
Pokemon: The Adventure!

AU, and a bit of SI. Love Interest: Korrina (The blonde girl with a Lucario in the anime.) ... Not reincarnated MC and Character Development (Don't read if you don't understand what this means.) ... Synopsis: In the wonderful world of pokemon. Join Cinder Lark on his journey towards his ideal dream of the best pokemon trainer there is! ... *So guys, the release of chapters per day, as of now, will depend on the Power Stone Ranking of this Fanfiction. ° Top

AiLund · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
52 Chs


"Agent Com! A report!"

Com perked up as a somewhat short woman approached him, her uniform a bit dirtied from a previous battle.

"What is it, this time?" He grumbled irritably, his eyes constantly wandering to the tunnel where the Hunter and her squadron had headed off to.

"We've received word that two more trainers have been spotted roaming the caverns! Rookies, from the looks of it. They took out two soldiers and are now fleeing from more!"

Com groaned in dissatisfaction.

"Is this the most interesting this mission is going to get for us?" He looked around the room. Most of the soldiers that hadn't been assigned to accompany the Marauder on his mission to secure the moonstone were now out on patrol. "We can't spare any more troops. Simply send word to those who are already out on patrol. I doubt they're a threat, but… our leader wouldn't appreciate it if we were to take any risks…"

He and the woman both shivered at that, and she nodded.

"Understood, sir. All patrolling units will be mobilized immediately."


Cinder Lark had the worst luck.

At least, that's what it was starting to seem like, at any rate.

Quickly recalling everybody except for Storm and Starly, he and Korrina had bolted the moment the other four soldiers had arrived on the scene, Storm and Starly quickly launching attacks to keep the soldiers at bay and give the group a head start. They hadn't even paid attention to which tunnel of the caverns that they had bolted into, nor did they even remotely care.

Cinder was skeptical that they would send some sort of speedy pokemon to intercept them, but no such pokemon came. Had he been in a better state of mind, he would have recalled what the previous Team Rocket soldier had said earlier, about exhausting all of their stronger pokemon.

Right now, all he was focused on was remaining alive and well. The adrenaline pumping through his body carried him across the tunnels as he and Korrina ran side by side, the normally childish girl in a similar mood of panic as her feet pounded against the rocky floors.

As they approached a branching path, Cinder and Korrina gaped in horror as they saw two more soldiers running out of one of the tunnels. The group made a quick beeline for the second tunnel, now sure where it would take them.

One soldier successfully managed to seize Cinder's collar from behind, prompting a shriek of worry from Korrina. A painful Iron Tail from Storm had sent the man flying backwards (probably with shattered ribs), as Korrina latched onto Cinder as quickly as she could, the boy falling backwards for a brief moment before his new friend grabbed him and pulled him back up, sparing him a hard collision with the rocky floors of the caverns.

More running. More panicking. More shouting from the soldiers in hot pursuit.

There was no end goal in sight. Just a desperate attempt to stay out of the reach of their assailants as long as they possibly could. How long would that last?

"COCKSUCKERS!" Cinder's voice assaulted Korrina's ears with its sheer volume, and, had it not been for her completely panicked state of mind, the young girl probably would have been totally floored to hear such language from somebody of her age group.

The young boy kept his gaze up ahead in the seemingly endless labyrinth of tunnels. No reprieve in sight. Just more running and panicking. The group was doomed. What else?

The two trainers could hear the shouts of the grunts as their longer, adult legs carried them across the tunnel, rapidly closing the distance between themselves and the teenagers that they were pursuing. A Machop had been sent out by one of the new soldiers, and had taken the bullet when Storm fired a quick Thunder Shock towards the approaching grunts in an effort to stall them.

The electricity from the attack had provoked a wail of pain from the fighting-type pokemon. Now with the knowledge of Thunderbolt, Storm was able to put extra strength into his Thunder Shock attack much more easily, without needing to charge it up for as long as he used to.

Machop was resilient, however, and although it sank to its knees initially after being struck with the electrical blast, it was soon back on its feet, attempting to catch up with the Team Rocket grunts, who quickly found themselves scattering frantically in response to a second Thunder Shock from Storm, and a Vacuum Wave from Alpha(Riolu), who Korrina had sent back out in an effort to drive off the tenacious attackers.

A bird pokemon that Korrina had apparently recognized as a Murkrow emerged from a pokeball that another grunt had removed from their belt, and the new pokemon shrieked horrifically as it made a mad rush for the duo of trainers, a Shadow Ball appearing in its open beak as it closed in.

As Starly fired a trail of Air Slash at the approaching soldiers in an effort to keep them at bay, Storm intercepted the Murkrow and slammed it in the face with Zap Tail just before the bird pokemon could fire. While the Murkrow was still reeling from the blow, Starly blasted it with Whirlwind.

