
Pokemon: Radical Redux

You know the drill, a medical student was watching the finale episode of Pokemon. "Man can't believe it's finally over. Looking at his clock, Shoot I'm going to be late." But our protagonist met our old friend Truck-kun due to a change in destiny. "At least things aren't so bad I get to start my Journey, wait why am I Ash, Why is almost everything and everyone different, and why is this world so much harder than the original?!" Additional Tags: Maybe-Harem, Not stupid MC, multiple plot lines, Random decisions from dice rolls No dead pokemon parts to increase strength No potential stuff Only training methods and bond ________________________ So hey, this is my first fanfic, Please don't murder me, secondly, this is an AU with anime, games, and manga elements, with a bit of the novel. Earlier chapters are ruff, but I think the later ones get better. Also if you have a complaint, Idea, criticism, or whatever, fell free to say it I love reading feedback from you all

Katsu39 · Anime & Comics
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256 Chs

The Mega Evolution Sage

Ash kept walking through the mountain, he wanted to go alone but now Korrina and Lucario were following him. Honestly, when he found out it was them he wanted to stay away from them, but one thing led to another and now they are here.

Korrina quickly moved next to Ash, "So what did you mean when you said you wanted to get Mega stones, I saw how many you had, aren't those enough?"

"Not really there are still a few I'm looking for specifically," Ash said as he started climbing a mountain.

"What? You do realize that you can't perform Mega evolution unless you and your partner have a bond, or don't tell me," Korrina stopped and looked at Ash, "You're not planning on selling all those to the highest bidder."

Ash looked down at her, "Seriously is that the impression you got from me? This isn't a 90's cartoon where I have an evil top hat, I plan on using the ones I get."

Korrina looked relieved but still followed Ash up the mountain with Lucario not far behind, "So how many are you looking for then, I really don't think you could still be missing that many, we've only discovered so many."

Ash pulled out a list, "Well as of now the only ones I want and don't have are a Beedrillite, a Pidgeotite, a Scizorite, and a Lucarionite."

Korrina felt a Shock in the back of her mind, "W-well I'm also looking for a Lucarionite, why don't we go together that way we can both find one," but in the back of her mind she thought, 'I need to make sure he doesn't do anything suspicious if he wants a Lucarionite it can only be really good or really bad.'

Ash could feel the ingenuine tone in Korrina, but he also didn't have anything to hide and even if he did he was fairly certain he could beat her, plus having a Lucario to help would make things easier.

Ash nodded as he helped Korrina and Lucario up the mountain, "Sure it wouldn't hurt to have some help, if we both want one then we can help each other."

Korrina nodded before she felt Lucario jab her in the side, "O-oh yeah, I guess we still don't even know where one is, hehe…"

Ash put on a confused expression, "Why don't you just have Lucario use its Aura and your Keystone to look for it?"

Korrina and Lucario looked at Ash with a Blank expression, "Can we do that?"

"Yeah I mean that's what I did to find this island with Charizard,"

Korrina looked at Lucario and held up her glove, "You wanna try it?"

Lucario nodded, "Hahh!" she held her hands out and spread her Aura trying to find a sign, after a moment she felt something coming from higher up.

Lucario looked at them and nodded before starting to run forward to which Korrina looked surprised and quickly tried to keep up, "I didn't know we could do that, why didn't grandfather tell me we could have done that? It would have made things so much easier!"

Ash also started running, "I don't know who you're talking about but I guess he might have thought you would have figured it out on your own!"

The trio ran up the central mountain following behind Lucario who seemed to feel something from the highest peak.

When they eventually got to the top they saw Lucario looking up at a towering obelisk, inside there were 2 identical mega stones, Lucarionite.

Korrina smiled, "We found the Lucarionite, finally!"

Lucario nodded as she walked forward and slightly put her hand on the obelisk feeling it, as Korrina was jumping happily.

Ash meanwhile took a moment to look at the area, it looked very similar to a battlefield and it was relatively large, and if he knew anything about getting Lucarionite specifically he knew what was coming next.

Korrina looked at Lucario, "Ok get them out!"

Lucario nodded as she pushed her Aura into the crystal obelisk, the next moment it started breaking and cracking, sparks of blue light glowing from the cracks until the crystal exploded leaving 2 Lucarionite floating in the air.

As they were mesmerized by the light Lucario held her hands out to grab the stones and they floated down, but just before they landed in her hands suddenly from the side a Blaziken sent a [Blaze Kick] to Lucario's face sending it back to Korrina.

Korrina looked at Blaziken, "What's a Blaziken doing all the way up here?"

