
Pokemon: Story of a Master

This story will take you to the journey of a trainer who became pokemon master through his adventures. I tried making it realistic as much as possible, but still you may find some content or some part absurd. My English isn't that good and I don't have a translator to translate it for you all, but will still try to make it as understandable as possible. May have similarities to some novels (My own which I stopped due to work load, Pokemon-Master of Steel)

devil_trainer · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
19 Chs


In his room, Ethen was looking at pokemon standing infront of him, it was a small blue quadrupedal Pokemon with black fur covering its head and neck, concealing everything but its mouth from view. The fur around its neck also had six purple spots encircling it. The hair on the top of its head was of the shape of a single small horn. It also had a short tail that appeared to be bitten off.

Ethen took out his pokedex to scan the pokemon infront of him and pokedex show this data,

Species: Deino


Gender- Male

Ability- Hustle

Level- Baby Pokemon- 7 days old (*Warning None of the moves are usable)

Moves- Focus Energy, Tackle, Dragon Breath, Bite

Egg Moves- Belch, Double Hit, Astonish

Ethen was aware of the fact that he won't be able to see Potential of his pokemon by his pokedex, but what shocked and excited him at the same time was that he got one of the Pseudo Legendary pokemon which have atleast Gold potential and if he is lucky he can get a pokemon of Diamond Potential. He quickly checked his book which he recently brought from library before lunch, and was again shocked, because this pokemon's final evolution can be considered to be of triple type as it can act as flying pokemon even if its not in category of flying type pokemon.

Ethen closed book and walked towards his new pokemon Deino who was also looking curiously towards Ethen, it was first time he saw any other living being since being born, because he was born in a glass like room (each egg were kept in special container as to not see any pokemon or human because pokemon can easily get attached to first living being they see and may consider them as their parents).

Ethen slowly walked and sat down, then looked at Deino who was also looking at him, "Hello Deino, welcome to family."

Deino just tilted his head in right, and looked confusedly towards Ethen. Ethen smiled awkwardly and then patted his head and said again, "Deino you are my new pokemon which is given to me by university, so you are now new member of my family and I will take good care of you so that we can grow powerful together." Though Deino still didn't understand whole part, it understood that it was going to be with Ethen now, he again looked in sincere eyes of human sitting infront of him and nodded.

"See, these are my other pokemon and other members of our family." Said Ethen pointing towards his other pokemon, they all also gathered near Deino and started talking, Riolu was most excited to get another member in team who was younger than her, now finally she wasn't youngest their was another member who was youngest one now.

Ethen was also happy to see his pokemon chatting with Deino excitedly, now he was eager to see pokemons of his other friends too.

Soon 1 hour was over and Ethen walked towards cafeteria as he promised his other friends, when he reached he saw Max and others waiting there for him.

"Mr. Smith you are late by 5 minutes." Said Max who looked impatient.

"I am sorry, I remembered a little late that we are gonna meet now." Said Ethen with awkward smile.

"Its Ok, now lets go." Said Max and told others to follow him too.

"Where are we going ?" Asked Ethen while following Max.

"You will know when we reach there." Said Max while trying to look mysterious. Ethen just shrugged his shoulders and followed him.

After walking for 15 minutes they reached near an area which was secluded and it looked like part of training ground which they used in first year but Ethen was also shocked to see it as he never saw this and so were others.

"I found this place when I was bored and was walking around training ground early morning." Said Max who was satisfied to see shocked expressions of everyone.

"Here we can see each other's pokemon and also can do our secret training together as common training ground of second year will be full and we can't enter training grounds of other year, but here we can come as it connects to other training grounds too." Said Max while explaining what he thought.

"Wow, this will be great." Said Ethen excitedly while looking around and others also started checking around this secluded training ground too.


Ethen and others looked towards Max and they didn't know what to say as they really can check ground later. So they came back to Max awkwardly.

"Sorry Max, we got little excited." Said Ethen.

"Humph." was only reply of Max.

"Ok, buddy don't you wanna know which pokemon I got ?" Said Ethen while laughing.

Max was also interested in what others got so he nodded excitedly.

Chapter Ends.