

Aiden reincarnated in the world of Pokémon with a system. The system main mission is to destroy the evil regional organizations like Team Rocket in Kanto and Other regions. And Let's see how he finds differences between game and real world and achieves his dreams while saving the world. Because the Real world is much crueler and tougher than shown in T.V Disclaimer: This is a fan fiction novel. So, the basics of the Pokémon world is not created by me. It belongs to "The Pokémon company". The Cover does not belong to me.

DEAD_Gamerzz · Video Games
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11 Chs

9. To Viridian City, Info of the world

After saying goodbye to Delia, I went to the woods near pallet town, which is route-1.

In our way to viridian city we stumbled across many pokemons and being daytime it's hot in woods. I trained all my Pokémons while traveling to the city, generally it takes 1 day from pallet town.

'Sebes how much time it will take to reach viridian city.'

[Sir, by our current pace, we should reach there by tomorrow evening]

While traveling, all my Pokémons were out of their poke balls as they want to travel too and this will improve their instinctive senses and I always used charmander for battles as his level is the lowest in the team, and he is the newest member to join my team, so he needs battle experience.


It was already past evening, so we stopped near the lake to camp here for the night.

So I took out cooking set and camping set from the inventory and send frogadier and ivysaur to collect woods while charmander is with me for safety. After training and battling for the day, he already reached level-14.

But I don't plan to evolve him anytime soon, I plan to teach him some dragon type moves and unlock his dragon gene before evolution.

Right now he's doing his training diligently, and I asked professor about potentials of Pokémon, to which he said that a device was built about checking potentials but only can be found in league offices as they are very expensive.

He also whispered in my ear that the machines can be found in black market of some cities. As they always change their locations to keep safety in their business, and you might already know what you will find there

He also said If I were to go there, safely first and just do your business and be conscious to not mess with those people, not until you're strong enough to mess with them.

He also told to keep it a secret, not everyone in the region know about it as it's kept secret by league association.

As for the potential of Pokémon are categorized as

C - Rank (Red, Orange)

B - Rank (Yellow)

A - Rank (Green)

S - Rank (Blue)

The potential is based on rank are identified in the current world, not as colors specified based on system.

There is also level checking machine in league association which is not accurate as per sebes as he has hacked in league's server and this also an advantage for me to check tabs on suspicions peoples through the servers as the internet and servers present are not as advanced as previous world so they can't even find a single trace of sebes as he is even much more advanced compared to his previous world technologies.

The level of Pokémons as per machines in the world are

1 - 9. Rookie

10 - 19. Beginner

20 - 29. Intermediate

30 - 39. Advance

40 - 49. Average Gym leader

50 - 59. Elite Gym leader and pseudo elite four

60 - 69. Elite Four

70 - 79. Champion

80 - ???

Beyond is the unknown as nobody surpass it or either keeping low profile.


I'm still amazed that in this world

1 hr - 120 mins

1 day - 24 hrs

1 month - 45 days

1 year - 48 months

Which is still very much compared time compared to his previous world.


After coming out of my thoughts, I started preparing food for me and my pokemons as they brought woods and are playing near the camp.


After eating, I did a light exercise and then start meditating chaos energy into the camp while the pokemons guarding the camp time to time as they slept outside.