This suddenly gave Cinder an idea. Whirlwind was a move that could blast away onto opponents and not to mention make it easier for them in their place with a narrow tunnel, it would give them some time to widen the gap between their pursuers. Although Starly wasn't perfect with the move, it could certainly prove useful in this situation.

"Starly, use Whirlwind on them!" He pointed forward. In response, Starly turned her attention to the approaching Team Rocket soldiers as Storm rushed the falling Murkrow, body coated in spark.

Two of the six soldiers were in the process of removing a pokeball from their respective belts as, suddenly, gust of fierce wind erupted from Starly's rapid flapping wings and the gust blasted through the air towards them. The grunts yelped in shock as the wind were suddenly upon them. Their bodies were sent flying back to where they came from, the gust doing the rest of the work and knocking four of the soldiers off balance, two of which were the ones who had attempted to take out pokeballs, which slipped out of their hands and rolled across the rocky floor of the tunnels. One soldier hit their head on a nearby rock as they fell, leaving him dazed and with a serious throbbing pain in his head as his vision instantaneously blurred. The other three were left with painfully twisted ankles. A fifth soldier actually was struck by a stray Vacuum Wave from Alpha, but was righted by the sixth soldier, who grabbed onto his comrade to prevent him from falling as the attack left him wheezing in pain.

This action left both of the two remaining grunts wide open, however, and a sudden Bubble Beam from Hercule was frantically avoided by both of them, trying to dodge in separate directions. The soldier who had gotten hit by the Vacuum Wave, however, was still reeling from the blow, not used to taking hits from lokemon moves, and lost his balance immediately. Although he caught himself with his hands, feeling a sharp pain as the force of his fall pressed his palms against the hard surface of the floor, a Thunder Shock from Storm exploded nearby, the impact flinging him away from the shockwaves and leaving his back to collide with the ground with a painful THUD.

The other grunt also caught himself with his hands, but another attack in the form of Thunder Wave from Storm left him spasming on the ground.

With all six grunts now on the ground, Cinder's hand roughly clasp onto his friend as he bluntly pulled her forward.

"They're down! Come on everyone!"

Not one to argue with that, Korrina took off into a sprint as the gray-haired boy led the way, Storm and Starly both hot on their tails, and Alpha only sparing a single moment to glance back and ensure that the Team Rocket grunts were all still down.

As the group bailed as quickly as their bodies allowed them too, Machop finally caught up and stopped amidst the fallen Team Rocket grunts, looking around in concern.

One Team Rocket grunts, struggling to his feet as he reeled from the pain of his twisted ankle, pointed off in the direction that the group had ran off too.

"Machop, Murkrow… go after them, hurry!"

A quick nod was offered by the fighting-type pokemon in response, before it ran forward. Coming across Murkrow, it stopped briefly to survey the condition of the fallen bird pokemon.

Murkrow's body was badly beaten, the injured bird pokemon struggling to rise up as it pointed its wing forward, signaling for Machop to go on ahead.

Reluctantly, the fighting-type pokemon complied, rushing off to catch up with the retreating group. Behind it, Murkrow finally managed to rise into the air, flapping its wings weakly as it attempted to fly off in pursuit of the travelers.

The bird would never quite catch up, however, collapsing from exhaustion and pain just a minute or two later.


WHAT?!" Com's voice was livid and horrified.

"I'm sorry, sir!" Came the soldier's voice from the other end of the receiver. "They just caught us off guard and got away! We sent a couple of our pokemon after them, but-"

"How the hell is this so difficult for you?!" Com demanded as he tried to ignore his increasingly rapid heartbeat. "We're trying to tear down the Indigo League for crying out loud! Aren't you well equipped enough to handle a couple of damn rookie teenagers?!"

"We've been here for a while, sir!" Came the reply. "And most of our stronger pokemon have already exhausted themselves fighting some of the more powerful trainers that we took hostage after coming here! And all of the strongest pokemon within our group have all been taken by the Hunter's squadron to secure the moonstone. We're all running on low juice right now."

Com snarled, yet sighed in acceptance. "You're right. Keep me posted." Hanging up, he placed the device next to him as he sank into his chair before sighing deeply, pressing his palm firmly against his face as he did so.

It was supposed to be a simple procedure. Raid Mt. Moon. Gather up all of the trainers traveling through the area before any of them could alert the authorities, confiscating all of their pokemon in the process. Send an elite squadron of soldiers led by the vicious Hunter in order to secure the moonstone. Maybe "simple" was the wrong word for it, but "efficient" would probably be a good way to describe it. It certainly wasn't supposed to be difficult.

And in the beginning, things had gone quite easily for them. Obviously they were met with resistance, but any and all trainers that they had encountered were captured before the League could be contacted. They had several soldiers on patrol throughout the mountain in order to round up any stragglers.

