
Pokemon: The Cult Leader System

Alex, A Hard-core Pokemon fan who have watched every season, movie and even hent*i of pokemon somehow get reincarnated as Ash ketchup just the day before his journey starts. Oh and, he also got a cult leader system that let him make a harem cult of his own. With such legendary system, what will he do? Of course, he will fulfill his childhood dream— To Make the biggest harem in whatever way possible and be the strongest. ### This will be wishfulfillment! ### Conform Believer's Number: 16 ### This is only for the strong hearted as there will be a lot of fucked up things presented in the story. The Main Character, Ash (alex) will be Chaotic evil from the start and the reason? no reason causes just want to fulfill everything he want to do without any hindrance so, if you don't like such protagonists, then This is not for you and even after this, you spam review saying he's unreasonably evil then I'll delete it. ### Support this fic on patreon for it to continue, link is below; patreon.com/LordRedEx Leave A Tip If You Like The Story; buymeacoffee.com/GodlyMadara

AlmightyAzor · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 4: First Believer [2]

Well, I'll continue this fic up to 10 chapters. I'll see if I'll continue it or not from the enthusiasm, interactions as well as how many people tip this story, thanks


Daisy also didn't get left behind by Ash as she put her arms around his neck while still kissing him.

"Ash," she muttered between the kiss, "this doesn't feel right."

"It is," he disagreed, his voice filled with desire. "I want you, Daisy."

She nodded her head hearing this as her heart started to pound with anticipation. "I want you too, Ash."


Ash's hands started to move to undress her, his touch gentle yet firm. As he removed every piece of clothing on Daisy, he got the full glory view of her body.

As he stared at Daisy's body with an intense gaze, filled with lust, Daisy couldn't help but get embarrassed as she lightly coughed to get his attention.

"Don't stare so much," she softly muttered, bringing Ash back to his senses as he smiled and said, "They're beautiful."

He extended his hands to grab her small breasts and then softly pinched her nipples.

"Ahh~ Ash, no~" she said, moaning from the pleasure.

Ash didn't stop there as he continued to mold her small breasts and then brought his mouth closer to her neck and started to kiss it for some time.

"Ahhh~~" Daisy softly moaned as she tightly hugged him.

As Ash kissed her neck, he also didn't forget to mark it as his with a few love bites here and there while still molding her breasts.

And so, for a minute, he continued to give a few love bites and mold her breasts while pinching them.

As he got bored of doing this, his hands started to go down to her nether region.

As she was naked right now, it became easy for him as he started to rub her pussy gently.

"Ahh~ Ash, not there!" she softly said while moaning, but he just ignored it as he started to finger her.

"Ash, ahh~ yeah~~" she said, feeling the pleasure she was getting from being fingered by Ash.


For a while, Ash fingered her while Daisy moaned from the pleasure she was getting from it.

But then, Ash suddenly stopped, making Daisy confused as she looked at him.

"Ash?" she said, confused as to why he stopped fingering her.

"It's your turn now, Daisy," he said with a smile as he pointed his hand toward his dick, which was so hard that she could even see it through the clothes he was wearing.

As he said that, he started to undress himself, giving her the view of his 8.5-inch dick that was standing at its full glory.

When Daisy saw it, she got scared initially while thinking, 'Will this even fit me?' But she didn't back away as she held his dick with her right hand and started to stroke it up and down.

"Like this?" she said as she stroked it.

"Yeah, but you should also take it in your mouth," Ash said, making her blush at the thought of it being inside her mouth.

"D-do I really have to do it?" she said, stuttering.

"Yeah," he said with a serious face, making it hard for her to refuse it. So, she reluctantly brought her face close to it and licked the tip of the dick.

As she licked the tip of his dick, Ash felt some kind of pleasure from it. So to get it all, he grabbed the back of Daisy's head and forcefully made her swallow his whole dick, and she had a surprised expression on her face.

"Hhhhmm," she muttered, trying to say something but couldn't as his whole length occupied her and even reached the back of her throat, making her whole face red as it was her first time taking something so big inside her mouth.

"Ah, yeah~ now stroke it like this," Ash said as he grabbed the back of her head and then started to bring it up and down, making her drop a tear as it was making it hard to breathe.

But after some time and she got used to it, she started to bring her head up and down herself as she started to get pleasure from it.

"Ah, yeah! That's the way," Ash said as he moaned from the pleasure he got from the deep throat.

The deep throat continued for some time before he felt that he might cum.

"I'm cumming! Take it all in and don't let a single drop hit the floor," he said before cumming a load inside her mouth, surprising her as she had never drunk anything like that.

"Hhhhhh," she said as she took in all the cum inside her mouth and tried to swallow it all down.

*Gulp *Gulp *Gulp

She gulped all the cum inside her mouth with some difficulty as it was her first time, but she swallowed it all.

"Did you swallow it all? Let me see, open your mouth," Ash said as Daisy opened her mouth wide for him to see, and surprisingly, there was no cum left inside her mouth, which meant that she had drunk it all.

"Good girl," he said with a smile as he patted her head, making her smile.

"Now then, for the main course," he said as he sat cross-legged.

"Come here," he said with a smile as Daisy nodded her head before sitting on top of him.

"Wrap your legs around me. This position is called lotus, made especially for lovers," he said, making her cheeks deep red as she wrapped her legs around him.

As she was sitting comfortably on top of him, she felt his dick making its way inside her pussy.

As it slipped inside her, she moaned out loud but it stopped halfway as his dick felt a blockage.

"Wow, you're really tight inside, huh, and is this your hymen?" he said with amazement as he felt the tightness and the hymen inside her pussy.

And then, with a simple push, he broke her hymen, his dick fully entering her and reaching up to her womb.

"Ackk!" Daisy let out a painful cry.

"Are you okay?" he said as he then grabbed her chin before kissing her, his tongue making its way inside her mouth as she also didn't lag behind and did the same.


They engaged in a French kiss for a while before he took out his tongue and stopped the kiss, looking at her.

"Are you alright now? Should I move now?" he said.

"Yeah, I'm alright now. You can move," she said with a smile.

"Hm, okay!" he said before slowly moving back and forth.

There was also blood leaking out of her pussy but they both paid it no heed as they knew that it was a sign of her losing her virginity.

After a while of slow back and forth, he started to increase his pace as deep moans escaped from her mouth.

"Ah~ harder~" she said as he went even harder and faster hearing her words.


In that morning, deep moans could be heard from outside the room but they didn't care about it one bit as they were both engaged in deep sex.


A/N: Throw in all your power stones, today's goal is 150Ps, complete it. Oh and by the way, leave comments and a review, this will help me a lot and motivate me to write even more.


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