
Pokemon: Rise from the Bottom

After waking up in the back alleys of Saffron City as an orphan, Natsu soon realized that he has transmigrated to the Pokemon World. Watch as Natsu begins his story as he rises from the bottom of soceity and journeys to the top alongside his Pokemon. *Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon and its rights belong to its respective owner. English is not my first language and I would appreciate any corrections in the comments. *

Arceus73 · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Hoarded goods

With Natsu's constant reminders, Weedle's somewhat restless heart slowly calmed down.

It only had one chance! Certain energy was accumulating in its mouth as it slightly opened.

If it fails, Natsu would be hit hard.

So failure was definitely not an option.

Weedle's eyes deepened. Suddenly, a third color was mixed into the cyan and purple flowing about in those depths. The mysterious energy stirring in its body, uncontrollable at first, gradually settled as Weedle calmed down.

Time slowly ticked by.

Weedle's attention was focused on the Spearow Boss.

Spearow's speed was initially not slow, but it became even more terrifying after adding Quick Attack.


Weedle saw Spearow, whose whole body was wrapped in white light, approaching Natsu in the blink of an eye.

The Spearow was confident that it could take Natsu out with one hit. Without Natsu, the TWeedle's Trainer, it was debatable how much combat power it could display.

"Come on."

Natsu shouted silently in his heart.

Encouragement at this time might interrupt Weedle's rhythm and preparation, so Natsu didn't say anything and chose to trust Weedle's ability and judgment unconditionally.

The training during this period not only made Weedle trust Natsu exceptionally but also made Natsu, a Trainer, trust Weedle.

It's now!

Natsu's eyes snapped open.

Weedle's reaction didn't disappoint, and at the moment it thought was the perfect opportunity, Weedle moved.

The Spearow's Quick Attack was fast, but as long as it chooses to attack, there must be a momentary location where its flying trajectory would be fixed and predictable.

And what Natsu and Weedle had been waiting for was this moment.


With Weedle's growl, its mouth suddenly opened wide, and a net-shaped String Shot formed for a long time flew out of its mouth towards Spearow. At the same time, Weedle felt unusual when he spat out the web. Its body seemed to be electrocuted by something and trembled slightly.

What surprised both Natsu and Weedle were the yellow arcs jumping through the webs. Although it was not very strong, it did exist.

Electro Web!

At this juncture, Weedle's ability to comprehend far better than its peers came into play.

Of course, Natsu's pre-training Weedle's Electro Web was also indispensable. During training, the lack of Electric Type energy utilization was the only obstacle. In its moment of rage, Weedle took the crucial step.

In addition, Weedle also seized the timing, shooting it just a moment before Spearow's Quick Attack hit. Electro Web managed to hit Spearow while Spearow was less than a meter away from Natsu.

Although the current on the web was not strong, Electric Type moves restraint Spearow's Flying Type.


Soon they could only hear Spearow's scream. In its eyes, this short fleeting distance of one meter became a massive moat that it could not cross to touch Natsu. It landed on the ground as it spasmed.

The electrical current stimulated the Spearow's body muscles, and the Spider Web stuck to its feathers, significantly limiting its mobility.

"String Shot."

But the Spearow was worthy of being a boss. Its body was strong enough that, even with the current and the restrictions of Electro Web, it struggled to take off. It's just that it was impossible to avoid Weedle's next attack in its current state.

A thread of silk shot out and wrapped around Spearow's body continuously.

"Poison Sting." Natsu looked at Spearow's struggle and commanded.

Weedle shot the Poison Stings, which hit without a doubt, into Spearow's body, following which the poisoning effect began.

The Spearow continued to resist even in its condition, staring at Natsu and Weedle, its eyes full of unwillingness.

"Unfortunately, I didn't prepare a Pokéball. This Spearow is not bad. Even if I don't keep it, the price wouldn't be low in the black market." Natsu thought silently in his heart.

With his current resources, it was too difficult to cultivate a Weedle. He would never consider a second Pokémon in a short time.

Although this Spearow is good, it is not a Pokémon he likes. Weedle was a helpless choice. However, he later discovered that although Weedle is a very ordinary Pokémon, he also found its uniqueness and talents with his digging and training.

His efforts to cultivate it would never go to waste. It further confirms that there is no waste Pokémon, only waste Trainers.

"Hang it up. If it's still alive later, we will take it back with us." Natsu said to Weedle.

Weedle understood and hung the incapacitated Spearow from a taller branch with a silk thread.

"It seems that this dense forest is more troublesome than I thought."

Natsu took out a small piece of Pokéblock, which was pre-divided, and gave it to Weedle. It's crucial to always stay in your best state.

"However, is there a reason why wild Pokémon gather so frequently towards the dense forest?"

Pokémon's territorial awareness is very strong, meaning they don't readily leave their turf. The rivalry between Pokémon is also simple. If a Pokémon defeats the original owner of the territory, the loser would quit and never come back.

The Pokémon in the dense woods have been cleaned more than a dozen times, so why are they still striving?

"Maybe they are a new batch."

It is not impossible. Natsu put his doubts aside for now.

"Weedle, take a good look around. Pokémon like Spearow are violent and have a strong sense of territory. They will definitely collect a lot of useful things."

Natsu reminded.


Weedle's nodded its little head. Its body straightened when it heard they could find something good. They searched around the surroundings closely.

The forest was not large, and the area that five Spearow could occupy was even less.

Soon, Weedle found a nest built in a tall tree.


Weedle's tail pointed to the lair above as if discovering a new world.

"It should be here. You go up and have a look."

Natsu put his hand on the tree trunk. Weedle climbed up the tree along his arm, entering the unassuming lair.

There were a few things cluttered in there. Weedle wandered around a few times, dropping a lot of stuff down the tree during the process. When it reached the bottom of the nest, it noticed something hidden in the corner. As soon as it lay its eyes on the thing, its mouth began to water uncontrollably.

Natsu below heard the churning movement above him suddenly stop, so he guessed something and asked, "Did you find something?"

Then he saw Weedle appear at the edge of the nest with a small dark purple sphere in its mouth, the size of a thumb.

"Show it to me." Natsu beckoned.

Weedle hurriedly ran down with small steps, put the thing in Natsu's palm, stayed aside obediently, and looked at the thing in his palm with an eager expression.

Natsu brought his eyes close to inspect the item. He sniffed it cautiously, and suddenly a pungent, fishy stench crept into his nostrils. He reeled back and observed the item again.

It was oval, blunt at both ends, smooth skin surface, slightly flattened and long on the sides, dark purple on the outside with viscous purple liquid flowing inside.

His expression became strange, "If I guessed this right, this should be the poison sac of a snake Pokémon, right?"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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