
Pokemon: Radical Redux

You know the drill, a medical student was watching the finale episode of Pokemon. "Man can't believe it's finally over. Looking at his clock, Shoot I'm going to be late." But our protagonist met our old friend Truck-kun due to a change in destiny. "At least things aren't so bad I get to start my Journey, wait why am I Ash, Why is almost everything and everyone different, and why is this world so much harder than the original?!" Additional Tags: Maybe-Harem, Not stupid MC, multiple plot lines, Random decisions from dice rolls No dead pokemon parts to increase strength No potential stuff Only training methods and bond ________________________ So hey, this is my first fanfic, Please don't murder me, secondly, this is an AU with anime, games, and manga elements, with a bit of the novel. Earlier chapters are ruff, but I think the later ones get better. Also if you have a complaint, Idea, criticism, or whatever, fell free to say it I love reading feedback from you all

Katsu39 · Anime & Comics
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256 Chs

Results of looting

Ash landed back at the base of the island, this was the place he set as a Meeting zone for Beedrill and Scizor who he sent out again.

And when he did he saw them each rush up to him holding a Mega stone each, and in the corner he saw Abra finally show up right on time.

Ash sighed as he took the stones and added them to the bag and returned Beedrill and Scizor, meanwhile, he had Abra mark this place so he could come back later since he saw some mega stones that were not fully formed yet and he was missing a few.

So if you count all the Mega stones he has including the ones from before and the new ones he has: Charizardite X, Blastoisinite, Venusaurite, Gyaradosite, Alakazite, Aerodactylite, Beedrillite, Scizorite, Salamencite, Cameruptite, Pidgeotite, Steelixite, Sharpedonite, Houndoominite, Ampharosite, Altarianite, and the Lucarionite.

But he still has a few he knows about and wants including: Heracronite, Absolite, Tyranitarite, Aggronite, Gardevoirite, Galladite, Gengarite, Blazikenite, Swampertite, Sceptilite, Garchompite, Metagrossite. Plus whatever new Mega stones he doesn't know about yet.

So he has a good amount but it's not perfect, he still wants more, but that's future Ash's job, right now he wants to find out what he is going to do.

Then he heard a crunch and looking at the source he saw Abra munching on a Crêpe.

"So you went to one of the cafes in Kalos didn't you?" Ash said to which Abra just nodded.

Ash sighed but smiled, "Well why not, let's take a break," then he picked Abra up, "Let's go to Lumiose city, besides I want to make a quick delivery."

Abra nodded then they teleported away.

In a cafe, Blue was sitting down and enjoying a coffee, across from him was a reporter taking notes with a recorder by her side. He came to Kalos to study abroad but his fame still follows him so he was conducting an interview.

"So Mr. Oak," the reporter said, but Blue raised his hand

"Just call me Blue,"

"V-very well, Blue, we all know about your term as champion, but could you tell us what you are doing now?"

"Well, I'm training by traveling the world and studying what I can, in fact recently I paid a visit to Parfum Palace, a nice place."

The reporter intently wrote things down, "Ok then next question, comparatively do you think you could reclaim your position as champion."

Blue chuckled, "Please, I'm quite confident I'm probably one of the strongest trainers in the world currently, I'm not saying this to be mean or anything but I think I could probably beat every current champion, there's only one person who I truly see as my rival."

"You rival, Red?" the reporter asked to which Blue nodded.

"Before you ask, no I don't know where he is, but yeah the answer is yes I could probably go and be champion in any region I want, but that's behind me I don't want to be champion anymore."

"Ok, then next question, in all your years in being a Pokemon trainer what do you think was your worst loss?"

"I want to know, what do you think it was," Blue asked looking at the reporter.

She slightly flinched as she watched Blue string at her, "Err, my apologies it's just this is one of the questions people ask, but wouldn't it be to your rival Red during the champion battle?"

"Don't sweat it, but no my worst loss wasn't to Red," Blue said as he looked up to the sky, "No the worst beating I've ever received was back when I was on my original journey, this guy who I don't even know the name, he beat me so hard and it didn't even look like he was trying."

The reporter looked shocked, "Mr. Blue, are you saying there was another who surpassed you in your trainer years, is there anything you can tell us about him?"

