
Pokemon: Reborn as Ash and Transformers crossover

Hello everyone, I was reading a few cross over comics that included Batman and Spiderman crossover to Captain America and Transformers crossover to fanfics that included Pokemon and Transformers crossovers. It looked like fun so I decided to write this while I am having a bit of writers block. BTW this will be like a short novel, less than 30 chapters. It will not be a full fledged book. If anyone wants to make these ideas full on books go ahead. Just give me a heads up because I would love to read them too. :D

Ellora25 · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Transformers - High Council Members

Optimus, "Megatron, let's end this."

Megatron, "Yes, I'm tired of his monologue and meaningless talk."

Optimus took out the matrix blaster, a gift from Vector Prime and took an aim at their crazy opponent. Megatron grinned and attacked the mad Mech who was starting to spout more incoherent nonsense. The Mech was so out of it, Optimus narrowed his optics suspiciously at him, the investigation had brought to light some transactions with a mysterious contact. The Prime growled on seeing the details of the transactions taking place and they were selling off their young like slaves planet side. There was even a plan to kidnap their sparkling, their Ash, the fragging audacity!

Optimus suddenly entered a calm state, "I usually don't condone violence but just for this once. Let's make it hurt!"

Megatron stared before grinning, "Why, of course my Conjunx ~"

Soundwave backed off, "Warning: Sire and Carrier protocol active! Stay out of sight."

Ironhide, "No fragging slag!"

Ash hummed watching them, "I wonder who gave that guy the materials and the knowledge of how to do the experiments."

Cool Aid, "You suspect, he is not the mastermind?"

Ash frowned, "No, no true mastermind ever shows their cards so easily. They have people cover their tracks for them."

Prowl, "How?"

Ash, "How what?"

Prowl, "How would you know that is what happened?"

Ash ticked his fingers, "Because the amount of evidence that was stacked up against him. That amount is too good to be true. If it's too good to be true, just know that the person you have arrested is nothing but a distraction."

Shadowsteel, "When you put it that way... "

Heatwave stood beside the consol, "So who do you think the mastermind could be?"

Ash looked at the younglings, "Honestly anyone high up with the resources, materials, knowledge and of course the cash to support this large operation. Or someone off planet, it's not necessary for them to always be where the minions are. That's how they make the escape."

Prowl stared at him suspiciously, "You dealt with someone like that before."

Ash shrugged, "Kinda, and we are still searching for them."

Prowl, "I'll keep your warning in mind when I re - investigate this. Though it doesn't mean he is less guilty."

Ash, "He is twice as guilty. He is not only responsible for his own actions but he is also covering up another. That's obstruction of justice."

Chase nodded, "That is quiet true. We should as the saying goes, throw him the book."

Blades looked confused, "How would throwing him a book help.... Oh! Figure of speech."

Ash grinned, "Throwing the book literally means no escape from punishment so yeah."

Blades, "Can you um.. "

Ash, "What is it?"

Blades twiddled his servos, "If it's not too much could you tell us more of your travels, please?"

Ash almost squealed, almost, "Sure, do you want to hear about the time my group and I ended up in the distortion world?"

Prowl turned to him incredulously, ".... I'm sorry! The what now?"

Ash, "Distortion world, it's a place which exist as a mirror image to this world."

Bumblebee spoke feeling a little faint, "How did you end up there?"

Ash scratched his nape, "Honestly? We were minding our own business when Giratina the watcher of that world appeared. They were hurt quite bad, and needed help."

Ash watched the screen with the fight as he told them about his adventures in the distortion world. In fact he could feels that world's presence even on Cybertron and absent mindedly said it out loud. That made the room go quiet before everyone started to shout and talk over each other about it. They calmed down after Lucario gave a sharp whistle that caused them to flinch and calm down a bit.

Prowl turned to the aura Pokemon, "Would you consider leaving what that was for me?"

Lucario, -It's just a whistle?-

Chase, "It's painful is what it is."

Lucario, -Apologies. I only meant to stop the panic, nothing more.-

Ash, "Anyway you should not worry yourself about it. Besides Giratina never let's anyone enter the distortion world. Not unless it's an emergency. But even then, only aura users are allowed and perhaps a Prime."

Prowl was not happy hearing that, "But what if Prime needs help? Or even you for that matter?"

First Aid, "Prowl is correct little boss. I don't want you going there without back up."

Ash, "Don't worry, Giratina despite his fierce reputation on the battlefield is actually very patient and understanding. He is like that one exasperated Grand Sire who has seen a lot of stupidity and genius, to the point nothing can surprise him."

Blades turned to Bumblebee, "I don't know, if that makes me feel more comfortable or not."

Ash laughed, "Well, Giratina prefers to keep the two dimensions separated. It's easier to keep the balance that way. Not that I blame them, especially after so many crazies trying to control the negative energy for themselves only to commit suicide."

Heatwave observed him carefully, "I see, you know someone who tried that and then died, don't you?"

