
Pokemon strongest Ash Ketchum

the journey of Ash Ketchum and his journey and adventures of becoming the most powerful trainer in the known Pokemon world with his partners. watch as he conquers all known and unknown regions of the Pokemon world.

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32 Chs

Chapter - 5, Battle at the Ice Field

Ash POV –

Announcer: now ladies and gentlemen let me introduce Ash Ketchum from Pallet town. 

Ash: its show time you ready buddy. 

Pikachu: Pi Pikachu! 

3rd person POV –

In the Ice stadium – 

Announcer: now, please welcome our 2 contestant's and let me introduce them from the green corner we have a Ash Ketchum from Pallet town and in the red corner we have Mundy from Cerulean City. 

As he said that both contestants got on their respective podiums. And the crowd gave a loud cheer for them.

Referee: trainers, this will be a 3 on 3 battle and whosever Pokémon is unable to battle in the end wins and there is no time limit and both are allowed to substitute your Pokémon. is everything understood by both of you. 

Ash: yes 

Mundy: of Course 

Referee: very well now release your 1st Pokémon.

In the stands with the crowd –

Misty: I wonder who Ash will send for the first pokemon?

Delia: I wonder who it will be?

She said will petting Meowth, that was curled up in her lap. 

Oak: well, however he send will sure will be a good fight. 

Brock: I wonder if he caught any new pokmeon in the Orange island that will have an advantage in the ice field? 

But before Misty could say another word, both ash and Mundy released their first Pokémon.

 Ash: I choose you Flareon. 

Mundy: I choose you Dewgong. 

Ash: Flareon, we've got a tough opponent! Dewgong, let's make this a fiery battle!

Flareon: Flareon 

As Flareon roared, ready for action

Dewgong: Dewgong

Dewgong chanting icy cries, poised for battle

Ash: Flareon, start with Flamethrower to create some space!

Mundy: Dewgong use Ice Beam to Counter the flames with an icy blast!

Flareon breathes out a powerful Flamethrower, but Dewgong counters with a freezing Ice Beam, creating a steamy clash in the air.

Ash: Quick Attack, Flareon! Get in close and use Fire Fang!

Mundy: Dewgong use Aurora Beam! Create a dazzling light to disrupt Quick Attack.

Flareon darts in with Quick Attack, but Dewgong's Aurora Beam creates a blinding light, momentarily disorienting Flareon.

Ash: Shake it off, Flareon! Use Iron Tail to break through.

Mundt: Dewgong use Water Pulse! Redirect Iron Tail with a water attack

Flareon swings its fiery Iron Tail, but Dewgong uses Water Pulse to redirect the attack, creating a clash of elements.

Flareon: Flareon 

Panting and sign of tiredness, but determined to win

Dewgong: Dewgong 

showing signs of weariness and loss of stamina and tiredness. 

Ash: Flareon, let's finish this! Fire Spin to engulf Dewgong.

 Mundy: Dewgong Use Ice Shard! Break through and use Counter.

After seeing Dewgong not going to survive in the fiery vortex.

Flareon creates a blazing Fire Spin, but Dewgong uses Ice Shard to break free and counterattack.

Ash: Flareon, dodge and use Overheat!

Mundy: Dewgong use Ice Beam and Give it all you've got.

Seeing Dewgong would be unable to doge. 

Flareon and Dewgong had a small struggle, but Flareon Overheat won in the end and it hit Dewgong causing major damage.

The battle concludes with Dewgong unable to withstand the heat of Flareon's Overheat. Dewgong faints, Mundy acknowledging defeat returned Dewgong.

Referee: Dewgong is unable to battle that means Ash Ketchum is the Winner. 

He said while holding the green flag above, signifying Ash's victory. 

Mundy: you did good, Dewgong. Now have a good rest. 

Ash: Great job, Flareon! You really heated things up out there.

Flareon: Flareon said in proud and triumphant tone.

In the stands – 

Announcer: and Ash Ketchum has done it forks, the winner of the first battle is Ash Ketchum and Flareon. So now we have to see if, He can continue this stream or will Mundy will make a comeback. 

Misty: wow, ash has gotten really good. While in the orange archipelago. 

Brock: that I have to agree, he has grown a lot in the orange archipelago. 

Delia: oh, that was a beautiful battle wont you agree Meowth.

Meowth: Meowth 

She said while nodding her head, seeing her former trainer, winning the battle easily. 

Oak: yes, Ash's battle was spectacular, now we have to see what happens in the remaining 2 battles. 

Referee: now trainers the 2nd round is beginning, trainer Mandy please choose your next Pokémon and trainer Ash would you like to substitute your next Pokémon. 

Ash: I would like too substitute my Flareon please. 

Refree: very well you both have 30seconds to release your next pokemon. 

Ash: now Flareon, you did a good job return. And now Lapras, I choose you.

Mundy: I choose you Cloyster. 


Oak: actually, Lapras is a male. 


Brock: probably to make sure, to have some form of secrecy in the league….

While that was going on the 2nd round of fight between Mundy and Ash had already begun. 