"I've been looking for stuff about him, and while I haven't found anything in particular I do have an idea, and when the time comes I want to battle him again," Blue said as his eye seemed to drift to the top of the Prism Tower.

Near some runes in Kalos, 2 people were battling, but they weren't using just any Pokemon they both had Mega Pokemon.

The first was a large man with face paint and a samurai-like uniform named Remo with his Garchomp named Garchoo.

The other was a man standing next to his Mega Charizard-X. He had a black outfit and a Blue scarf matching his Charizard, Alain.

Alain came to these runes to retrieve a Mega stone under 'someone's' orders and Remo did the same under orders from his clan of dragon trainers that aimed to one day take down Lance's family for the top spot.

So Remo chose to challenge Alain, and Alain upon hearing that Garchoo could Mega evolve accepted.

The battle had been going on for 5 minutes, both pokemon looked tired but they kept going. Garchoo and Charizard flew in the air trying to get the best of the other and their trainers made the command to decide the battle.

"Charizard use [Dragon Claw]"

"Use [Dual Chop]!"

Charizard's claws extended with a greenish aura as Garchoo's axe arms glowed a similar light as they flew towards each other and crashed while still in the sky. Causing both to fly to the ground heavily injured

Garchoo and Charizard were barely still standing but after a moment Garchoo was the first to fall making Charizard the winner.

Remo felt shocked as he started helping Garchoo up and Alain looked at him before putting the stone in his bag and walking away.

Remo clenched his teeth as he set Garchoo down, "Dang it, I'm still not strong enough! How am I supposed to be strong enough for the League if I can't even win against a kid like that!"

Remo set his umbrella down as he sat down to think, "*Sigh* maybe I just need to go train more, but how...."

He sat down for a good few minutes before he noticed a ticket sticking out of his pocket, pulling it out he remembered that some of the elders gave him this ticket so he could go inspect that Lance in Kanto.

Remo then smiled "Hey, in Kanto, they aren't as strong, and they don't have Mega evolution naturally!"

Garchoo, who was still clutching his side, shrugged as Remo looked at him.

Remo got up, "Alright! Then we'll go and take over the Kanto League, just need to get 8 badges, no problem I can get in a breeze at my level, then when I win I'll challenge that Lance! Let's go Garchoo!"

Garchoo sighed as he got up and followed his trainer.


Ash sighed after he finally got rid of those 2 idiots, and nearly got him killed, well not like it would have mattered but still it's very annoying.

He just told them he would battle them and they left him alone, which was good since he is now going to take advantage of the lack of Rockets, and also he had no intention of staying in this base for longer than the next hour.

He walked over to the Egg station where that one guy from before stood there from last time, although this time he was alone.

He noticed him and smiled seeing his fat sheep that gave him so much money last time, "Hey kid good to see ya! How did those eggs you got treat ya."

"The 2 I got were basic Pokemon, but I did get to open up all the Duds, very interesting, though they did stink up my room," Ash lied, in fact, he still had all of them.

The guy chuckled, "Well sometimes dems the bricks but hey you come to get more?"

Ash nodded and handed him his card, "Yeah, I want to look at the rare eggs, I got a good amount of credit this time,"

He scanned it quickly and nodded with money signs in his eyes, "Alright Alright, not a bad amount, I've seen more but with this, yeah you can definitely find something that catches your eye, but there still are some you can't afford, hehe."

"Well kid you know the drill, drop your bag and Pokeballs in that locker, then yada yada if I find you broke eggs you'll be charged, yada yada something about all sales are final, but don't worry take as long as you need there still aren't any cameras."

Ash nodded and set his stuff aside and entered the cooling room with rows and rows of eggs, as he walked toward the rare eggs.

The first thing he did was double and triple check to see if the room had cameras, with Porygon2 it wasn't hard, and he found that there still weren't any cameras which was good.

When he got to the rows of good eggs that had a price tag he executed his plan, he reached into his storage and started pulling out the Eggs he got from last time and swapped a few out, he didn't go crazy or use all of them since this was a more than one trip job but he swapped 5 good eggs.

Just as he was about to leave he noticed 2 Green eggs in the higher corner, he looked at what they were and was surprised, "Wow, they have 2 of these, well mine now," he swapped those out with rotten eggs and made his way out.

