
Pokemon Modifier

Thirty years old, he is an otaku. His job is to sell custom pokemons online. He just received a big order, and before it was completed, his soul went to the real world of pokemons. With a newly modified bird with its own “picking up” feature, And a cheat that can modify the shiny, characteristics, and individual values of pokemons. But, who can tell him why the golden finger is only half? ! This is another translation fanfic. This time a pokemon fanfic. i hope you will like it.

Blaze987 · Anime & Comics
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54 Chs

Chapter 5 I have a friend…

The guy named Takehara swallowed nervously and said, "What do you want to know?"

Hu Yang could see that the other party was terrified of him. Although he had never been in such a situation in his previous life, he had watched enough TV to understand how to play this role effectively.

He asked in a cold, emotionless tone, "What Region is this?"

Takehara, with a straight face and still shaken by the earlier encounter, replied truthfully, "This is the Hoenn Region, specifically, we're in Petalburg Woods west of Petalburg City."

Hu Yang felt a sense of relief. The fact that they were in the Hoenn Region meant that he had successfully crossed into the Pokémon world. He continued his interrogation, his voice still devoid of emotion, "Who are you?"

Takehara replied, "We are Pokémon Hunters."

Pokémon Hunters, a criminal organization that specialized in capturing rare Wild Pokémon for underground transactions. Unlike teams like Team Magma or Team Aqua, which had specific goals, Pokémon Hunters were motivated purely by profit. They were essentially the poachers of the Pokémon world, willing to capture and sell any Pokémon for the right price.

As Hu Yang pieced together the information, he quickly understood the situation. The mention of an auction in their communication had likely referred to the sale of the captured Ralts.

Hu Yang's experiences in his previous life had kept him far away from criminal activities, and now faced with these individuals, he wasn't sure how to handle the situation.

After a moment of contemplation, Hu Yang asked, "How long does it take to reach Petalburg City from here?"

Takehara, keenly aware of the situation, quickly responded, "If you walk, it'll take about two hours."

Hu Yang nodded and seemed to consult a non-existent minccino before pointing in the direction he thought was right. He stood up and began to collect his belongings.

Takehara watched in disbelief as Hu Yang pocketed his wallet, SS Ticket, and Poké Balls. "Those are mine!" he protested.

Hu Yang glanced at him and explained calmly, "Your Mightyena injured me. These items are compensation for my medical expenses and the mental distress you caused."

Takehara was stunned. He had been a robber himself, but he had never encountered such a situation before. He attempted to argue, but the sight of Cramorant made him think twice.

Hu Yang didn't engage in further discussion. He simply gathered his things and prepared to leave.

Seeing Hu Yang about to depart, Takehara panicked again. "You can't just leave us here! We'll be torn apart by Wild Pokémon at night!"

Hu Yang reassured him, "Don't worry, someone will come to rescue you."

Dealing with such situations was best left to the local police in this world.

With that, he turned and walked away, leaving Takehara and his companion behind.

Perhaps due to their proximity to the forest's edge, the ecosystem around them began to change. The larger and more vigilant Pokémon disappeared, and instead, they encountered weaker Pokémon like Caterpie and Weedle, which showed no inclination to attack.

Hu Yang observed their details and inner emotions as he walked. He couldn't help but think about the challenges faced by trainers in this world.

At their age, they were just ten-year-old children. With limited life experience and social skills, surviving in the wilderness was a daunting task. Many aspiring trainers faced repeated setbacks while challenging Gyms or simply couldn't endure the hardships of the journey.

In the end, only a small number of people persevered to participate in the Alliance tournament, and even fewer managed to distinguish themselves.

The journey was arduous, but the future held promise.

Two hours later, Hu Yang finally emerged from the dense forest. He took in the open road and the bright world before him and let out a long, relieved breath.


At the forest's entrance, a warning sign read, "Please bring your Pokémon before entering the forest."

Hu Yang adjusted his bag, licked his lips, and felt excitement coursing through him as he observed the lively street filled with people and Pokémon coexisting harmoniously.

Despite his hunger and fatigue, Hu Yang's determination to fulfill his mission fueled his energy. He quickly reached Petalburg City, guided by the signs along the roadside.

Standing on the bustling street, witnessing the harmony between humans and Pokémon, he was overwhelmed with emotion. He wanted to cry from the relief and the realization that he had successfully entered the Pokémon world.

Feeling famished and exhausted, he decided to prioritize his mission. Hu Yang summoned Cramorant and made his way to the local police station. There, he reported the presence of the Pokémon hunters in the forest to Officer Jenny.

Officer Jenny acted swiftly. After determining the location, she hopped onto her black and white police tricycle and sped away with her Growlithe.

In a short while, she returned with two apprehended individuals in tow, both in tears.

After verifying the situation, another Officer Jenny, responsible for the interrogation, expressed her gratitude to Hu Yang.

Was that the end? Hu Yang wondered, hoping for some sort of reward for assisting in their capture.

Before leaving the police station, he approached Officer Jenny and inquired, "Excuse me, where can I reapply for an ID if it's lost?"

Officer Jenny inquired, "Are you a trainer traveling outside?"

Although Hu Yang wasn't a trainer, he could pretend to be one.

Officer Jenny assumed he was referring to his Pokédex and responded, "There's no need to reapply. You just need to show the Badges and names of the Gyms you've collected when you participate in the Alliance tournament. Then, you can enter."

Hu Yang understood, but in this world, only descendants of the Alliance and those with status could obtain a Pokédex, and they were referred to as Pokédex holders. Pokédex holders were responsible for collecting data on Wild Pokémon in their regions and had free access to Pokémon Center facilities. Other civilian trainers had to pay to use Pokémon Centers.

Hu Yang hesitated and asked further, "And what if someone is just an ordinary person?"

Officer Jenny, not realizing the true situation, asked, "What do you mean?"

Hu Yang explained, "I have a friend who has lived in seclusion with his parents in the forest since childhood and has never left."

Officer Jenny, now understanding the situation, replied, "It's simple. Have his parents come with him to the police station to register his identity, and we'll upload his information to our database."

Hu Yang felt relieved by the straightforward solution. He continued, "What if his parents have passed away?"

Officer Jenny answered solemnly, "Then he'll have to handle it himself."

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