
Pokemon: The Adventure!

AU, and a bit of SI. Love Interest: Korrina (The blonde girl with a Lucario in the anime.) ... Not reincarnated MC and Character Development (Don't read if you don't understand what this means.) ... Synopsis: In the wonderful world of pokemon. Join Cinder Lark on his journey towards his ideal dream of the best pokemon trainer there is! ... *So guys, the release of chapters per day, as of now, will depend on the Power Stone Ranking of this Fanfiction. ° Top

AiLund · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Trouble After Trouble, Why Not Make It Double? [+18: Dark Content.]

**In the future chaps, when there would be a [+18] content, I would add the reason behind it. Like, [Dark Content], [Sex Content], [Sexy Time Content], [Threesome Content] and etc.**

Deeper into the caverns, a platoon of Team Rocket grunts had set up camp.

The room that acted as the main area of their makeshift hideout was fairly large, enough for them to comfortably set up equipment stations while still being able to move about freely.

Although a good few of them were currently out and about, just as many were still in the room.

Activities amongst the group ranged between discussion amongst each other regarding their current mission, maintenance on the equipment that they had set up, and silently standing around waiting for orders.

A small group of soldiers were gathered near one of the far ends of the room.

A large table was set up for beakers of water and soda, the group gathered around the table to get some drinks.

Among the group was a slim woman, who has greyish-blue hair. She has an outfit, composed of a long purple collared jacket, with two pockets, but without her left sleeve. In addition, she wears a red outfit underneath, with red heels.

Her subordinates eyed him with unease, and... Hot lust, their stomachs twisting into knots and making it difficult to drink their beverages as their eyes landed on her, but one would notice their hot gazes. Her lips twitched upwards a bit at their behavior, although she didn't say anything.

Her commanding presence translated into her tone of voice as she addressed the soldiers, raising her voice as she left the table with a glass of water in hand and made her way to the center of the room.

Silence immediately fell to every other soldier in the room, leaving only room for her voice as her words resounded across the makeshift hideout.

"Listen up! We still have a bit of a ways downwards to go before we reach the moonstone." The callous nature on her face made her seem perpetually crazed, near impossible to tell if the look on her face was truly bloodlusted, or just an illusion. As her mouth twisted upwards into a grin, she continued her announcement. "The area of the moonstone is the den of high level pokemon that have made the nearby sections of the mountain their nest." She said evenly, yet in a somewhat excited aura. "Therefore, only our top members within the group will be going any further from here." Pulling out a clipboard, she looked around the room. "I have a list of our strongest members here who were handpicked by Executive Archer to be the frontrunners of our mission to secure the moonstone. These will act as our elite squadron to raid the deepest depths of this mountain in search of the prize. Agent Com! A word!"

The somewhat lanky, mustachioed man with dirty blond hair tried to remain upright as he approached the mysterious callous woman, but found himself shrinking more and more the closer he got.

The intimidating woman's fists pressed against her hips as Com stopped a few feet in front of her, she was a couple heads shorter than him, however, he couldn't be forced to look downwards as his female superior addressed him.

"I'll be leading the offensive squadron to take the moonstone, of course, which means that you will be in charge of maintaining our base. Keep everyone patrolling for trainers so that our efforts aren't compromised by unpredicted nuisances."

Doing his best to look tough, Com nodded, before replying in a somewhat nasally voice.

"Of course, ma'am. Let's just hope no one else tries to put up any resistance like the last group that was encountered. A couple of broken legs came out of that incident."

The woman shrugged. "You can never predict the actions of these travelers. Some are either cowardly enough, or smart enough, to cooperate, while others will make things harder for everybody involved. Speaking of which, I'm going to pay a quick visit to our prisoners before departing. Round up everyone on the list." Handing the clipboard to Com, she turned away without another word, walking off towards one of the tunnels.

As Com began reading the names on the list aloud, watching as the assigned members lined up, his mind was in an almost completely different place.

