
Pokemon: The Cult Leader System

Alex, A Hard-core Pokemon fan who have watched every season, movie and even hent*i of pokemon somehow get reincarnated as Ash ketchup just the day before his journey starts. Oh and, he also got a cult leader system that let him make a harem cult of his own. With such legendary system, what will he do? Of course, he will fulfill his childhood dream— To Make the biggest harem in whatever way possible and be the strongest. ### This will be wishfulfillment! ### Conform Believer's Number: 16 ### This is only for the strong hearted as there will be a lot of fucked up things presented in the story. The Main Character, Ash (alex) will be Chaotic evil from the start and the reason? no reason causes just want to fulfill everything he want to do without any hindrance so, if you don't like such protagonists, then This is not for you and even after this, you spam review saying he's unreasonably evil then I'll delete it. ### ### A/N: Hey there, smut lovers! Want to get your hands on more of my steamy stories and support my dirty habit? For just the price of a coffee, you can unlock a whole new level of erotic entertainment and become a VIP member of my smut empire. Here's what your hard-earned dollars will get you: Advance chapters: Be the first to know what kinky adventures await. Early access means you get to satisfy your cravings before anyone else. Exclusive content: I'll be crafting bonus scenes and alternate endings that only your horny eyes will see. It might even get so hot that I can't post it anywhere else! Special treats: From custom wallpapers to sexy fan art, I'll be throwing in some extra goodies from time to time to keep you coming back for more. So, what are you waiting for? For just the price of a cup of coffee, you can keep my vibrator charged and my fingers typing up a storm. Join now, and let's take this relationship to the next level!! P.S. This is our little secret, so shhh... Now click that support button and let's make things even steamier. A.P.S. There are already 10 people who have joined the empire!! So go and get your seat because your dear author is throwing a lot of 4k NSFW images of your favorite waifus today. Oh, and you can also request any waifu's NSFW images only for you and not for anybody else!! Shh... join now, you horny pricks! Link: buymeacoffee.com/GodlyMadara

Twintail · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 6: Day Of The Starter Pokémon Selection [1]

"W-what? Brother-in-law? I'm not your brother-in-law," he said, still confused as to why I would say such things.

"You'll see what I meant by that later! For now, see ya later, 'Brother-in-law,'" I said as I walked away, but not before taunting him one last time.

"I'M NOT YOUR BROTHER-IN-LAW, ASHY BOY," he shouted as I just waved my hand, doing his iconic walk from the anime.


Just like that, time passed and I spent the whole day exploring every aspect of Pallet Town.

And like that, my first day in the Pokémon world ended just like that.


Sunrise in the Pokémon world as Pidgeys and Spearows' chirping voices could be heard throughout Pallet Town, and everybody became busy doing their work except for one guy who was still sleeping peacefully like it's the last day he'll ever get to sleep, and that is our protagonist, Ash Ketchum, who was sleeping peacefully beside Daisy Oak, who came back yesterday night to get the pleasure that she felt that morning.

Ring* Ring* Ring*

"Fuck, why the hell is this damn clock not stopping!" Ash said, growling in displeasure as he grabbed the Pokéball-type clock and threw it at the wall, destroying it completely as it stopped the ringing alarm.

"Holy smokes, I forgot today was supposed to be the day I was getting my Pokémon!" As Ash was about to head back to sleep once again, he stood up completely with his eyes wide open.

"Oye, Daisy, why didn't you wake me up? I thought you said that you'd wake me up today?" Ash said in displeasure as he grabbed the shoulder of the sleeping Daisy, who abruptly woke up.

"You were so rough yesterday and didn't let me sleep until 1 PM and you're now complaining, huh?" Daisy said as she rubbed her eye in displeasure.

"Fuck, I have no time to talk now," he said as he stood up completely and then instead of going to the lab in his pajamas like the original Ash did, he just wore the clothes that he wore yesterday and then freshened up without a care.

'Ugh, since it's like this already, there's nothing to complain about as I know that others must have already taken the royal starter of the Kanto region and that only Pikachu is left. Fuck, that bitch is so annoying and stubborn in the first few episodes that I have second thoughts now if I should even take him or ask the professor for a new starter?' he thought with displeasure as he finished freshening up.

"Oh, Daisy! Can you help me pack my bags?" he said, looking at the still freshening up Daisy.

"Yeah, alright! I'll do it, now go, otherwise there won't be any Pokémon left for you," Daisy said.

"Alright, alright!" Ash said before running out of his house and heading to Professor Oak's lab.


[1st POV]

Outside of the professor's lab, there could be seen a bunch of girls wearing cheerleader outfits and Gary, who was wearing his iconic outfit that he wore in the series.

"Oh, Ashy boy, you're late as always, huh? Even though I reminded you yesterday," Gary said in a mocking tone.

"Oh, just shut up, Gary. You must have waited for me to mock me, huh?" I said in annoyance as I headed to the professor's lab without looking at him.

"Don't you want to know which Pokémon I chose as my starter?" Gary said with a smirk.

"It must be Squirtle," I said, remembering what he picked in the series.

"Huh? How did you know?" he said in a surprised tone, not expecting me to guess it correctly.

"I just guessed it," I said before heading up the stairs that led to the professor's lab and knocked on the door.

"Oh, if it isn't Ash?" the professor said as he shot me a strange glance.

'Does he already know about my relationship with Daisy? Must be the reason he is shooting me such a strange glance,' I thought.

"Yeah, I'm here to pick up my starter," I said as I scratched the back of my head.

"You're really here to pick your starter Pokémon, huh? So you did remember that today, you were supposed to come pick your starter?" Professor Oak said.

"Yeah, I just kind of woke up late. Sorry for that. Can we head inside to pick my starter already?" I said even though I knew that no starter Pokémon was left, but I just said it because how would I know about that when I just arrived here just now?

"Alright, since everyone has already had their pick, let's get you your own pick too!" he said with a sigh, but if you listened closely and looked at his face closely, you could see a hint of sarcasm and kind of a mocking tone in his voice, which I obviously noticed but just let it slip as I had no intention of being on his bad side right now because I lack influence, battle strength, and mostly, I am weak compared to such a huge figure like Professor Oak, who used to be the Pokémon League Champion of the Kanto region.

'Just wait a little, sly old man, and let me grow properly, and then I'll show you how to talk "sarcastically,"' I thought as my vow to become the strongest got even stronger, as I had no intention of being the target of sarcasm or mockery, as I like to be the one to do the sarcasm and mockery.



As we reached the upper floor of Professor Oak's lab where he keeps the Pokémon he gives away as starters.

"Alright, choose any of the three!" he said, bringing me near the table where 3 Pokéballs are.

"I don't think any starters are even available," I said with a fake sigh.

"Oh, why do you think so?" he said, his curiosity piqued by my words.

"In the first place, I'm late, really late, and I don't think you or any trainers that came before me left me any of the royal starters. So, do you have any Pokémon left for me?" I said, which surprised him a little as the Ash he mostly knew was hot-headed, reckless, and ambitious, but what he's seeing right now is completely different from the one he knew.

"Correct. And there is one Pokémon left, though I doubt you can handle it," he said.

"Just bring out the Pokémon, professor. I'll see if I can handle it or not," I said as he nodded his head a little and then brought out a Pokéball.

"This is Pikachu, an Electric Mouse Pokémon," he said as he threw the Pokéball in the air, and a small, yellow mouse-like Pokémon came out from it.


A/N: Throw in all your powerstones; today's goal is 350PS, complete it.

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