
Pokemon Tamer of Darkness

Our protagonist, is someone from real earth who got sent into the Pokemon Universe (gen 1-8), out of nowhere his soul got summoned by Arceus into Hall Of Origin by mistake, as a make up by Arceus which cannot return MC to his real world, MC was given a gift by the Pokemon God itself. the Gift from Arceus: -1 selector Mythical/Legendary pokemon that doesn't break the balance of the world -body for living*gacha (he got Lellouch from Code Geass w/o Geass ofc) -start in Unova Region as adopt son Juniper Family with knowledge in previous life which turn out to be useless, because this pokemon world is AU and the little knowledge he know from the game is different except the types and pokemons. what will Lellouch do in that AU Pokemon World? collect pokemons and became Pkmn Trainer? or collect girls became harem trainer(lol), or both?, only time can tell. following the games canon (SLOW PACE) A/N: THIS IS FANFICTION SO I OWN NOTHING. im still noob at english and my grammar is RIP, so please forgive me :" include all pokemon from 1-8, but wailord family cant be use for battle or catch by pokeball in this fanfic. mythical and legendaries are only one of kind except for few myth/legend. no megastone(coz not all pokemon have mega evolution yet so no stone evolution, but still can undergo mega evolution through natural evolution but permanent, mega evolution is rarer than Shiny just call it like mutation or surpassing his/her own race, and mega evolution can be called Pseudo-Legendary) no Z moves(do you want me to make destructions with that? :"D) no original pokemon/move (im only using official pokemons and moves, even some got removed if its too nonsensical) no level system(but for trainer the pokemon must never stop training or they became weaker) already have 1 mythical pokemon at starter (that pokemon will become like Ash Pikachu) i hope i can continue write this fanfic until the end, not sudden droped like my previous ff Release Rate is Random, cos i prefer became reader than author Tags:Harem, r18, Adventure, Modern, Comedy(?), Pokemon, wish fullfilment, AU, no lemon, no super power mc

AllWorldsEvil · Video Games
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29 Chs

18. Klara

theres someone ringing at our house bell. Aurea ask me to see it because she want to prepare dinner..

when i open the door, i surprised seeing Klara wearing her backpack and even theres a big suitcase with her. shes looking at me shyly...

Lellouch:"dont tell me! u are going away? why are u doing this to me Klara?" with a melodramatic tone..

Klara:"eh!? no-no, im not going anywhere, im just...can u let me stay in ur house Lulu? u know im supposed to take a flight to Virbank City today, but because i meet u, i canceled my flight and i already checked out at my hotel..so may i?" shyly, while tapping her index fingers againts each another cutely...

Lellouch:"what!? u cancel ur flight because of me? man~ sorry for making u wasted ur ticket like that Klara..well of course u can, and i want to introduce you to my sister" smiling to Klara

Klara she turn around, Lellouch only can helplessly smile seeing that waiting her patiently..'huh!? his sister?? damn!..can i perform my plans to make Lulu become Krazy for me now? kuuhh~..why shes here now of all places..' Klara thought Lellouch is live alone.

shes not lying tho, shes actually still can extended her stay at her hotel but, just want to stay at Lellouch place so she can seduce Lellouch and make him Krazy for her...

after Klara done fantasizing or make another plan, she turn around to face Lellouch again, Lellouch really have the patiences to dealing with her antics..

Klara:"*cough* u have Sister Lulu?, i'd love to meet her too" smiling to Lellouch while clasping her hands happily..of course its just an act..then Lellouch help carry her things and let her in, shes fixing her appearances first before entering...



Night/Juniper House/Dining Room

Aurea surprised seeing a new face..

Aurea:"ara~ara~ Lulu~, u sure its really fast, already got new girl on ur second day becoming an Pokemon Trainer, as expected of my lovely brother" smilingly teasing Lellouch, Lellouch just reply it with smug smile and ok gesture to Aurea

Lellouch:"anyway Aurea-nee, let me introduce u my lovely cute toxic Thot woman (technically) Klara. shes from Galar and a Pokemon Trainer aim to be a Poison Specialist. and Aurea-nee im sure u are already familiar with her.."

Klara:"moou Lulu~!" shes hitting me cutely because of how i introduce her..

Aurea:"*chukles* seriously Lulu, how can u compliment and teasing or mock her at the same time" smile helplessly.."anyway.. im Aurea Juniper, Lellouch sister, nice to meet u Klara my future sister, i hope u are not regretting to agreed being with him" smile to Klara teasingly..

Klara:"nice to meet u too Aurea-san, in fact im really happy to meeting up with Lulu" politely to Aurea

Aurea:"if i look closely, why u look so familiar...ah!? u are the girl in the album song who Lellouch bought it, i never thought Lulu actually met with u, never tho ill have an idol future sister tho" smiling and nodding to Klara while teasing her..

Klara:"ahaha~, but im already retired.." become embarrased because bringing her idol thing..

Aurea:"u can just call me Aurea-nee or Onee-chan Klara, just think of us like ur family..okay lets we have dinner, fortunately i make more" then Aurea setting up the dinner, Lellouch pinched Klara cheek and smile to her, then help Aurea..

Klara feeling the warm,fluffy and friendly atmosphere from these two. a different atmosphere from her family, shes start teared up a bit but covered it fast, shes even doubting that if shes even worthy of Lellouch....then shes start helping the two step-siblings too...


when dinner Aurea didnt forget to ask Lellouch if Klara know about Darkrai, Lellouch tell Aurea shes know and just like before, Aurea giving a threats i mean friendly advices to Klara too, Klara just sweat a little about that advices.

