
Pokemon Leafy Green

Alex, transformed with superpowers by Celebi, embarked on a time-traveling journey into the Pokémon world. His goal was to rise from a Gym Apprentice to Gym Leader, then Gym Leader King, Champion, and ultimately Pokémon Master. Along this path, Alex experienced numerous adventures, formed deep bonds with Pokémon and fellow trainers, and learned vital life lessons. His story showcased the power of determination, friendship, and personal growth as he achieved his dream of becoming a Pokémon Master, serving as an inspiration to aspiring trainers worldwide.

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Chapter 3

"Haha, okay!" Alex felt a surge of happiness and pondered the recent events. Could it be called a "cure"? Grass-type Pokémon can utilize photosynthesis to restore their health and grow stronger. Most grass-types can also draw energy from other Pokémon to heal themselves. So, it made sense that the green energy from his body had revitalized him. However, it seemed that his low level caused this burst of healing energy to deplete quickly. Their meeting point was his heart, and in this perilous forest, his unique ability was his lifeline. Alex quickly sat down to replenish his energy. The forest was rich in energy, and he recovered swiftly.

Now that he had tamed the Oddish, he felt a responsibility toward it. Alex released the Oddish and spoke to it, "Alright, you're my first Pokémon now. You must give it your all!"

Observing Alex's happy expression, Oddish nodded casually, appearing somewhat troubled.

"Hmm? If you have concerns, I'm here to help. After all, you're my Pokémon, and your problems are my problems," Alex reassured. Oddish understood Alex's words, glanced at him, and then began to move. Alex followed.

Bellsprout led him through the forest, traversing thick underbrush, and arriving at an open grassland. There, they found a metallic structure resembling a lightning rod. It was tall, situated in the middle of the forest. Nearby lay a fallen metal rod, apparently a lightning rod.

"Could this be used to attract lightning strikes?" Alex mused, astonished to see such a modern construction in this wilderness.

Bellsprout seemed anxious, circling around Alex. "This lightning rod was probably placed here because thunderstorms are common in this area, and this grassland is at the heart of the forest," Alex surmised. "It seems that there was never a place without it."

Looking around, Alex spotted numerous tree stumps, each resembling the height of the grass. "It appears there was a fire here," he concluded. "Let's put this down for now and head up there." He gestured toward the lightning rod.

Oddish seemed worried, glancing at the sky—a sign of an impending thunderstorm.

"But I can't do it alone," Alex admitted, feeling a bit disheartened. However, that feeling quickly dissipated. Grass-types, Paras, beedrill butterfree, and even Ursaring emerged from the forest, forming a path for Alex. Tropius, the imposing Grass/Flying Dragon Pokémon, took the lead.

Tropius, usually arrogant, now appeared serious. It signaled to the group to follow, and Alex understood the plan. As he reached for the metal rod, it became evident that it was incredibly heavy. Alex struggled, realizing his current physical state couldn't bear the weight.

Disheartened, Alex noticed the beedrill butterfree slowly taking flight and landing on the metal rod. One after another, they covered it, forming a path to the top. Alex climbed with Tropius, and both parties reached the summit almost simultaneously.

Alex studied the structure at the top and noticed that it tapered, with a wide base. As a vital object, the metal rod should fit into a slot beneath the base. It had likely rusted over time. Alex activated the slot switch cautiously and watched as beedrill moved to the rod's tail. Guiding the metal rod into the slot, it smoothly locked into place on one side but not the other.

"What? What's happening?" Alex hadn't expected damage inside the mechanism. Repairing it was beyond his ability. Anxiety consumed him as dark clouds rolled in, threatening a looming thunderstorm.

A lightning bolt streaked across the sky, causing some beedrill and butterfrees to scatter in fear. As the weight on Alex's hands increased, his anxiety surged. Beads of sweat fell from his face onto Tropius broad wings. Tropius shared his concern. However, a brave Butterfree slowly approached Alex, its claws gripping the missing raised part. Finally, Alex found a solution. He swiftly took the small metal piece and inserted it into the slot. The considerate Butterfree, somehow resourceful, managed to find glue, ensuring a secure fit. Alex carefully lowered the metal rod, and with a satisfying "click," it locked into place.

Just as Alex was reveling in his success, a lightning bolt descended swiftly, tracing the path of the lightning rod. The beedrill and butterfree reacted promptly. Their claws left the metal rod as they soared away. In contrast, Alex, still lost in his excitement, didn't notice the danger. Tropius, however, seemed to sense the looming tragedy and quickly flew away from the metal rod. Alex lost his grip, and he was saved from the impending disaster.

"Huhu!" Alex panted heavily. Suddenly, rain poured down as if in response to the lightning. Tropius sped away, while the other Pokémon on the ground took flight. As they entered the forest, tropius expertly maneuvered through the trees to avoid the thunder and lightning. Alex clung tightly to its back. Finally, Tropius turned a corner and descended into a cave. Alex thanked it just in time before it roared and departed. Inside the cave, Alex collapsed, exhausted, onto the dry ground. He fell asleep almost instantly.

Throughout the forest, other Pokémon quickly found shelter. Despite the thunderstorm, they managed to avoid any harm. It was a relief, considering the destructive power of nature, which could be far more devastating than even Pokémon battles.

The next morning, the sun cast its gentle rays. Alex had already started his training in the cave at dawn. He absorbed energy from the forest's vegetation faster than before, and his training sessions grew longer. It was as if his body was slowly transforming, his energy evolving from a gas to a liquid and finally into a solid form. Alex felt content as he gazed at the sunshine outside. He stepped out of the cave, where dew still clung to the trees, forming occasional droplets.

In front of the cave, he discovered a pile of fruits, and next to them stood the Oddish he had captured just the day before. Alex happily picked up an apple from the leaf and took a bite. The Oddish, clearly elated that its owner was enjoying the fruits, jumped around with joy.

Having finished eating, Alex patted the Bellsprout and said, "Alright, let's see what skills you have. Show me what you can do!" His voice echoed with excitement.

The Oddish promptly released a burst of yellow powder. "Paralysis powder, huh? I've seen that before. What else?" Alex asked.

The Oddish closed its eyes and concentrated. After a moment, a sweet aroma wafted through the air. "Sweet scent, not bad at all! You're doing great!" Alex praised the Oddish, and it responded with more joyful hops. "Alright, let's discover the rest of your skills during a battle!"

Alex was thrilled. Although the Oddish had only a few control skills, it was already impressive, especially given its young age. There was plenty of time for it to develop and grow.

Now, it was time to execute the plan to capture the Grass/Flying Dragon. Alex led the Oddish to a nearby riverbank where a series of energy crescent blades lay. These triggered the appearance of an enraged Kingler from the water. "A Kingler, huh? It could be your opponent, Oddish!" Alex declared. After all, finding Water-type Pokémon was his purpose, and for Grass-types, Water Pokémon made suitable opponents. If this Kingler was up for it, all the better!