Mt. Moon was under their control. At least, it was supposed to be. Com highly doubted that these two teenagers could do much of anything to jeopardize the mission currently at hand, but that was not the Hunter's way of thinking.

Their squad leader's orders were absolute, and Com wasn't going to risk provocation or whatever… punishment awaited them on the off chance that these two teenagers actually did manage to interfere.

"Sir…" A soldier approached him cautiously, earning a neutral gaze from Com. "Are we really sure that a couple of teenagers pose that much of a threat to us? It's not like they're going to be going down into the depths of the mountain, and even if they do, there's no way they'd be strong enough to stop-"

"That's not the point." The soldier flinched as Com caught him off with a raised hand. "We're supposed to have this place under total lockdown, and if those two kids manage to escape and get a hold of the League…" He grumbled. "Our squad leader is not to be trifled with. You can't go anywhere in the criminal underworld without hearing tall tales about how ruthless she is. Thing is, in this line of work, a lot of those tall tales are probably true. If we perform anywhere under her satisfaction, it's bad news for all of us. I think I'd rather be imprisoned by the League."

The soldier grimaced, his face contorting in anxiety. "What exactly would she do?"

"Who knows? She's one of those people who is willing to do pretty much anything. Moral code usually isn't a factor in her way of thinking. That's why we have to play by her rules." Com looked off to the side, not making eye contact with his subordinate.

'Otherwise I'll probably be the one who ends up paying the price.' He thought bitterly to himself.


The group stopped to catch a quick breather after several more minutes of nonstop running in the tunnels. Their lungs all appreciated the quick break, but their brains wouldn't stop shouting at them to continue to flee.

Gasping a bit as he tried to take in as much air as possible, Cinder pressed his back to a wall and glanced at Korrina, who had Alpha(Riolu) by her side. Storm and Starly were by his.

"You think they're still after us?" She bit her lips nervously.

Cinder's face was sullen. "Who knows how many of them are here? And now we've lost the main path while running from them. I don't even know where we are in these damn tunnels."

He was gritting his teeth, snarling ferociously in frustration, but his eyes were filled with apprehension. They were trapped in the labyrinth caverns of Mt. Moon with a group of terrorists pursuing them.

Do they keep moving and risk running into more grunts? Or do they stay put and risk the grunts coming to them? It was dumb luck that let them survive the previous chase, and nothing more.

Cinder wanted to keep running. To at least have a chance at escaping the mountain. Waiting around carried the same amount of risk as moving away, and at least moving away carried the slim possibility of them stumbling upon an exit by some pure miracle, then getting a signal from their Pokedex to contact the League for backpack, like what he had done on the first time he chanced upon two members of Team Rocket.

But his chest hurt. His legs were sore. His feet were sore. He wanted to sit down. To never run again. To just lean against this wall and put his head up, close his eyes, and think relaxing thoughts. Or maybe even not think at all. Either way, he just wanted to rest his muscles.

That was what his body wanted. But his brain wanted the opposite. To run. To find a way out of this damn mountain and never return. To never see Team Rocket ever again. He looked over to Korrina who still has a worried and extreme panic on her face and every movement filled with trepidation. He slowly approached her and reached one hand over her shoulder, this prompted the teenage girl to look up to him in surprise amidst her fear. He looked at him dead set on her eyes, and proclaimed with a determined tone and serious expression.

"We are going to be safe. I assure you, I won't let anything happen to you... And our pokemon."

Korrina stared at the gray eyes of Cinder, which the more she stared the more she couldn't help herself be entranced by his words and look. Slowly, she began to relax, not keeping her eyes off his face.

Suddenly, she inches her face closer to his, earning her a confused look from Cinder. But then, the teenage boy was blown out of his demeanor as she kissed him right on the cheek.

"W-what did you do that for!?"

*I'm now in a state of hunger, only Power Stones can rejuvenate me!!*

*As you can see there will be romance and also sex time content, for those wondering the [threesome] content, there will be that, but not Cinder, some pedo characters. Sex time, would be in further chaps, like maybe in the 90s or 100s, so we still have a long way to go, however, with my chapter release on average in every day, It wouldn't take too long.*

*So guys, the release of chapters per day, as of now, will depend on the Power Stone Ranking of this Fanfiction.

° Top <150 - A chapter everyday, except Sunday.

° Top <70 - Two chapters per day, except Sunday.

° Top <25 - Three chapters per day, except Sunday.

° Top <3 - Four chapters per day, except Saturday and Sunday. (If you think I am bluffing, you can check that I had even dropped 5 chapters in one day.)

*So if you enjoyed reading it thus far and had some spare Power Stones. Gimme those rocks ^=^*

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