'Despicable that I am not on the list. Is the Executive really that incapable of recognizing talent? We have all these people getting ready to pillage this mountain's greatest treasure, and I'm… stuck on guard duty!'


The callous woman made her way through the tunnel to reach a smaller room, eying the teenagers that were lined up against the wall in the back. She grinned as most of the prisoners froze up upon her arrival, with the soldiers watching over them in the room immediately perking up upon noticing her presence.

Just as she was about to speak, she noticed a brown haired girl sitting on the hard, rocky floor, shivering as she was accosted by one of the soldiers.

She could be no older than thirteen or fourteen, perhaps fifteen, and the look of horror on her face as she realized that she had nowhere to back away was palpable.

The soldier pressed his hand firmly against the wall as he glowered into her eyes. "Thought you could get away with passing secret notes to your buddies, huh? Do you take us for some kind of joke? If you want to get out of this without any bones fractured, you'll cooperate with us until our mission is done!"

The girl squealed fearfully as her hands covered her head, eyes closed as she looked away from her assailant and down to the stone cold floor.

"I'm sorry!" She stuttered in a frightened tone of voice. "It was wrong of me, I know! Just please don't hurt me!"

"If you didn't want to get hurt, then why do something so stupid in the first place! Your not-"

"What's going on here?" The woman questioned as she casually strode over to the two. "And here I thought order was being maintained while I was addressing the rest of the crew."

The brown haired girl's eyes shot open as her gaze landed on the woman before her, her lips quivering as she began to feel as though she would vomit from the stress.

Even with a neutral lol covering her expression, it still felt as though her gaze was piercing right through her. As the leader crossed her arms, she once again panicked at the realization that she had nowhere to scoot back to.

"Hunter J." the other man did his best to keep his voice composed as he looked over to his female superior, and although he managed for the most part, the anxiety was still partially slipping through. "I apologize that you had to walk into this. I was just trying to remind this little girl to behave herself while she is in our custody."

"Yes, I heard. Secret notes, huh?" Her sharp gaze returned to the brown haired girl, who felt as though her chest was about to give out.

"Please… I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have-" Her fearful stammering was interrupted by the woman.

"Enough, kid." She raised a hand to cut her off, along with the blunt tone of her voice. Crossing her arms again, she glared down at the young prisoner with a stoic expression that was twisted and warped by the presence of her casual expression. "The dissonance of your words and your deeds makes you hard to speak to. You clearly act like you don't want us to do anything to you, and yet you knowingly do something that is guaranteed to provoke us if you get caught in the act. I'm all for a little bit of inconsistency in this world, but your behavior is just bizarre. And Team Rocket has had at least a few dozen other prisoners just like yourself." Her gaze was practically frozen in her terrified expression as she leaned down minimally in order to get a better look at her. "Your so-called survival instincts are just hypocrisy. Try to learn your place before you've given us a reason to hurt you, not after."

As the other soldier kneeled down, he grabbed onto the girl and roughly pulled her to her feet. He tightened his grip on her in order to prevent her from staggering and losing her balance from the sudden action, before smacking his hand across her face and roughly shoving her in the direction of the other prisoners. When the two kids in front of her caught her to prevent her from losing her balance again, he turned to the mysterious woman, who held her head high as she addressed the prisoners with an even tone of voice.

"A word of reminder to you all. You're not trainers right now. You're hostages. People whose well being are on the line until you've gotten what we came for." As the fearful crowd took in her words, her glare tightened. "I don't want to hear about anymore incidents when I get back. Simply do your part and stand against that wall. Cooperate with our men until you are told you can leave. And never provoke the people who could punish you at a moment's notice. Understood?"

It was probably the sharp tone of her voice that got the crowd of trainers nodding frantically in immediate response to her declaration. Satisfied, she turned to the other soldiers in the room, who had all gathered behind her, before offering them all a curt nod.

