
Transformers - Another set of Parents? Why not!

Ash flinched at the voice and looked up, "Um, I was doing my job... I was sent here for a reason, you know?"

Optimus had a dark aura around him as well, "You could have come to find us first. I know that you could have done that easily."

Ash sweated, 'It's like looking at a pissed off Red. Eeeeek!'

Ash raised his hands up in defense, "By that time it would have been too late. Please calm down. I know how to escape if things get too dangerous."

Megatron and Optimus were getting more and more agitated and the rest of the Cybertronian members slowly backed off. A pissed off Gladiator and a pissed off Prime was not someone you wanted to face. Lucario took the other Pokemon and went out as well, he was never on board with the mission in the first place. A strange planet, smelting pools, crystal copies that wanted to eliminate you, and the last one, zombies? He understood the importance of helping others but not on a planet heaven knows where and with Mew knows what type of dangers. Ash then noticed he had been left behind with two overprotective predacons by everyone, even Vector Prime.

Ash, 'Traitors!'

Megatron, "I swear to Primus sparkling, if you didn't have to return to your home planet I would lock you up inside my fortress and not allow you out till you are a few thousand years old."

Ash muttered, "Humans don't live that long?"

Optimus, "And yet you would risk your already short life?"

Ash, "You know, you can't live your life in fear right? And problems don't solve themselves?"

Megatron grunted locking Ash in between the two of them, "It doesn't mean it's up to you to solve them, little one."

Ash melted a bit thanks to the comfortable warmth coming from them, "I know but it was my choice to help. No one can force me to do anything."

Optimus grumbled running a servo up and down Ash's back, "No, you would just jump in to the danger head on first."

Ash, "Yeah... "

Ash's eyes widened, "I mean, it's not as dangerous as it looks?"

The dark haired teen saw the two were not buying it and decided to just shut up, before he ended up saying anything stupid. Ash felt very comfortable and safe with them and mentioned it out loud getting a content hum from the couple. They explained to him, that they had bonded with him as Sire and Carrier, and that he was their Sparkling in every way that mattered. Of course, they understood he no doubt had his own family but there was no doubt, he is their sparkling as well.

Ash, "Join the family, I have so many parent figures, I don't mind adding another pair."

Optimus mused, "Really?"

Ash nodded, "There's my mom, uhh Carrier, my Dad who is my Sire, he was a Ranger, he passed away when I was still a baby. I hardly remember him, he died a hero and I want to make him proud."

Megatron, "That's a fine goal, little spark."

Ash grinned, "Then there's my aunt, my Carrier's sister and her son, my cousin Red, they have been taking care of me since I could remember. My aunt's husband, errrr, Conjunx, who I have a cordial relationship with.... He is a businessman through and through, and the actual boss of Team Rocket."

Optimus, "I sense a problem."

Ash, "Well, Giovanni has an older brother who wanted to inherit the organization but failed and now hates him. For some reason, that man thinks I'm Giovanni's sparkling. He does not listen to reason and wants to brainwash me into killing him."

Megatron's grin became forced, "Is he now? My my, looks like I have to give him a visit, once I find your home planet."

Ash, "There's no need, he is behind bars now, so I'm good. And not to forget the Oak family, Professor Oak is the regional Professor of Kanto region. He is like the Grand Sire for anyone who plans on doing a journey with their Pokemon."

Optimus, "Sounds like someone I would love to meet."

Ash, "I bet he would have a lot of questions for you too... Actually every region has a Head Professor and they are like the Grand Sires and Grand Carriers for trainers."

Megatron laughed, "Very interesting little one. Tell me, are there other Champions as well, aside from you? Are they the same age as you?"

Ash hummed, "Actually yes, every region has their own Champion. Red was a Champion before he passed the title on to Gold, who is the current Champion. Red is currently training to become a Special Ops Agent and a Pokemon Ranger."

Megatron was skeptical, "What? Why would anyone give up their title as a Champion? That's absurd."

Ash, "Actually it's not that hard to believe, most of us humans have multiple goals and dreams. Being a Champion is one of them, yes, but it doesn't mean you have to be one forever. You can pass on the title to the person who is worthy and defeats you. A lot of trainers do this, they fulfill their dream of being a Champion, fulfill their duties and watch out for anyone who is worthy of being their successor."

Megatron gave a huff, "Why go through all the trouble of becoming one in the first place if you are going to just give it up?"

Ash gave a tired smile, "Being a Champion is not all glamorous, you have to do a lot of paperwork, deal with the regions security, during emergencies, a Champion is the first emergency responder, not to forget the number of thieves and poachers that try to hunt your Pokemon and family. Don't even get me started on the political side! Great Mew! Dealing with those sleazy idiots make genocide look like the best, number one solution."

Optimus cooed when Ash made a disgusted face at the last one, "You truly have too many responsibilities little one. Is there no one helping you?"