Suddenly from above they heard a gruff voice laughing, "Hohoho, it is finally time, it's a pleasure to meet you both!"

When they looked up they saw an old man with a large and long beard with a band holding it and a Keystone on it, holding a staff floating above them, but on closer inspection, it was just an Alakazam holding him.

"I am the Mega evolution Sage! If you wish to take possession of the Lucarionite you must first take it away from me!" he said as he floated to the ground behind his two Pokemon.

Korrina went from looking confused to confident, "I see, so if we want the Lucarionite we need to beat this old guy in a Pokemon battle, alright seems simple enough,"

"Is that so, well then I will just need to take it up a notch!" The Mega Evolution Sage said rubbing his beard and revealing his staff had another Keystone

He swung his staff and brandished his beard as both stones glowed "Mega evolve!" then the Blaziken and the Alakazam erupted into light,

Blaziken gained Black accents on its feathers as flames came from its arms, Alakazam began floating as a red gym appeared on its head with 5 spoons floating behind it.

Korrina had to blink a few times to see if what she was seeing was real, Ash rolled his eyes and looked at her, "Just had to open your mouth didn't you?"

Korrina rubbed her head, "Hehe, I guess I did open my big mouth, but we can take them if we work together!"

Lucario and Ash both looked at each other before sighing and getting up to get into stance, as Ash got to his side he saw someone coming so he smiled.

"Well, then Battle beg-"

"Wait!" Ash interrupted, raising his hand, "You got a cheap shot on Lucario so shouldn't we get one on Blaziken."

Mega evolution Sage and Korrina felt like falling over but Lucario nodded as if it was reasonable, the Sage got up, "Well I suppose it's only fair, so who sh-"

Ash didn't let him finish, "Great! Pidgeot use [Brave Bird]!"

Before anyone could react a bird came out of the air like a missile and shot directly into Blaziken, sending it sliding back and holding its stomach in pain.

As Pidgeot flew back over to Ash, he proudly showed something in his talon, a Pidgeotite.

Ash smiled as he pulled out his Keystone, "You know what they say, fair is fair, Pidgeot Mega evolve."

Pidgeot was enveloped in another bright light, Pidgeot grew another 4 feet as his feathers grew and started gaining Blue tips, as a large cowlick came in front of his face, Mega Pidgeot.

Neither the Sage nor Korrina could process what just happened, Ash smiled and looked at the Sage as he closed Korrina's mouth, "What's wrong not as confident now that is a fair fight."

The Mega evolution Sage shook his head and looked forward again, Very well, Battle begin! Blaziken use [Power-Up Punch]!"

Korrina shook her head and concentrated again, "Lucario do the same!"

Blaziken and Lucario both ran at each other using [Power-Up Punch], clashing against each other's fists.

Korrina looked at Ash, "We'll take care of Blaziken, after all, Lucario has a bone to pick!"

Ash nodded and looked forward, "Pidgeot use [Hurricane]!"

The Sage changed his focus, "Alakazam use [Tri Attack]"

Alakazam created 3 orbs of Ice, lightning, and fire energy and threw them all at Pidgeot, meanwhile, Pidgeot created a gust of air with his wings, and a small tornado was formed that grabbed Alakazam.

It hit because Pidgeot now had No Guard, but that worked both ways as the [Tri Attack] went through and shot into Pidgeot, he was more or less fine and fortunately no status effect.

"Fly up and [Work Up] then [Heat Wave]!" Ash commanded,

Korrina heard his command and smiled, "Lucario [Bulk Up] then [Earthquake]!"

As Pidgeot flew up and started glowing orange, Lucario felt her muscles expand and she started to wind up a punch to the ground.

The Sage frowned and was forced to make a choice, "Alakazam stop Lucario!"

Alakazam's eyes glowed purple as Lucario's arms tensed and stopped an inch before she could collide with the ground, but Pidgeot was still up and had his target.

Pidgeot flapped his wings as a cyclone of red hot air was formed and shot down, Blaziken tried getting in the way but once again No Guard, its speed didn't matter.

Alakazam got hit with the constant hot air, it tried resisting as it kept concentration but the wind kept coming, eventually, Alakazam had to drop concentration for a second, but that was a second too long.

Lucario's fist touched the ground causing a [Earthquake] causing the ground to shake and explosions to appear below Alakazam and Blaziken.

Both took the damage but were still up, but one thing was unaccounted for, Pidgeot was no longer where he was before, the sage looked around but couldn't find the bird until he heard a whistle coming from Ash.

"I hope you're ready," Ash said, getting everyone confused until they looked where he was looking, and their Pidgeot was flying over the stones, "Pidgeot now!"

