

Pokemon has different natures that affects their overall attitude, Mine just happens to be.....mischievous?

Susan_Tandog · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs


"Doesn't pokemon already releases force, Why do you guys say it as if it hasn't?" I asked and both if them looked at me weird

"Force grows stronger as your pokemon grow and when it grows stronger it will have special abilities!" Marsh explained but I still can't understand

"Take this if Growlithe continued to be destructive his force would turn destructive too" Marsh said

"That's what I'm aiming for!" Loid exclaimed

"I see..." So if Purrloin continue to be lazy does her force turn lazy???

I'll just wait for Sir Alan tomorrow...

Time skip 1 day

"Raichu" Sir Alan ordered and Raichu released a certain pressure that makes us all paralyzed

"Raichu's force can make people and pokemon be paralyzed as if enamoured by her" Sir Alan said

"That's why I kept Raichu from releasing her force"

"That's it for today" Sir Alan said and left

So that was force!

The pressure I felt from Liepard must be force too...

"Let's go to the training hall!" Marsh come up to me

I agreed and followed him with Loid in tow but we all came to a stop as we arrive at the training hall

"Well well well look who's here?" Arlet suddenly appeared

"A dog, a cat and a mouse!" Arlet mocks

"I'll kill him!" Loid glares

"Don't steal my kill" Marsh said and called out Sandshrew

...You're serious?

"We're classmate's here no need to fight" Arlet said

"What are you doing here...!" Marsh asked and Arlet shrugged

"This is a training hall duh"

"I'm done here anyways" Arlet walked away but not before ruffling Marsh's hair

"B*stard!" Marsh cursed

"This young master doesn't like that guy" Loid said

"Same" I didn't show it but I felt irritated by his insult earlier

"He'll suffer sooner or later!" Marsh clench his fists and entered the training hall as we follow

"Want to battle?" I asked Marsh and he looked at me suprised

I didn't really get to check Purrloin's moves yesterday as we were just discussing about force

"Yeah!" Marsh agreed almost instantly

I summoned Purrloin and we both started seeing as we're both ready

"Pinball" Marsh grins and Sandshrew quickly curled into a ball and rolls itself towards Purrloin

"Yaw-" I was about to order when Sandshrew increased it's speed rapidly and hits Purrloin

"Rapid thrust!" Sandshrew uncurls itself and swings it's two arms at Purrloin

Fortunately Purrloin dodged and used yawn without an order, The attack suprised Sandshrew and was hit by yawn making him drowsy

"Scratch" Although a bit surprised by Purrloin's sudden attack I took this opportunity

Purrloin raised her claws and scratches at Sandshrew although this makes Sandshrew wide awake

"Spike dance!" Marsh ordered seeing Sandshrew awake

Sandshrew curled into a ball again but this time it rapidly rolls itself as needles shoot out from its body

Purrloin was hit by a lot of needles and one could see her complexion getting worse and worse


"Double team" I ordered seeing another round of poison stings incoming

Purrloin didn't trembled this time and directly split into 5 clones all perfectly identical to each other!

Purrloin and the clones dodged the poison stings but can't help and lose a few clones leaving with only 3 left

"Pinball" Marsh said and Sandshrew stopped shooting out needles as it's now rolling

It rolled to one of the clones and Purrloin took this opportunity to use alluring voice

Purrloin lets out a mystifying voice and Sandshrew suddenly stopped infront of the clone

Sandshrew struggles to get a good of himself and the clones infront of him smirks

Purrloin walks slowly as she maintains the alluring voice while her claws glowed white

"Sandshrew!" Marsh shouted and Sandshrew finnaly get a hold of himself and digs underground

"I give up" I sighed and pulled out an antidote from who knows where

Purrloin can't last long if Marsh decided to stay underground considering she was poisoned

Although Purrloin glares at me

I ignored the glare she gave me and I

sprayed Purrloin with the antidote while asking Marsh

"You got another fusion move so fast!?"

"Yep! Sandshrew also learned rollout" Marsh happily boasts

And when I thought Purrloin improved a lot in a day, Sandshrew here created a fusion move while simultaneously improving his fusion moves with a newly learnt move

In less than a week too!


Fusion moves

"Pinball" = Rollout + Defense curl + Rapid spin

"Spike dance" = Rapid spin + Poison sting