
Pokemon: The Advanced Adventure

A Dark world of Pokemon has risen... In a world where crime runs freely and Team Rocket stands at the top of it all, A single young man must brave the full brunt of the wave in his quest to become a Pokemon Champion. Red will not allow anything to deter his goal of becoming the Pokemon League Champion of the Kanto Region and is determined to beat every trainer in his way towards his goal but will the world allow him to achieve the goal without a fight? Find out in Pokemon:- The Advanced Adventure

Kris_Tylers_1273 · Anime & Comics
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76 Chs

Christmas Gift Part 2

15th December, 1994

Kanto Region, Unofficial Route:

"Run back!" Red ordered.

Charmander responded in a split second, jumping back with precision as the sound waves with poor accuracy and lower hit rate spread radially around Drowzee but they couldn't reach Charmander.

"Drowzee, Ditch the Hypnosis and then resort to Confusion!" Arch ordered.

But in reality, It would take a maximum of 5 seconds to stop an attack already in motion. 5 seconds could cause an unexpected turning point in the battle.

"Ember!" Red ordered, his face calm and composed.

His ability to stay calm in battles really helped him a lot as he went through all the possibilities during the battle making sure not to leave any openings.

Charmander's tail glowed in a vibrant red fire as Charmander swung it forward, A beautiful flower of flames was formed and collided with Drowzee's head.


"Now that it's distracted, Use Metal Claw!" Red ordered.

Charmander closed in on the now confused and it's claws exploded in a bright metallic glow. Without any bit of remorse, He slashed at Drowzee repeatedly until the Pokemon fainted.

"I win," Red declared while returning the battle maniac, "500 Poke as per our agreement,"

Arch felt deflated as he returned Drowzee, This was hardly a battle, it was a one sided domination because he couldn't give a proper order to his Pokemon. 

He brought out the Prize money and handed it to Red.

"Your Drowzee is incredibly strong and resilient, I was impressed but I was disappointed with your Battle sense, You really need to work on that," Red said, tutoring his opponent about the flaw in his battle style, "If you're not serious about giving an order, then your Pokemon won't respect you, It's very simple,"

"Everyone has a goal, Mine is to become the Champion of this region and when I become that, I'll think of something else to suceed it," Red said while stroking his chin, "You want to beat Brock right? Then train,"

With that said, Red left the area leaving Arch in deep contemplation.

Flower Town:

Flower town wasn't as big as Pallet town which was surprising but what they lacked in size, They made up for it with design. The floral designs on the Pokemon Center was great as well as the floral designs on each house and banner, It's amazing.

Red walked in the beautiful and peaceful town that seemed to have fresher air than other places, each breath rejuvenated his body and he couldn't help but wonder why the air still remained so warm when it was freezing cold.

But history wasn't the reason he was here right now, It was to find a dazzling Kimono for his Mother. One that would unrefutably be a Christmas gift.

Unfortunately for him, His stomach growled as he reached the Pokemon Center so he had to step in.

"I'm doing this for the food," Red said and entered the restaurant area, He sent out Charmander and Pidgey to have a good meal and after putting their orders in, Red simply waited while observing Pidgey.

Pidgey seemed to still be wary about him but with the battle junkie around, Red doubted she would try something... or else she could incur the full wrath of Charmander.

While they ate, Red pushed his mind to a bunch of things that he had planned on doing. He had planned on buying some TMs, A regular low grade TM would cost about 4000 Poke. Once the discount was added, It would be at an all-time low of 2000 Poke which was incredibly honest in his regard.

His second thought was about his travel which would officially start next month on January 5th so he had to get a lot of training in. There were over 20 gyms in the Kanto region, 10 official gyms, 5 gyms and 5 unofficial gyms respectively.

To participate in the Indigo League which would take place next year in 1995, A trainer would need to gather 8 gym badges with 5 of them being Official gym badges.

But to participate in the Quartz Conference which takes place once every 5 years (The next Quartz Conference is holding the year after the Indigo League), A trainer would need to gather 10 gym badges with 7 of them being official gym badges.

"If I want to become the Champion, I'll have to participate in the Quartz Conference," Red muttered, "The winner of the Quartz Conference will have the right to challenge the Elite 4 once in a month until they subsequently win or reoccur for the rest of eternity,"

He chuckled at the last part of the sentence and decided to train his Pokemon and push them to their limits... in order to brave the incoming Quartz Conference.

"How much is this Kimono?" Red asked as he found an attractive one. A Kimono that was sure to accentuate his Mother's beauty as well as featuring her curves.

"It's 5,000 because of your 50% discount," The clerk said, clicking his tongue. 

"Yeah, Let me do a transfer for you," Red said.


Author's Note:-

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