
Pokemon Leafy Green

Alex, transformed with superpowers by Celebi, embarked on a time-traveling journey into the Pokémon world. His goal was to rise from a Gym Apprentice to Gym Leader, then Gym Leader King, Champion, and ultimately Pokémon Master. Along this path, Alex experienced numerous adventures, formed deep bonds with Pokémon and fellow trainers, and learned vital life lessons. His story showcased the power of determination, friendship, and personal growth as he achieved his dream of becoming a Pokémon Master, serving as an inspiration to aspiring trainers worldwide.

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Chapter 4

However, this Kingler was quite hot-tempered. It lunged forward with a splash of water, aiming to strike Alex with all its might. Alex, despite not being particularly robust, possessed a degree of agility. He swiftly sidestepped the Kingler's assault.

"Your adversary isn't me; it's time Oddish with Paralysis Powder!" Alex proclaimed, skillfully evading the Kingler's attack.

With Alex dodging, the Oddish approached, releasing a spray of yellow paralysis powder at the Kingler. Unexpectedly, the Kingler swiftly dove back into the water. "Incredible. It can respond rationally. Weren't you seething with anger just moments ago?" Alex was genuinely taken aback by this Kingler. It was a reminder that individuals should not be judged solely based on appearances, and Pokémon, in particular, should never be underestimated.

"Kuku, Kuku!" The Kingler seemed rather pleased. After emerging from the water, it hopped toward the Oddish several times. "Alright, the Oddish has a sweet fragrance thats why!" Alex exclaimed.

If the paralysis powder couldn't affect the Kingler underwater, its sweet scent could still reach it. Even if the Kingler dodged the scent, the area where the two Pokémon were battling would remain filled with its aroma, ensuring the continued effect of the paralysis powder.

The Kingler attempted its old tactics once again. However, upon emerging this time, it appeared somewhat peculiar. Its movements were conspicuously sluggish. "Hmph, Oddisg, use your paralysis powder!" Alex commanded. The Oddish promptly released a cloud of powder, and the Kingler displayed discomfort, falling back into the water with a thud. The paralysis powder had taken effect, rendering the Kingler immobile. "Alright, Oddish, now use your offensive moves!"

Stranded in the water, the Kingler could only cast an angry glare and watch as the Oddish closed in on it. It sensed a considerable loss of energy from its body, and finally, reluctantly, it shut its eyes.

"Haha, that's it!" Alex exclaimed joyfully, and the Oddish was equally elated, jumping and frolicking beside them. All of them, including the Pokémon, were excited, entirely unaware that a pair of eyes in the distant woods was observing their every move.

Alex had no intention of capturing this Kingler. He turned to the Oddish and said, "Alright, Oddish, I need your help to find some herbs to cure paralysis. Can you do that?" The Oddish readily agreed and set off on its task.

Alex gently placed the Kingler on the riverbank, allowing it to rest in the shallow water to prevent it from drying out too much. The Oddish was quite familiar with the forest and swiftly returned with some herbs in its mouth. Alex chewed them up and fed them to the Kingler, who made a swift recovery. The Kingler back in action. Satisfied with the result, Alex left with the Oddish. The special training session for the Oddish had concluded, but Alex didn't ease up on his own training. He chose a large boulder as his target, striking it with his energy crescent blade. One strike left no visible mark, but after two or three blows, the boulder shattered into pieces. Alex had clearly reached a remarkable level of strength. Despite expending a great deal of energy, he didn't feel fatigued. His body remained full of energy, and the effectiveness of his training continued to improve day by day.

Impressed by its trainer's strength, the Oddish was jubilant. It attempted to lead Alex somewhere. "Where are we going, Oddish?" Alex inquired, following its lead.

The Oddish tugged on the hem of Alex's pants, prompting him to follow. With no other option, Alex trailed after the Oddish as they hurried through the forest. The Oddish was agile and deft, darting in and out of the undergrowth. Alex, on the other hand, had to push through the dense vegetation, causing him to lag slightly. Nonetheless, he managed to catch up as they eventually arrived at a small cottage.

Before him stood a quaint wooden house, entirely constructed from wood. However, the door was securely locked. Alex couldn't help but notice a piece of fruit and some herbs left in front of the house. He admired the inhabitant's offerings but concluded that the owner was absent, presumably occupied elsewhere.