Ash nodded but gave no answer instead watched the fight as Megatron and Optimus worked like an undefeated team. The two titans were untouchable when they worked together and Ash could not help but feel awe when they showed their strength. They took down the Ex Council member and offlined him permanently, before ordering the soldiers to clear the area.

Boulder spoke quietly, "They offlined him."

Alakazam, -Yes, they did.-

Shadowsteel, "You aren't disturbed by that? I mean... well.. "

Ash, "If you believe our hands are clean then I must correct you. We are Pokemon trainers, and as a trainer our job is to train Pokemon to become their strongest, in order to fulfill their duty and protect those who can't. We have done things we are not proud of to keep those who are precious to us safe."

Blades answered quietly, "Oh!"

Ash, "I understand, if you have second thoughts about this."

Bumblebee, "No, we don't have second thoughts. You saved our lives, became our friend, showed us beautiful music. We are not going to stop being friends just because you were doing your job."

Ash saw all of them nod, "I see, thank you."

Prowl, "It would also be very hypocritical for us to judge you for your actions when our very own almost cost us our dear ones."

They quieted down as the Autobots and the Decepticons returned to base, after taking care of any remaining stragglers. They first went to the med bay where Ratchet, Knockout and another medic called Jolt figured out a way to combat the virus. Through the return the group noticed the looks the two leaders sent Jazz, it varies from anger to confusion to annoyance. Jazz was down right confused at the mixed signals he was getting from the two Titans and decided to talk to them later, after the check up was done.

The two leaders were not sure why they were behaving that way either, it was quiet concerning but Ratchet and Knockout had a guess and shook their helms. The two were showing a classic case of Sire and Carrier based jealousy, especially when their sparkling showed more interest in another adult Cybertronian. Megatron grumbled about annoying codes when Knockout pointed it out and Optimus asked if something could be done about it. It would be problematic if these emotions blinded them during important or dangerous situations.

Knockout, "I'm afraid, there is nothing that can be done, my Lords."

Ratchet, "Indeed, we already suppressed both of your codes once. If we tried to do it twice, it will cause your codes to fight back."

Knockout, "Causing you to retaliate and probably kill anyone in the way of you and your sparkling."

Ratchet, "The best you can now do is meditate and try to control your emotions."

Knockout, "Or take your sparkling to your nest and spend time with him. That will calm you down as well. That is if he doesn't have to return soon."

Ratchet, "Get out of here both of you. I have told the others and your sparkling has already started heading this way."

Optimus, "On his own?"

Knockout, "He is with the younglings and Prowl."

Jazz spoke up from his berth, "Damn Prime, watching the two of you. I kinda want to grab my own little sparks with Prowlie and cuddle them forever."

Starscream laughed, "How about wanting to have a sparkling? Skyfire and I never talked about having one... But I don't think having just one would be so bad."

Skyfire perked up, "Really?"

Starscream, "Just one though."

Skyfire hugged him, "That's more than enough."

Windblade, "Well they are having fun."

Golden Bug, "What are they doing?"

Windblade, "Singing! Well Ash is singing, our bitlets just joined in on it. What a curious song! Jabberwocky, Ash calls it."

Optimus and Megatron had opened their own channels as they left and true to what Windblade said their talented little one was singing again. They would have to hide him from the covetous optics of the other adult Cybertronians who were watching him as he walked with the younglings. In fact, they should have probably contacted the Prowl and told him to stay where he was but it was too late. The rest of Cybertron had figured out who he was and now he was all over the Cybertron news channel like a hot scraplet.

That had the two Leader's code going into a little frenzy, they had just dealt with one crazy Ex Council, they didn't want Ash to deal with another so soon. In fact, they would both rather prefer if Ash didn't have to deal with any of them so soon. But no one always gets what they want and Laserwave, one of the High Council, was at the very moment approaching their oblivious sparkling. Ash looked up at the tall Cybertronian who was looming over them as they had stopped by a park that Ash was curious about.

Ash, "Yes? How may I help you?"

Laserwave crouched down, #This tiny organic was the one who saved my sparkling? This tiny one?#

Heatwave, #Yes, High Council Laserwave, it is him.#

Laserwave stared, #He is so small and tiny and looks like he would be easily squished. How did he manage that?#

Prowl, #How about I send you the language package and you ask him? Mind you his Sire and Carrier are on their way.#

Laserwave nodded and received the package, "What a fascinating language you have little one."

Ash looked at him curiously, "Thank you sir.... I don't know your name."

Laserwave, "My name is Laserwave. I am one of the High Council of Cybertron and I wish to thank you for saving my sparkling."

Ash gave a bright smile, "It was no problem, I'm glad they are safe."

Laserwave blinked at the smile that seems to shine brightly, "Oh, I.. Ahem! I would like to invite you to my residence. My sparkling had been wanting to meet his saviour for quite a while now."

Optimus spoke up, "Perhaps at a later date, High Council Laserwave."

Megatron, "Indeed, we wish to take our sparkling home."