She suddenly stopped. She seemed to be thinking as she grinned sadistically, as she turned around to once again glare straight towards the brown-haired girl. "I change my mind. First times are so special. Unique, but the last times are beyond comparison. They are priceless. But people don't normally know it's their last time. Punishments are necessary when one needed control." She then turned around to continue on her job, but not before ordering. "Kill the girl."

That made the prisoners scream, the brown haired girl particularly was having an unbelievable expression, even the crew with her were slightly startled.

"We'll be moving out now. Into the deepest depths of the Mt. Moon tunnels. Just keep everyone here in check until we get back, when someone tries something fishy once again, kill them too. The moonstone will soon be property of Team Rocket."

The men nodded at that, still trying to ease themselves in her presence, but only managing somewhat.

With nothing left to say, the woman made her way out of the room.

"Noooooo!! Please!! Spare meeee!!!!"

Screams and cries were the only noises that she heard as she slowly departed from the area.


"I didn't realize there were still trainers left to clear out."

Cinder was afraid, but he calmed himself as he knew that's the best thing to do in this kind of intense situation, he stepped in front of Korrina. Which surprised the teenager as she looked over to Cinder's back.

The woman grumbled. "Tch, she'll have our heads if we leave any stragglers." Her voice suddenly became booming. "Hey kids! You need to come with us! Now!"

Cinder and Korrina backed away with quivering eyes and lips as the two figures approached them, walking forcefully across the room.

Storm, Starly, and Alpha weren't faring much better, but the young sheep's white wools sparked madly as he dared to let out a fierce bleak towards the approaching soldiers.

The duo stopped just a couple of meters from the groups as the electricity crackled across the sheep's wool.

The man's face twisted into something akin to a glare as he leered down at the pink ovine pokemon. "Control your sheep, kids. We're in the middle of an important mission." He gestured his hand out, his movements friendly, but his face not. "Hand over your pokeballs and follow us to where we are keeping the other trainers. You won't get so much of a scrape as long as you cooperate. Otherwise…" Two orbs suddenly appeared in his hands, the pokeballs quickly enlarging. "You won't be the first ones to get hurt for your recklessness."

'There's more of them?!' Cinder thought frantically as his breathing suddenly sped up, he couldn't find himself calming with this kind of situation at all. How many trainers have they imprisoned here? Where were they? What were he and Korrina supposed to do? Should they run? Yes, that's the most logical thing to do, besides they couldn't risk themselves knowing they don't have the capabilities to confront them, now that they knew these two in front of them aren't the only ones.

The encounter with Cassidy and Butch hadn't been very long ago in the slightest. This was the second time that he'd run into Team Rocket on his journey, and it hadn't even been a month yet! What was going on right now?! Why did he keep having to run into this group?! What had he done to deserve it?!

Korrina had backed away from him just a bit. It seemed as though she couldn't make up her mind as to whether she wanted to protect Cinder or the other way around, her arms wrapped protectively around the boy while she simultaneously hid behind him. The color was completely gone from her face, giving her a sickly appearance as the stress of the situation overwhelmed her.

The man snarled. "Not going to comply, huh? Very well, just remember that you brought this upon yourself. Stupid brats."

Cinder recognized the pokemon that emerged from the pokeballs. A Sandshrew and a Tangela. As he took them in, the woman took out a pokeball of her own and released a somewhat large, bulky Growlithe.

Storm backed away a little bit, but the electricity emitting from his wools increased in intensity. Starly attempted to imitate him with a growl of her own, but wasn't quite as good at hiding her fear.

Korrina released Cinder and tried to stand upright. Cinder felt her breath brush against his ear as she whispered to him, simultaneously trying to sound encouraging to him while also convincing herself to be brave.

"We have to fight, Cinder." her voice was soft, but final. "Who knows what they'll do to us?"

She was right. And Cinder hated knowing that. Why won't they just run? However, are their legs faster or are their pokemon's faster? It's obvious.

