
Pokemon: Rise from the Bottom

After waking up in the back alleys of Saffron City as an orphan, Natsu soon realized that he has transmigrated to the Pokemon World. Watch as Natsu begins his story as he rises from the bottom of soceity and journeys to the top alongside his Pokemon. *Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon and its rights belong to its respective owner. English is not my first language and I would appreciate any corrections in the comments. *

Arceus73 · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Weedle's Unusual Response

The snake Pokémon that can appear in this area are either Ekans or Arbok, both of which are Pokémon with violent personalities and like to attack humans.

However, based on the strength of these five Spearows, they should not be able to deal with the evolved Arbok, so the sac should most likely belong to an Ekans.

They probably kept this poison sac in the nest because its pungent odor helped drive the mosquitoes, snakes, or ants away. After all, in addition to Pokémon, these common creatures also exist in the wild.

Both Ekans and Arbok are Poison Type Pokémon.

Natsu had been reading books about Bug Type Pokémon and Poison Type Pokémon, thinking about how to improve Weedle's Bug and Poison Type moves.

While reading about how to increase the toxicity of a Poison Type Pokémon's poison, he found that Poison Type Pokémon can improve their toxicity by devouring other Poison Type Pokémon's essential organs, the most common of which is the poison sac, to strengthen their Poison Type moves.

However, the Alliance does not accept this advancement practice, so the book only briefly mentions it and does not explain it in depth. Natsu knew there was such a method but didn't know how the items worked on the body. To be on the safe side, he put it away for now.

Weedle's Poison Type talent, in its state of fury, had been revealed. Natsu feels it is necessary to develop it in-depth. He'll see if he could find some specific procedure details in the future and then try to let Weedle eat this poison sac to increase its toxicity.

Watching Natsu put the poison sac put away, Weedle looked aggrieved. It had almost swallowed it earlier. If it hadn't been for Natsu to want to see it, Weedle probably wouldn't have brought it out of the nest.

Seeing its expression, Natsu smiled and flicked Weedle's little head, "What's wrong with what I did? Maybe it's a good thing, but it could also be dangerous. Just bear with me for a while."

"Woo~~" Weedle could only slump its head helplessly.

"Maybe there's something else good here. If it's something you can eat right away, I won't stop you." Natsu comforted.



Picking Weedle up, he continued on his way to the area he was in charge of. There may be dangerous Pokémon in it but found out that apart from the five Spearows that caused a little trouble, the rest of the Pokémon were really easy to deal with.

He didn't rest all the way except for a short break during lunch. The sun was leaning towards the west. The presence of Natsu and Weedle did not break the silence of the unmoving forest.

On the edge of the deepest woods,

"The task should be almost done. It's late; we should head back."

He had made a lot of money today, plus an unexpected snake poison sac bonus. Overall, it was not a bad experience. Tomorrow, he would follow Ian back to the Fragrwood Forest. The Pokéblock and Pokémon food that Weedle needs during that time should be bought.

"By the way, there's still that Spearow hanging on a tree. When we go back, see if it's still alive. Maybe we can exchange it for a sum of money." he muttered.

Natsu noticed that Weedle did not respond and found it quietly stating behind him. Finding something wrong, Natsu frowned slightly and asked, "What's wrong?"


Weedle let out a low voice, its eyes staring into the depths of the dark woods. As the sun set, the visibility in the forest was getting lower and lower.

Vaguely, a faint red light could even be seen between the trees.


Weedle called out softly again.

"That's not within the range of Fragrwood Forest. There may be unknown dangers lurking inside." Natsu understood what Weedle meant but couldn't help but remind it.


Weedle looked at him wistfully.


Natsu couldn't help but smack his mouth.

Weedle probably sensed something inside, in the depths of the dense woods, outside the range of the safe and protected forest area, and it was of great temptation to it. Even more tempting than the previous poison sac. Its allure was so great that Weedle didn't even care about Natsu's cautions and was eager to get what was inside.

The woods are most dangerous at night. Many aggressive Pokémons don't appear during the day. But once night falls, it's time for them to come out. These Pokémon are often very dangerous and are mostly creatures at the top of the food chain, with humans like Natsu and lower-level Pokémon like Weedle being their target.

Looking at Weedle's eagerness, it would have probably rushed out if it weren't for Natsu's prevention.

"Then let's give it a try."

Natsu sighed, making a decision.

"Weedle?" it looked at him in surprise.

Natsu retorted, "Let's give it a try. If the threats we face are too great and the obstacles we encounter are too many, we'll quit immediately and come back tomorrow morning."

Although Natsu said so, he knew that something that could make Weedle behave in such a manner might be attractive to other Pokémon. The battle of ownership between Pokémon may have already begun. Maybe by the time we come back tomorrow, the thing that attracted Weedle would be gone.

It is too late to regret the things you have missed. That's why Natsu decided to go inside.

"Woo!" Weedle nodded heavily.

On the one hand, it also knew the danger and didn't want to endanger Natsu. On the other, the thing inside was of great attraction to it, and it was a bit reluctant to let it go.

"Eat this Pokéblock, rest for ten minutes, wait till you're in peak condition, and then we'll go there. I guess it would take us less than ten minutes to reach the place," he said and took out one complete Pokéblock.

Weedle didn't speak, just ate the Pokéblock obediently and silently rested.

Soon, ten minutes had passed. The sun was also setting fast, and visibility in the woods became very low.

"This time the level of danger is higher than before. If you can't guarantee 120% vigilance, we will withdraw." Natsu emphasized again.

Entering this area, he bore the greatest danger.


Weedle's tail stroked his chest as a sign of determination.

"If that's the case, let's go."

He lift up his feet and stepped out of the comfort zone of the outermost forest. A crisis could strike at any time. He took Weedle out of the Fragrwood Forest area and into an area named Mourning Woods by the Alliance.

According to the danger level defined by the Alliance, this forest is a medium danger zone, which is completely out of the scope of Saffron City and is the central area between the two cities.

Do not underestimate moderate risk. Be aware, that the outermost Fragrwood Forest is classified as a non-hazardous area.

But they could just retreat if they couldn't deal with the situation, so there shouldn't be any big problem.

Let's do it.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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