
Pokemon strongest Ash Ketchum

the journey of Ash Ketchum and his journey and adventures of becoming the most powerful trainer in the known Pokemon world with his partners. watch as he conquers all known and unknown regions of the Pokemon world.

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Chapter - 4, In the Indigo League

Ash POV –

After I left the registration desk and went to my cabin and my cabin number is 06, and according to the map the cabin I am staying is nearby and near to the Pokémon centre. 

Soon time passed and I was in a spacious ground near the forest training, and making sure my body is its peak condition, I am not training any of Pokémon, currently as I want them to rest and only give them basic training for conditioning nothing crazy like we did the past 2 months, and currently me and Pikachu are sitting under a tree relaxing and I have 5 extra Pokémon with me, as I returned my other pompon to the lab as I cant carry more than 6 pokemon with me currently. As I was in my musing, suddenly a hand came from the sky and captured Pikachu. 

Pikachu: Pika PI Pikachu! 

Ash: what the, who did that? Show yourself?

?: cladly, ya twerp 

As soon as I heard that I recognized the voice, it was Meowth from team Rocket 

Jessie: Don't be frightened Twerp.

James: Allow us to re-introduce ourselves.

Jessie: To protect the world from devastation!

James: To unite all peoples within our nation!

Jessie: To denounce the evils of truth and love!

James: To extend our reach to the stars above!

Jessie: Jessie!

James: James!

Jessie: Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light!

James: Surrender now or prepare to fight!

Meowth: Meowth, that's right!

Ash: you 3, I thought you guys left me alone. 

Jessie: not a chance you twerp. 

James: ya, just because we couldn't find you for 2 months, doesn't mean we forgot about you and we were planning on creating an super awesome machine to capture Pikachu. 

Meowth: that's right. 

Ash: alright, I had enough. Persian, I choose you. 

Persian: Persian! Persi! 

Meowth: where did ya get a Persian from ya twerp!

Ash: Persian, use Quick Attack to get close to the hand and use shadow claw to destroy that arm and free Pikachu. 

Persian: Persian! Pers! 

Meowth: what da ya mean, by that.

James: Meowth, what did the Persian saw?

Jessie: ya, Meowth, what got you so riled up?

But before Meowth could say anything, Persian had already destroyed the rubber hand and Pikachu used Electro Ball to destroy the gas chamber of the hot air balloon and used thunder on the trio and Persian used Hyper Beam to blow them away. 

Jessie: looks like team Rocket is blasting of again. 

As she said that, I saw a white them going off, I just sighed and returned Persian. 

Ash: you did a good job Persian now return 

Persian: Per!

As she got back in her poke-ball. 

And soon I left for my cabin to get rid of that headache they gave me.

Soon, by after noon, I was waiting for mom, professor Oak, as they will be here today. And Misty and Brock will be here by tomorrow according to the last time I called them, I didn't inform them that I registered as I could get into contact with them. 

As I was sitting in the Pokémon centre, my mom and professor oak came in the centre. 

Ash: mom, I am over here. 

Delia: oh, honey. Its so good to see you. And wow did your grow taller in these 2 months. 

Ash: its nice to meet you mom, and I did train a lot. 

Oak: Ash, my boy. I see you have done wonders for your Pokémon, and yourself. 

Ash: thank you, professor. 

I just gave him a nod, and a signal what I had asked for is ready. 

Professor also gave a nod with a smile on his face. Before arriving here, I had talked with him about giving my mom, my 2 Pokémon Meowth and Mr. Mime. And before he could say anything I had mentioned that both of them were ok with it and were not much of battle oriented and also I feel this way she wont feel lonely while I am not there in the house. After seeing my reasons professor Oak, nodded and accepted and not Mr. Mime and Meowth are no mainly longer registered to me, but my mom and I as the guardian of them. 

Soon after we had dinner, I had given professor my room key, so he could get some work he had and Pikachu decided to get a early shut in for our tomorrows training and he went with professor Oak and me and my mom decided to go for a walk, in a park we both were talking about our past memories, what happened in the past 2 months and other. I finally decided to tell her about my plan. and we both stopped and sat on a bench. And I decided now is the time. 

Ash: Hey, Mom! I've got something for you.

Delia: Oh, Ash! What's do you want to talk about?

She said while smiling at me.

I decided to release the Pokémon from the Poké-Balls, and out pops Mr. Mime and Meowth. They stand before Delia, who looks surprised and curious.

Delia: Mr. Mime and Meowth? What's this about, sweetheart?

Ash: I thought you could use some company, Mom. And, you know, for protection, just in case.

Delia: Protection? Ash, we live in Pallet Town. It's not exactly the Kanto Safari Zone or in between some Pokémon habitats.

She said that with a raised eyebrow

Ash: I know, but you never know what might happen. Plus, Mr. Mime is great at keeping the house in order, and Meowth can handle himself in a tight spot.

I said that with a grin on my face. 

Delia: You want to give me your Pokémon? What about your journey?

She said with a sceptical tone. 

Ash: I've got Pikachu and the others. And besides, you're more important. Mr. Mime and Meowth will be great companions for you. They'll keep you company when I'm away.

Delia: Oh, Ash, that's so thoughtful of you. I will accept them

She said teary-eyed

I kneel down, patting Mr. Mime and Meowth.

Ash: And you two better take care of my mom, okay? She might not be battling Pokémon, but she's still one tough trainer. And make sure to be there for her. 

I just gave them the nod and they accepted their duty and know what they must do?

Meowth: Meowth! 

Mr. Mime: Mime Mr. Mime! 

Both agreed with a nod

Delia: Thank you, sweetheart. I'll take good care of them.

She said while hugging me hugging Ash. 

Ash: I know you will, Mom. Now, if anything happens, you've got your own Pokémon team to watch your back.

I said with a smile on my face. 

Delia: that I do honey, that I do.

Soon I let both of them get acquainted with mom and we reached cabin. I also gave mom a picture of the rare Crystal Onix and mom returned both Mr. Mime and Meowth to their Poke-balls. 


Soon both misty and Brock also came the next day and we had a blast and got reunited and I gave them each a gift from the orange island's. I got brock the breeders books for the orange island Pokémon and how they differentiate and also some medical books and got misty a water stone and picture of the crystal Onix. Soon the day of my first league battle and I had made sure the pokemon that will participate in this round are all healthy and ready. And soon the announcer called my name. I stood up and got ready to show the world, that I AM HERE!

Announcer: now ladies and gentlemen let me introduce Ash Ketchum from Pallet town. 

Ash: its show time you ready buddy. 

Pikachu: Pi Pikachu!