thinking how lucky I am to have you. You know, you've always been there for me."

"And I'll always be." Delia said with a smile, touched by his words.

"You know, if you weren't my mom, I'd probably asking you out." Ash said as a blush appeared up on her cheeks.


"Just kidding, Delia. Or maybe not!" Ash said with a small laugh as he put his arms around her shoulders and added a wink.

"You're incorrigible." Delia said as she shook her head, chuckling softly.

"Maybe," Ash grinned. "But you love me anyway."

"That u do," Delia admitted, smiling at him.

As they continued to walk on their way home while talking, they didn't even notice when but they were already in front of their house.


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