

Pokemon has different natures that affects their overall attitude, Mine just happens to be.....mischievous?

Susan_Tandog · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Why does everyone improved so fast...

"Growlithe improved too!" Loud pouts seeing as he has been forgotten

"Really?" I asked quite doubtful

I could ignore Marsh growing fast seeing as he is a training maniac but Loid?

"Want this master to prove it!" Loid said seeing my doubtful expression

"Alright..." I agreed and let Purrloin battle again after a short break

"Double team!" I ordered first and Purrloin splits into 5 clones

"Incarnation of heat!" Loud shouted and Growlithe was suddenly enshroud with flames as the temperature suddenly risen

A finisher at the start of the game!?

The clones made by Purrloin suddenly poof because of the intense heat of the flames leaving only Purrloin behind

Seeing this Growlithe directly moved towards her with a shocking speed!

"A-alluring voice" I stuttered a bit but manage to get my order across

Unfortunately the alluring voice could only slow down Growlithe before Purrloin was hit by it and been made unable to battle

"That was overkill!" I exclaimed towards Loid

Improved? If I don't know you well I might have thought you were feeding Growlithe drugs for breakfast

"It was after all a 4 move fusion!" Loid happily boasted

"I also helped him in this!" Marsh boasted along

These two maniacs... My confidence has now been shattered

"I'm gonna go to the dorm first" I sighed and take Purrloin for her to rest


"...Did we go too far?" Marsh said

Switch Pov (Purrloin pov)

Purrloin awoke at the dead of night

"Nyaa" Purrloin groans feeling pain all over her body

She remembered she was hit by the fire dog before passing out...

Purrloin then looked at the once again open window and decided to sneak out despite her injuries

She needed to improve after all! How could she just lie down while her peers go ahead and improve

Entering the wild area she climbed up to the tree and scout for prey

Today she needed to be cautious as to not worsen her injuries and to be safe from danger

After a few minutes a pokemon came to her sight! It was a Hoppip

Good... now she only needed to get closer

Purrloin splits into 3 clones and encircled the Hoppip quietly

The real Purrloin pounced on Hoppip and directly cuts it's leaf like wings

The Hoppip dropped to the ground and the 3 clones all looked at Hoppip menacingly making her paralyzed

This was a new trick she learned, By splitting into 3 clones, She made an illusion that they were a group and the prey would lose hope to escape

It will make killing them easier and like that Hoppip's life came to an end

Purrloin then use Hoppip's body as a bait to lure another prey and this this works pretty well as a new Pokemon appeared within half a minute

This time it was a Nidoran

Purrloin let the Nidoran took a sniff of the Hoppip and after deeming it's safe Nidoran started to drag the body somewhere

At this time Purrloin begin her move as she opened her mouth and a melodious tone came out

Nidoran came to a halt and the body of Hoppip dropped from her mouth

Purrloin's smiled slyly at this, She was starting to enjoy the reactions of the pokemon she attracted

Purrloin's claws grow bright and Nidoran was no more...


Fusion move

Incarnation of heat" = Raging fury + Flame wheel + Flare blitz + Wild charge

(Should've been named living sun tbh)