When he did he was greeted by the Guy looking at him, "What nothing catches your eye?"

Ash shook his head, "Nah, but I did see a few but they were a bit out of my range,"

He shrugged, "Well shame, anyway next week we're getting a shipment maybe something catches your eye there?"

Ash nodded, "Alright I'll come back next week," then he grabbed his stuff and walked out, internally smiling at his catch as his dex rang.

Egg (Larvitar)

Egg (Larvitar)


Giovanni was on a call with Lance, Giovanni was bandaged from the debris that just fell on him and Lance looked like a tired father.

Lance rubbed his eyes, "So say again what happened,"

"Like I said, I think some members of Team Rocket rigged my Gym to explode, they even caused one of my Pokemon to go on a rampage," Giovanni said.

Lance sighed, "Ok, was anyone hurt I saw you were fighting 3 trainers at the time are they ok?"

Giovanni nodded, "I received word from Jenny that they were fine and that they were likely not behind this, just a case of the wrong place at the wrong time."

Lance sighed in relief before looking at him seriously, "Alright then, now I need you to tell me why your Pokemon is not registered on the League computer and Why there is no recording in any camera."

Giovanni didn't flinch, "I just returned I didn't have time to reset all the cameras in my building, since those kids seemed to have been waiting a while for me, as for why my Pokemon wasn't registering I don't know, the Pokemon I used was my Rhyperior, maybe because usually I wouldn't use him for a League match."

Lance accepted it, after all, non-Kanto Pokemon were rarely used in Kanto due to the more specialized population, "Alright, so what is your plan at the moment, we still need an 8th gym and you certainly can't do it in your destroyed building, the construction team said if you want it exactly as before it would take 4 maybe 5 months."

Giovanni thought to himself, "Well, I could set up a temporary Gym in Viridian Forest, as well as forcing any battle to be at 8 or 7 badges,"

Lance's eye twitched with that arrangement that meant he would probably receive at most 2 challengers until the League starts and none next year, but he didn't have a choice in these conditions.

"Very well, I'll set the paperwork and send an announcement on the website, I suppose try to recover," Lance begrudgingly said.

Giovanni nodded and hung up, before finally turning to his side where Colress was standing, "Now I want you to tell me again, what happened and where you were."

Ash was sitting on top of the Prism Tower looking up at the starry sky, he was eating some of the treats he got from Lumiose City as he waited,

Suddenly as he was about to put a Poke puff in his mouth a small yellow hand went down from his shoulder and grabbed it, it was Abra.

Ash nodded, "Oh hey, has the package been delivered?"

Abra nodded happily as she kept munching, "Alright then let's go home."

Then they disappeared leaving behind Kalos for now, but this wasn't over

{Vaniville Town}

In a town, a yellow hand rang the door of a house and disappeared, "Coming!" a voice of a woman rang.

From the door a woman known as Grace opened the door and looked around only noticing her Rhyhorn sleeping.

She looked confused until she noticed a letter by her feet, and on it, it said, 'To Serena'

Grace bent down and grabbed it slightly smiling as she walked back into the house and sat at the dining room table where on the other side her Daughter Serena was sitting tired from Rhyhorn practice.

Serena noticed the note in her mother's hand and sighed, "Don't tell me it's another Love letter"

Grace chuckled and held out the letter, "Well maybe it is, but it's not for me, this one's for you,"

Serena looked confused at the letter and opened it revealing a note. 


Dearest Serena


I hope you haven't forgotten about me

Just wanted to check up on you to make sure you weren't doing anything stupid.

Anyway I'm going to be participating in the Kanto League

So I just wanted to remind you to cheer me on, as long as you do I know I can win!(>‿◠)

Sincerely, Ash

P.S. Don't think I forgot about you, you still have my handkerchief

Serena looked at the note and slightly blushed remembering everything that happened all those years ago, and Grace noticed.

Grace smugly leaned in, "Ohh, I was joking but was it really a Love letter~ who was it from, was it that boy you talked about, oh tell me!"

Serena blushed harder as she hid the note, "It's nothing! Anyway, I'm going to my room!" Serena said running upstairs, Grace could only chuckle and shake her head.