Cinder nodded reluctantly and released Hercule, while Korrina released Hero(Hawlucha).

The woman sneered. "Five to three, eh? Nice try, but strength in numbers won't be enough for a couple of young teenagers."

Cinder and Korrina ran backwards to clear some distance as Hercule and Hero surveyed the situation, the young Poliwag immediately tensing up upon noticing Team Rocket's presence. Starly flied over towards him, her growls now becoming a bit more genuine as the avian channeled the energy for Air Slash on her wings.

"Attack!" Yelled the man.

Sandshrew bolted forward and allowed its body to intercept the blast of electricity that Storm had aimed at Growlithe. However, fully blocking the blast caused it to stay in one place for too long, and although the electricity was harmless in the face of the ground-type pokemon, the same did not hold true for the blast of Vacuum Wave that collided with the Sandshrew as Alpha quickly launched a follow-up attack of his own.

Now Storm took aim at Sandshrew as he charged forward with a metallic tail, only for a Vine Whip from Tangela to suddenly wrap around said tail as Storm attempted to thrust it forward. However, as Tangela attempted to flip Storm over, the electric sheep letting out a shocked yelp as the attempt was made, the grass-type was assaulted by a simultaneous Air Slash and Bubble Beam from Starly and Hercule, sending the opposing pokemon rolling backwards as Storm freed himself.

But just as the young sheep attempted to get back into the fray, he was blessed at point blank range from an Ember attack as the Growlithe rushed forward.

"Hero, Submission!" At Korrina's order, Hero flung itself through the air with his arms outstretched (like batman), rolling mid-air with great velocity towards the opponent at full speed and hits it.

As Growlithe wailed in pain from the sudden blow, Starly was upon it, slamming a Steel Wing right into its head at Cinder's command, surprisingly the avian listened to him owing to the fact of their situation. The concussive blast was too much for the fire-type pokemon, which was already reeling in pain from Hero's attack.

As Growlithe collapsed, Storm took aim at Sandshrew, who had been blasted by yet another barrage of Vacuum Wave by Alpha(Riolu) as it had attempted to join the fray. Raising a metallic tail, the young sheep slammed it down on top of the ground-type's head, and a follow up of Metal Claw on the same spot by Alpha, leaving Sandshrew to unceremoniously faceplant into the cold, hard stone.

Now the only one left, Tangela raised its vines again, preparing to attack.

Suddenly, Hercule sneaked on the ground behind it, using his Ice Beam as a track for him to skidd as he froze the unprepared grass-type lokemon in place with another Ice Beam on the back. With a loud battle cry, Alpha flung himself forward with shining metallic claws, driving it head first into Tangela, who was sent flying away and landed in a heap.

The man's face was twisted in rage as the five Pokemon advanced on him and his comrade.

"Dammit all!" He stuttered lividly as he backed a few steps away from the advancing pokemon who were glaring daggers at him. "We exhausted our stronger pokemon against the other trainers! We gotta move!"

"Yeah, let's split!" Shouted the woman frantically.

Not even bothering to recall their pokemon, the two turned tail and fled, only for Storm to dash ahead of them and blast them with a quick jolt of electricity, forcing their bodies to collapse painfully onto the stone hard floors.

"This was supposed to be the easy part of the mission..." The man stammered his words out pathetically as he and the woman were left delirious from the shock, their bodies spasming on the rocky floors(Like a Magicarp on land).

As Cinder and Korrina regrouped with their team, Cinder allowed a deep sigh of relief to escape from his lungs, and he could hear Korrina sighing as well.

"Great work, you guys." He said as he allowed a nervous smile to freely make its way onto his face. "Now let's hurry up and get out of here so that we can contact the authorities at the next Pokemon Center and-"

"HEY! What's going on here?!"

The entire group paled as they turned around and saw four more soldiers running into the room from another tunnel.

It was too soon to be feeling relieved or safe.

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