Lellouch even tell his adventure today in Route 19 to Aurea, and telling her, hes got his second pokemon, that make Aurea worry, happy, and curious about Lellouch second Pokemon..

Lellouch tell Klara to show her Galarian Slowpoke to Aurea, Aurea happy seeing a native Pokemon of other Regions, and of course not forgetting to ask Klara permission to study her Slowpoke. Aurea satisfied seeing Klara is actually a proper girl, eventho shes look like a Thot...

after they done with Dinner, Aurea take Slowpoke to her labs, followed by Riolu because of his curiousity and just dont know what to do...

Aurea didnt forget tell Klara she can sleep in Lellouch room later with a really kind smile that make Klara scared. and telling her not to worry about Lellouch, because hes not a rapist...


few moments later...

Juniper House/bathroom

Klara seeing her reflection in the mirror while wearing suggestive see-trough purple nightgown, that showing her curve and only covering her private parts..

Klara:"*sigh* seeing Lellouch and Aurea really recieved me so well...*sigh* why u make this hard for me Lulu..." shes now thinking what should she do for the future, shes really feels guilty if shes just using Lellouch to reach her small goals, she doesnt feel any bad intents or bad looks from the two, she even start thinking shes really not worthy to become Lellouch woman...

==a bit of Flashback==

Klara Mother:"why you are so useless just like him Klara?" with dissapointing look at younger Klara, younger Klara only looked down hearing her mother...

Klara ex-producer:"sorry Klara, it seems im not good enough to become your producer and showing your true potentials" younger Klara just clenched her fists...

Klara ex-boyfriends:"sorry Klara, i cant stand u anymore, despite u having a good looks, to bad u are too useless" younger Klara doesnt even care anymore...

==end of Flashback==

then she remember, Lellouch sunny smile and his antics, eventho hes no different like the other man who after her body, hes still treat her like a proper girl eventho its only a day meeting with him, and she smile remembering that...before she goes to Lellouch room she check her appearances again..


Lellouch Room

Darkrai:"Lellouch, Klara is standing in front of ur room" whispering from Lellouch shadow while Lellouch waiting Klara in bed, he smiled helplessly hearing that, he stand up and walk to the door..

Lellouch:"why u just standing outside Klara? u can come in u now..." opening the door hes surprised seeing Klara wearing something so sexy that almost turn him into a beast mode...

Lellouch:"damn u are really looking so good and sexy Klara, i almost losing myself u know haha~, anyway come in" i start pulling her into my room, Klara just being meekly and quiet..

Lellouch:"but what with the make up Klara?, u know its not good in the long run right? if using it even while sleeping" while crossing my arms wanting an answer..

Klara:"umm~, without make up im too ugly and i dont want u to see it..." meekly while doing some shy pose..

Lellouch:"well thats bullshit, do i need call my sister" smile evily to Klara

Klara:"mou Lulu~ u cheats" with pouted cutely she walk to the bathroom in Lellouch room, Lellouch just smiled shes afraid of Aurea too just like the others...

few moments later...

Klara back while covering her face with her hands..

Lellouch:"oh cmon~ are ur face really that horrifying?*chukles*" teasing her

Klara:"hmph!" still covering her face

Lellouch:"oh come on my beautifull lovely Klara" shes still covering her face..

then i start to begging, pleading and crying to make her show it..in the end shes give in and show her natural face...

Lellouch:"didnt i tell u, even without make up u are still beautifull u know, but to be honest i prefer u with make up tho because thats what make u unique" then i pinch and playing her cheeks...

Lellouch:"okay lets go sleep Klara" after done pinching her cheeks, Lellouch go to bed leaving Klara standing alone...

Klara she didnt expected Lellouch really didnt doing anything to her, she then go to Lellouch bed but shyly...and shes wrong, Lellouch asked Klara permission if he can take advantage of her, Klara tell him its ok, then Lellouch really start grabing, squeezing, and rubbing her body...

shes expecting Lellouch will doing more but, Lellouch only enjoying her skins, buubies and her booty, actually she want to do an actual honey trap to him so he will take responsibilities of her..but because of the way hes treat her and meeting with his sister, shes start to doubt and dont know what to do...

eventually shes starting to get sleepy then sleep, while Lellouch still enjoying her body..

Lellouch:"thanks Darkrai to making her sleep, u are not giving her nightmare right?" teasing him..

Darkrai:"no, but i dont mind giving u nightmare Lellouch, dont worry its free, and the time flow in that dream its much faster than here too, how about that?" mocking Lellouch in his shadow..

Lellouch:"thanks but fuck you Darkrai, anyway good night Darkrai, Klara" then he close his eyes and hugging Klara like a pillow..

Darkrai just smile if he has mouth, then appearing from Lellouch shadows and walk to Lellouch computer to do his own gaming hobbies..

{a/n:Darkrai has been living with Lellouch for ten years of course Darkrai get affected by Lellouch, and Lellouch even make Darkrai become more humane)

well thats a bit of Klara past in this story, btw shes still virgin xD

as usual if theres any faults pls help me~


please enjoy this chapter ( ✧Д✧) YES!!

AllWorldsEvilcreators' thoughts