"Do you want me to go introduce myself to him?" Alex inquired.

The Oddish leaped up in agreement.

"But he's not here right now. It seems we'll have to return later!" Alex remarked.

The Oddish appeared somewhat distressed. Suddenly, the sound of flapping wings caught their attention. They turned to see a strong pidgeot emerging from behind the house, landing on its roof, and fixating its gaze on Alex.

"Oh? This one seems unfriendly?" Alex commented with a smile, seemingly unperturbed by the pidgeot demeanor.

The Oddish sensed the tense atmosphere and leaped in front of Pidgoat, communicating with the pidgeot. However, the pidgeot didn't appear interested in the little creature. After a brief glance, it turned its attention back to Alex.

"Pidgeot, how rude!" A clear male voice emanated from behind Alex. The Pidgeot gracefully ascended and landed beside a young man. Turning around, Alex examined the newcomer.

This individual was significantly taller than Alex, appearing to be around fourteen or fifteen years old. He wore a yellow hat and a yellow belt with two Poké Balls hanging from it. His attire included a yellow vest, a white jacket, and light blue shorts. His skin had a healthy, sun-kissed hue, and a watch adorned his right wrist. Stepping forward in sneakers, he inquired, "You're quite young. What brings you here?"

Alex met his gaze, observing a pair of deep black eyes. "Hello, I'm Alex," he greeted calmly, extending his right hand. "Oh? Interesting. I'm Sam, and this is my Pokémon, pidgeot ." Sam introduced himself, shaking Alex's hand.

With a light chuckle, Alex added, "And this is my Pokémon, Oddish!" He aimed to lighten the atmosphere with a friendly smile.

"Is this little fellow yours?" It appeared that Sam was familiar with Oddish.

Alex replied, "Yes, Oddish has become my Pokémon."

Sam, still wearing a smile, shifted his gaze from the Oddish to Alex face and asked, "But do orphanages typically give out PokéBalls to children?"

"I found this PokéBall in the forest by chance. I was incredibly fortunate! Without Oddish, I might not have survived!" Alex answered without hesitation, even though he was fabricating the story.

"I see," Sam responded. "By the way, can I stay here for a while?" Alex inquired.

"Of course, that way I won't be lonely! How old are you?" Sam inquired.

"I'm seven years old this year, and I can take care of myself!" Alex replied enthusiastically.

Sam grinned and remarked, "Really?" His eyes crinkled with warmth this time, indicating that he had finally relinquished his suspicions. After all, many of Alex's statements had seemed unusual.

"By the way, these two are also my Pokémon. Come out!" Xiaoli pressed a button on his Poké Balls, releasing Swampert and Kirlia. "Hello, Swampert and Kirlia!" Alex greeted them. The two Pokémon greeted Alex politely, and Kirlia, in particular, appeared quite young and playful. She immediately approached the Bellsprout and initiated a friendly interaction.

Observing the Pokémon before him, Alex couldn't help but harbor doubts about Sam's identity. Ordinary trainers wouldn't possess such Pokémon, especially Kirlia, a Legendary Pokémon and the Queen of Hoenn Region. Not everyone could obtain one, and capturing it in the wild was exceptionally challenging. While Swampert and Pidgeot were formidable, Alex questioned whether Sam possessed the capability to capture a Pokémon of Kirlia's rarity.

"Great! We're companions from now on, so let's get along well!" Sam declared, and his Pokémon eagerly agreed. Only Pidgoat remained silent.

Alex had finally returned to human society from the forest. He promptly took a shower and changed into new clothing. After just ten days in the forest, Alex's clothing had become too small for him. "You're growing up quickly. Wear my clothes for now," Sam suggested.

"But won't they be too big?" Alex inquired.

"Just cut them to size; I'm fine with it!" Sam replied confidently.

"Alright!" Alex agreed enthusiastically.

After changing into his new attire, Alex emerged from the room. Sam couldn't help but brighten up upon seeing him. Alex, who was already small, possessed fair, tender skin, slightly flushed cheeks, and a vibrant demeanor, resembling bamboo shoots after a rain.

"Not bad at all. Looks like my little brother has some taste!" Sam remarked proudly.

"Hehe!" Alex chuckled. Under the soft lighting, the two couldn't have known that something had silently sprouted on this night, destined to last a lifetime.