Ash, "Huh? Oh I do have the Elite Four, the Gym Leaders, Rangers and my friends to help out, don't worry. But sometimes however a lot of us hate becoming Champion while at the same time loving it. It's a love hate thing I guess."

Megatron, "And how do you know which Pokemon are fit to be on your team? You mentioned trainers catch Pokemon and add them to the battle team or other teams."

Ash, "Umm, that varies from person to person. In my case, most of my Pokemon are actually rescues. Well, I helped Lucario hatch and captured a few wild Pokemon who wanted to join me for their own personal reasons. But most are rescues."

Optimus, "Are thieves truly that much of a trouble on your planet?"

Ash, "Eh? Oh no! It's not the thieves, well we do have thieves but how to explain..... It's not exactly a good story."

Megatron, "We have time."

Ash blinked looking at them and noticed they were both sitting together comfortablly with him on Megatron's lap. His cheeks turned pink much to their amusement, when he realized he was sitting like a young child with their parents. Ash cleared his throat and decided to explain how he met his Pidgeot and Togekiss, showing them their pictures. Then he went on to his meeting with Venasaur and the other Pokemon starters who were abandoned by their trainers. Ash during this time had entered into a rant about irresponsible trainers and their inability to train Pokemon properly.

Ash, "They don't deserve their liscence, they don't deserve to be called trainers, they are an insult to trainers everywhere."

Unknown to him they were being watched, of course the Prime and his High Lord knew they were being observed but they didn't stop Ash from ranting. They could tell he needed to get it off his chest, as the dark haired teen ranted about Team Galactic who almost destroyed the planet. Ash then went on to tell them about his human friends, from their names to their dreams and professions they were interested in following. From a Gym Leaders responsibility to coordinators to move tutors to type specialist and almost anything he could think of. Then he was speaking about the different regions he had travelled to with his Pokemon and friends. The Cybertronians who were watching the three of them looked at each other, the younglings were very curious while the adults had reservations.

Jazz, "I want to go to Earth. So many cultures, it sounds right up my ally."

Starscream, "I don't know, these organizations sound too troublesome and unsafe."

Prowl nodded unhappily, "They were even willing to hurt their own sparklings to get what they want."

Windblade was twitching, "Yes, it does make you worry about trying to establish contact with them, doesn't it?"

Blades, "Calm down Carrier, I'm sure, Ash would not let them hurt us."

Blackstorm nodded, "No, they would hurt him instead."

Bumblebee, "They wouldn't."

Gold Bug, "I'm afraid they would little B, they already did hurt him. Even though he is not saying out loud."

Speedway, "Yes, his contempt is very deep, I wonder how bad it was."

Shadowsteel frowned, "That may be so but he is correct when saying we can't live our lives in fear. I still want to go there."

Cool Aid, "Me too! Except for those groups that he mentioned, his friends sound really awesome."

Chase, "Yes, they do."

Heatwave looked around, "Where's Boulder?"

Blurr, "Don't worry leader, he is with the Pokemon."

Thundercracker, "Looks like he is enjoying playing tourist guide."

Boulder, "So you, Eevee and Alakazam were born from poke eggs. And for as long as you could remember Ash is your Carrier?"

Alakazam, -Yes!-

Eevee, "Vui!"

Boulder turned to Gardevoir, "You were rescued by Ash, are you sure he is not a rescue worker."

Gardevoir smirked, -He has the experience and the liscence for it, but he won't. He will respond to rescue emergencies but he will not be the leader of a rescue team.-

Boulder, "That's a pity. He would have been a fine rescue worker."

Lucario, -We know. But it's Meema's choice.-

Skyfire entered at that moment, #The family units are safe. The area has been contained. Hey they look comfy.#

Starscream, #Skyfire, I'm sending you a data pack that Vector Prime shared with us.#

Skyfire, #Really? Alright!#

Skyfire, "This is fascinating."

Jazz, "Right? And it's just one language, there are still many more according to Ash here."

Soundwave, "Problem: Breach in sector Gamma."

Megatron, "Trouble! Stay here little spark. I mean it."

Optimus, "Do not go anywhere."

Ash, "Only if you tell my Pokemon where I am, or I'll be bored and find a way to leave."

Megatron smirked, "Very well."

Ash looked around where he was and saw the large monitor and made a beeline for it, he had been curious and climbed up till he reached the keyboard. He looked at the screen then the laptop before pressing a key at random, it opened a screen that showed the live feed. Ash hummed and noticed a lever that could turn the camera around, after a while he decided to call Absol to accompany him. The canine Pokemon yawned as he trotted over to Ash and sat by his side watching the screen curiously before pointing at another screen.

Ash, "Hmm! Good idea Absol!"

Absol nodded, "Sol."

Blades, "Wait? Huh? Did Absol just say something?"

