
Pokemon Tamer of Darkness

Our protagonist, is someone from real earth who got sent into the Pokemon Universe (gen 1-8), out of nowhere his soul got summoned by Arceus into Hall Of Origin by mistake, as a make up by Arceus which cannot return MC to his real world, MC was given a gift by the Pokemon God itself. the Gift from Arceus: -1 selector Mythical/Legendary pokemon that doesn't break the balance of the world -body for living*gacha (he got Lellouch from Code Geass w/o Geass ofc) -start in Unova Region as adopt son Juniper Family with knowledge in previous life which turn out to be useless, because this pokemon world is AU and the little knowledge he know from the game is different except the types and pokemons. what will Lellouch do in that AU Pokemon World? collect pokemons and became Pkmn Trainer? or collect girls became harem trainer(lol), or both?, only time can tell. following the games canon (SLOW PACE) A/N: THIS IS FANFICTION SO I OWN NOTHING. im still noob at english and my grammar is RIP, so please forgive me :" include all pokemon from 1-8, but wailord family cant be use for battle or catch by pokeball in this fanfic. mythical and legendaries are only one of kind except for few myth/legend. no megastone(coz not all pokemon have mega evolution yet so no stone evolution, but still can undergo mega evolution through natural evolution but permanent, mega evolution is rarer than Shiny just call it like mutation or surpassing his/her own race, and mega evolution can be called Pseudo-Legendary) no Z moves(do you want me to make destructions with that? :"D) no original pokemon/move (im only using official pokemons and moves, even some got removed if its too nonsensical) no level system(but for trainer the pokemon must never stop training or they became weaker) already have 1 mythical pokemon at starter (that pokemon will become like Ash Pikachu) i hope i can continue write this fanfic until the end, not sudden droped like my previous ff Release Rate is Random, cos i prefer became reader than author Tags:Harem, r18, Adventure, Modern, Comedy(?), Pokemon, wish fullfilment, AU, no lemon, no super power mc

AllWorldsEvil · Video Games
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19. Pokemon and where to find them

-Next Day/Juniper House/dawn-

Klara opened her eyes and surprised she can still sleep well while sharing a bed with a male....

she checked her conditions first, she relieved yet sad at the same time, theres nothing wrong with her body..

she look at Lellouch still sleep with open mouth and drooling, she smile seeing this side of Lellouch and thinking Lellouch so cute right now..

after thinking something, she get up from bed looking at her shameful appearances in the mirror for a bit, then left Lellouch room....


2 hours later...

*Bell Noise~*

Rosa waiting in front of Juniper House door. when the door open Rosa saw annoying woman with pink hair and her usual attires...

Rosa:"geh!? since when Juniper household hire some low-quality maid?" seeing Klara in disgust..

Klara:"what do u say u bitch!?" annoyed and stompings the ground..

Rosa:"*snort* whatever~..have Lulu wake up yet?"

Klara:"yes he have woken up...wait!? why are u so calm? im at Lulu house for a night, whats more im sleeping with him u know..u are supposed to be jealous!" pointing at Rosa with funny expression...

then Rosa start sniffing Klara...

Klara:"Eeep! what are u doing?" dumbfounded seeing Rosa sniffing her..

Rosa:"smell Lulu on ur body is really weak..." then Rosa passing her to get inside the house, but stoped then turn her head to Klara..

Rosa:"Klara u are a Thot right? at least make it more proper, HA!" with a mocking sneer, then she walk away and left Klara agape..

Klara:"you...you...YOU BITCH!!" she scream at Rosa

Lellouch in his room preparing things for today and Riolu whos lazying in Lellouch bed...suddenly they hear Klara screaming..

Riolu didnt care the scream and just lazying around, while Lellouch smiled hearing that..

Lellouch:"what a happy family indeed" talk to himself with smile then continue doing his things..

Riolu shakes his head hearing his trainer..


Juniper House/Living Room

Lellouch get sandwiched in the sofa by Rosa in the left and Klara in the right...

Riolu, Snivy, and Slowpoke is playing together, with Darkrai watching them...

Rosa:"so Lulu what do u want to talk about?"

Lellouch:"because seeking an battle in the wild is not good idea for us right now, i suggest we should just focused with our current Pokemon and maybe seek a battle with a trainer. but for now and lets plan who we want to catchs, searching blindly is not really my style afterall"

Klara:"sorry..but, what do u mean? teehee" with cute tone and pose

Rosa:"stoopid" mocked tone

Klara:"u want to fight bitch?"

Lellouch:"eventho i really want to see u two fighting...in the bed i mean.." chukles

Rosa:"no way!" shocked hearing that..

Klara:"mou Lulu~" hitting Lellouch cutely..

Lellouch:"anyway lets focus for now my ladies, what i mean earlier is this.." then hes showing a list of pokemon in Unova Region and giving the list to each of them...

Klara:"ugh~ so much Pokemon..can u help me choose a strong poison Pokemon Lulu?~" coqquetishly~

Lellouch:"well i cant say theres a weak Pokemon Klara. as long as i like that pokemon, ill choose it as my partner. i cant really say i can help u to choose a strong pokemon Klara, but i can help u sort it out the Poison type, sorry for that Klara" scratching my head with apologetic tone..

Klara:"eeh? why are u apologize to me Lulu? hawawa~" she panicking "well~ ill be like u then, choosing what i like, umu!" giving me ok gesture..

Lellouch: smile to Klara "so what about u Rosa?"

Rosa: after seeing the list of the pokemons she put it to the table "Lulu do u think im really fit to be trainer? in the first place i become trainer so i can follow u in ur journey..but now i think..." shes stopped by Lellouch putting his hand in her shoulder...

Lellouch:"lets think about that for later okay, just enjoy our journey for now, because i cant really give u an answer for that. but i have the feelings u will find ur answer soon thorough our journey Rosa. can u trust me Rosa?" i smile to her

Rosa:"of couse i trust u Lulu, but if u said so then...." she picked up the list from the table "btw how many Pokemon do u want to have Lulu?"

Lellouch:"well i plan to have it four for now, excluding Darkrai. im not planning to have many Pokemon for the time being..what about u two?"

Rosa:"well im like u too then, having four including Snivy" then she look at the list

Klara:"me too, four including Slowpoke, but Lulu can u give me some attentions too~" while doing her signature pose cutely..

Rosa:"as expected of THOT~" sneer to Klara

Klara:"shut up u BITCH!" staring angrily to Rosa

Lellouch:"oh come on~ pretty ladies" sighing helplessly, seeing the two really love each other...

in the end Lellouch trying to calm the ladies, giving them suggestions and recomends for the pokemon that they want to catch...

while the Riolu, Snivy and Slowpoke having their fun while Darkrai watching them...

Wishlist Pokemon

Lellouch: Bisharp line, Tyranitar line

Rosa: Azumarill line, Emolga, Darumaka

Klara: Scolipede line, Koffing, Drapion line

sorry for short chapter ╥﹏╥

help me if theres any faults...

please enjoy the chapter ( ✧Д✧) YES!!

AllWorldsEvilcreators' thoughts