Ash: Lapras, let's show them our strength. 

Lapras: Lapras 

roaring, ready for action

Mundy: Cloyster, go and avenge your comrade 

Cloyster clamping its sturdy shells, ready for the challenge

Ash: Lapras, start with Ice Beam to gain control of the battlefield!

Mundy: Cloyster Rapid Spin! Break through the Ice Beam and close in.

Lapras releases a powerful Ice Beam, but Cloyster uses Rapid Spin to deflect the ice attack and approach Lapras.

Ash: Lapras, use Hydro Pump to create some distance between you two. 

Mundy: Cloyster use Protect! And Shield yourself from the Hydro Pump!

Lapras fires a Hydro Pump, but Cloyster erects a protective barrier, minimizing the impact of the water attack.

Ash: Lapras, show them your speed! Quick Attack and follow up with Thunderbolt!

Cloyster: Iron Defense! Harden against the Quick Attack and Thunderbolt!

Lapras executes a swift Quick Attack, but Cloyster hardens its shells with Iron Défense, reducing the damage. Thunderbolt follows, causing some electrical interference.

Lapras looking determined

Cloyster showing signs of weariness and exhibition.

Ash: Lapras, let's bring this home! Sing to lull Cloyster into a drowsy state!

Lapras: lap pa Ras Lapa Ras…. 

Cloyster struggling to stay awake

Lapras sings a soothing melody, causing Cloyster to become drowsy and less responsive.

Ash: Now's our chance! Ice Beam, full power!

Mundy: Cloyster Shell Smash! Boost your defences!

Lapras unleashes a powerful Ice Beam, and Cloyster, in its drowsy state, struggles to respond. It attempts a Shell Smash, but it's too slow.

The battle concludes with Lapras's potent Ice Beam overpowering the weakened Cloyster. Cloyster faints with swirls in its eyes, signifying it's defeat.

Ash: Well done, Lapras! You really hit the right notes out there.

Lapras nodding with pride

Mundy: return Cloyster, you did good and let's hope I am at least able to take down one of its Pokémon. 

Referee: Cloyster is unable to battle the winner is Ash Ketchum. 

Announcer: amazing folks, ash Ketchum has won his 2nd round and will he be able to win his last round. 

Referee: both trainers have 30seconds to release their next Pokémon for the 3rd round. 

Ash: now you did good Lapras, return. Now Quilava, I choose you.

Mundy: Arcanine, I choose you.

Referee: let the 3rd round battle begin. 

Ash: Quilava, let's bring the heat to this battle! Lets show that Arcanine, what you've got. 

Quilava roaring, flames flickering on its back

Arcanine barking confidently, surrounded by an aura of intense heat

Ash: Quilava, start with Flame Wheel! Show them our fiery spirit.

Mundy: Arcanine use Extreme Speed! Dodge and counter.

Quilava engulfs itself in flames and charges with Flame Wheel, but Arcanine swiftly manoeuvres with Extreme Speed, dodging the fiery attack.

Ash: Quilava, use Smokescreen to create confusion!

 Mundy: Arcanine Roar! and Dispel the Smokescreen with a powerful soundwave!

Quilava releases a thick Smokescreen, but Arcanine roars loudly, dispersing the smoke and revealing its determined gaze.

Ash: Quilava, dodge and hit back with Swift!

Mundy: Arcanine use Flamethrower! Intercept Swift and counterattack!

Quilava evades Arcanine's Flamethrower and retaliates with a barrage of Swift stars. However, Arcanine counters, unleashing a powerful Flamethrower.

Quilava panting, but ready for more

Arcanine: showing signs of exertion and exhibition 

Ash: Quilava, let's turn up the heat! Use Eruption!

Mundy: Arcanine use ( Arcanine struggling against the intense heat) Close Combat! Break through Eruption and counter it.

Quilava releases a powerful Eruption, creating a burst of fiery energy. Arcanine attempts a Close Combat, but the intense heat affects its performance.

Ash: This is our chance, Quilava! Lava Plume, let's finish it!

Mundy: Arcanine use Protect! Defend against the Lava Plume!

Seeing Arcanine weakened and panting ordered a defensive move.

Quilava summons a scorching Lava Plume, and Arcanine tries to protect itself with a barrier, but the attack proves too powerful.

The battle concludes with Arcanine unable to withstand the intensity of Quilava's Lava Plume. Arcanine faints and had swirls in its eyes, showing a defeat.

Ash: Great job, Quilava! Your flames burned brighter than ever.

Quilava (proudly): Quilava Quila Qui Quilava 

Mundy: Arcanine return you fought excellently, now take some rest. (nodding in respect before returning to its Poké Ball)

Referee: Arcanine's unable to battle and the winner of the ice field is Ash Ketchum with a 3-0 win. 

Announcer: what a battle folk, looks like we have a super rookie on our hands and will he be defeated soon or will this be his demise. Lets see further in the Indigo league. 

As the announcer said that both Ash and Mundy could be seen shaking hands and going out of the ice field towards the Pokémon centre.