Bumblebee, "Seems he did? I think or at least Ash heard him say something...."

Windblade, "He must be accustomed to figuring out what Absol says.... Look he even opened the live feed...."

Jazz laughed, "I'll go keep him company. It'll be bad if he got hurt."

Prowl, "That's a logical plan."

Shadowsteel, "I'm coming with you."

Cool Aid, "Me too."

The other young Cybertronians tagged along with them and went to the private room Ash had been left in. When they reached they noticed Boulder was there already along with the other Pokemon who surrounded Ash. The Pokemon were sitting around him, Alakazam, Gardevoir and Lucario while Eevee and Absol had their heads on his lap. They looked very comfortable like that and Bumblebee and Blades couldn't help but walk up to him.

Blades, "Hi again."

Ash, "Hmm? Oh hello there Blades and Bumblebee. Oh everyone is here."

Cool Aid, "Sure are, little boss!"

Ash sweatdropped, "Why do you keep calling me that?"

Cool Aid shrugged, "Feels right I guess."

Ash, "You can call me Ash you know? All my friends call me Ash."

Chase blinked his optics, "Friends? Truly?"

Ash nodded, "We always click like a charm whenever we meet somewhere yes, definitely we are friends at this point."

Heatwave, "I can accept that."

Chase smiled a little shyly, "I would love to be friends."

Ash, "Cool! So what do you do for fun around here? And I didn't get to ask before but. Where did those zombies cone from? I know ghost types exist, example my Trevenant who is inside my shadows currently.... But zombies are a different matter."

Boulder perked up, "You have another Pokemon aside from these five?"

Ash, "Trevenant, come say hello, please."

The shadow below Ash started to move making the adult Cybertronians step back from the human. That was honestly a little disturbing to watch especially as the shadow grew larger and dark leaves and branches came out of the shadows. The Ghost slash Grass type Pokemon opened his red and white eye staring at them from among the branches and leaves. Ash held out his hand and one of Trevenant's branches turned into a wooden claw and held his hand coming out of the shadows.

Boulder, "What a magnificent being! Um when you said Ghost Pokemon.... did you mean he's a ghost?"

Ash, "Phantump is born when a child is murdered brutally. Trevenant is the evolved and older form of Phantump."

Boulder, "That's a traumatic way to be born."

Trevenant, -I thank you for the concern but I'm alright. You need not worry.-

Boulder, "But... You birth was in such a cruel condition."

Ash smiled at him, "That may be so but it doesn't mean you can't have a good life, right?"

Trevenant nodded and before re entering Ash's shadow, he used a harmless form of leech seed and created a crown with blooming white flowers. He placed the large crown on Boulder's helm and disappeared into the shadows again. Ash grinned at the green coloured young Mech, the dark teen had noticed the blush Trevenant's face as he left to enter the shadows.

Ash, "Thank you!"

Boulder blinked, "Wha.. Why?"

Ash gave a soft smile, "Most people fear Ghost Pokemon, simply because they are embodiment of Death. Trevenant in general have a more fiercer reputation because of their power and control over the forest."

Boulder, "Oh! They fear the power then?"

Ash sighed as he pat the branch around his waist in comfort, "Indeed, it is said that a Trevenant's power is unmatched when inside a dark forest. It's Tauros shit really! They need to be trained like any Pokemon out there in order to be strong. And they didn't do anything to deserve the fear and hate they get."

Bumblebee, "That sounds hard."

Ash, "Sometimes yes."

Blades decided to change the subject and pointed at the screen in disbelief, "Guys isn't that.... that's the ex council, isn't he?"

Jazz, "Yes, he is. What is he doing here? Stay here munchkins. I need to deal with this."

Ash, "Go wild!"

Jazz snorted, "Go wild huh? I like that!"

Ash watched him go, 'He is definitely very handsome.'

Optimus and Megatron who were fighting against the crazed ex council and his army of infected twitched and was suddenly filled with the urge to hit Jazz. They looked at each other in confusion for a moment before focusing back on the battle, half wondering why did they feel that urge? The ex council member had heard the troublesome organic was back and in his broken logic had decided he was to blame for everything that happened. The Autobots and Decepticons didn't get along till that organic brat came along and he wanted him offlined.

Optimus and Megatron used his obsession with getting rid of Ash to get an upper hand over him. Megatron dealt with the infected and was joined by the rest of the Decepticons who fought alongside him. Optimus used his shield to protect them while fighting back with his axe. Ash watched in awe as the pushed back and defeated the enemy. Heatwave had explained what he could about the ex Council and the questionable experiments he did reminding him of Mewtwo. Ash frowned when he heard the story and hoped the two would win against the crazy Cybertronian.

[A. N.: I really wanted to introduce Trevenant in my book.

I love the Ghost slash Grass type Pokemon.

And I have been wanting to write Boulder's interaction with the Pokemon.]