Pidgeot kicked one of the stones as it flew through the air and landed in Lucario's grasp.

Korrina looked surprised but Ash gave her a thumbs up, "Let's finish this!"

Korrina looked forward before a smile crept on her face, "Yeah! Lucario, you ready for this!"

"Hahh!" Lucario grunted.

"Then let's go, Mega Evolve!" Korrina said, raising her Mega glove.

Lucario was enveloped in the same bright light, her fur grew causing it to look like a jacket, and the weird pigtail things Lucario had extended as red was added to the accents of her body, Mega Lucario.

Korrina waved her hands in victory, "Oh yeah! Now let's end this Lucario,"

Lucario nodded and rushed forward in a blur appearing underneath Blaziken with her fist flaring red from the [Power-Up Punch] and sent the punch knocking the wind out of Blaziken before jumping up and sending a kick to its face.

"Blaziken no!" the Sage said and turned towards them, "This isn't over Alakazam throw your Spoons!"

Alakazam took its spoons and shot 2 at Lucario's feet then another at her hands and head respectively, Lucario dodged the one aimed at her head then caught the ones for the arm but the ones to her feet hit her, and what's more the one she dodged turned around and was about to hit her in the back of the head.

"Don't forget about me, Pidgeot let's try something new [Hyper Voice]"

Pidgeot released his head back and created a screech that shot through the mountain creating a visible sonic boom before crashing into Alakazam causing it to break concentration.

Korrina looked forward, "Lucario throw them back and use [Bone Rush]"

Lucario threw the spoons in her hands towards Alakazam and ripped her feet from the ground where the previous spoons were holding her then she created a large energy bine before breaking it and rushing forward.

The Sage chuckled but raised his hand again, "I won't let this end, Blaziken use [Blaze Kick]"

But then Ash spoke up, "I don't think so, Pidgeot wrap things up with [Hurricane]!"

Blaziken rushed forward with its foot burning ready to kick but suddenly the strong Pressure from Pidgeot forced it to fall to a knee then it was picked up by a cyclone and threw it into the air.

Meanwhile, Lucario got close to the panicked Alakazam, it tried picking up its spoons again but it was too late as Lucario began slapping Alakazam multiple times before finally connecting the bones and using them as a bat to perform an uppercut and sending Alakazam up.

As Alakazam flew up Pidgeot rushed forward and kicked Blaziken over the head sending it flying out of the cyclone and back down colliding with Alakazam and sending both falling down.

When the thud of their bodies was heard their form returned to normal, they had won.

Korrina was looking at everything and began jumping, "Oh yeah we did it, we won and we got the Lucarionite, High five!" she held her hand out to Ash.

Ash sighed and returned the high five as they heard the sage chuckle, "My my you have surpassed my expectations,"

The sage smiled before ripping the beard off revealing Korrina's grandfather Gurkinn, "Ha I bet you didn't expect this!"

"Nah I know the whole time," Korrina said bluntly

"Hahh," Lucario nodded

"I don't know who you are," Ash said

Gurkinn felt like falling over in depression, his Super cool entrance was useless, but he bit his tongue and looked back at Korrina, "Well the point still stands, you Surpassed my expectations I didn't think you would have taken out my Pokemon."

"Yeah well I couldn't have done it without Ash here," Korrina said putting her arm around Ash and Lucario, "He did most of the work."

Gurkinn nodded, "Yes I noticed, but that brings me to my question for him," then he looked at Ash and looked more serious, "How did you find this Place."

Ash just smiled at him and pulled Korrina closer, "Oh I felt a beautiful damsel in distress so I had to come, and what a good thing I did. I saw this one almost fall after being abandoned by her grandfather, how cruel."

Korrina slightly jumped when Ash did that, suddenly grabbing her and looking embarrassed with flushed cheeks.

Gurkinn frowned, "That's not really an answer, so I need to ask you more questions."

Ash shrugged as he let go of Korrina and walked over to the ledge of the mountain, "I would love to stay and chat and all, buuttt, I need to go train, so sorry I need to go, but let's talk again."

Ash closed his eyes and smiled as he fell back and started freefalling from the mountain, Lucario and Gurkinn looked shocked as they ran to look down.

But when they looked down they were greeted by Ash standing on Pidgeot and looking at them holding a stone, "Thanks for the Lucarionite! See ya!"

They looked back at the place where the second Lucarionite was, and low and behold it was gone, when they looked back down Ash was also gone.

Gurkinn sighed and held his head, "What is it with young people these days, Korrina do you know anything about him?"

But when Gurkinn saw his granddaughter he saw that she was still slightly flushed, making Gurkinn sigh even more and drop the topic altogether.