Laserwave was taken aback, "You claimed him as your sparkling? I heard rumors thet you were brought together by a sparkling. I didn't expect said sparkling to be an organic bitlet."

Optimus, "It just happened."

Megatron, "Please, excuse us."

Laserwave sensing their growing ire nodded, "Of course! I understand, it's just my Roadblaster was really hoping to meet him."

Ash tapped Optimus's servo who was holding him, "Would it be okay if I invited them to where your residence is located instead? You won't have to worry about us going off somewhere if we stay there, right?"

Megatron hummed, "Perhaps after one solar cycle, little spark. We wish to rest and keep you with us."

Ash, "Deal! Sending him over after one solar cycle Mr Laserwave. In fact you guys can come over too, if you are not busy."

Bumblebee, "Sure."

Blades visibly perked up, "Definitely."

Chase, "I believe we can complete all of our tasks by the next cycle."

Heatwave, "Lets get going then."

Cool Aid, "See ya soon little boss."

Shadowsteel, "I'll bring some Cybertronian game toys with me."

Boulder, "See you soon."

Optimus turned to Ash, "We have furnished our residence the best we could. Unfortunately we don't know much about humans so we had to compromise."

Megatron, "Luckily there are other planets which are organic and we have observed the clothing you wear and tried to replicate it."

Ash stared, "You reverse engineered clothes? That is so awesome! What else? What else?"

The two leaders chuckled at the enthusiasm and told him about how they used the gifts he had left them to contact Primus. Lucario mumbled about not knowing how to feel about that, they only returned those items to avoid disasters. Soon they reached the residence which honestly looked more like an oversized castle to Ash and his Pokemon, though that's probably because they are small compared to Cybertronians. The two leaders explained the mansion was located between the main City and the mining areas. That way they could keep an eye on both the political side and make sure no one was trying to take advantage of the miners.

Ash, "Take advantage of the miners? Wait you don't have professional miners? No one fucks with a professional."

Megatron paused and spoke slowly, "I'm afraid, we have no such thing here."

Ash frowned, "You might want to consider it then. Miners are one of the most important people back home. They provide the necessary raw materials to build cities, homes and evolutionary stones. No one ever disrespects miners unless they want to be black listed. This is so weird to hear about."

Optimus mused, "Something to think about later then. Welcome home, sweet spark."

Ash looked around the house, it was a very cosy place despite looking very metallic and alien to them. It was obviously lived in and cared for and he said as much to the two, calling it warm and cozy. The three of them plus the Pokemon spent the time together during which Optimus asked about the food Ash and the Pokemon were consuming. After a thorough explanation, optima requested for samples which the dark haired teen happily gave him though he was not sure why? Ah well. The next day the other young Cybertronians visited the residence marvelling at the large open area.

Ash saw a new face among them, "Hello there, I am Ash. You must be Roadblaster."

Roadblaster nodded, "Yes, my Sire said I was invited here and I... I have been wanting to meet you for a while now."

Ash smiled, "Well come on, join us. The others want to show me what Cube is like."

Roadblaster followed him like a lost sparkling, "Ah! Um.. Okay."

Ash pat the place next to him, "Sit with us Roadblaster. Don't worry it's just us, no Sires and Carriers around."

Roadblaster finally perked up, "Yeah? Yeah, you are right."

Bumblebee, "Come on Roadblaster, join us. We are about play."

Roadblaster nodded happily, his Sire never allowrd him to play Cube, in fact he had to sneak away many a times to watch. But before coming here his Sire had told him to win the little organic's favour any way possible, if he could play Cube while at it, no one had to know. Ash and his Pokemon cheered them on as they played Cube together, Roadblaster was having a lot of fun and dare he say it was becoming friends with the other Cybertronians. And aside from Ash, he genuinely thought Shadowsteel was really nice too and he would be happy to get to know her more as well.

Optimus called them for a fuel break and most of the break were filled with questions about the food Ash and the Pokemon were consuming. Ash did his best to explain what curry and rice were as well as water, though water was easier. Ash explained how water made up seventy percent of the planet's surface and how it was important to most of the living creatures. Blades was fascinated by the different forms of water and especially the rain, when Ash mentioned how he and his friends would play in the rain, during summer season.

Earth sounded like a lot of fun despite the dangers that were present on the planet, but then again which planet was not dangerous to those who are ignorant. Roadblaster wanted to go to Earth, but mostly because so he wouldn't have to deal with the expectations his Sire placed on him. He loves his Sire, but sometimes he really wishes his Sire would ease up on what was expected from him, he was not even interested in becoming one of the Council. So Roadblaster decided if he could he would quietly apply to leave for planet Earth, besides didn't his Sire say to use any means to gain favour. Roadblaster smiled as Ash explained about Pokemon coordinating and performance, he was only doing what his Sire asked.

[To be continued.....

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

I really liked Roadblaster's character from Transformer Energon, the English sub one, not the dub.

The dub kinda fragged up everyone's personality with the poor, pathetic and useless translations. Ugh!

So watch the sub. :D

Till next time my lovely readers.]