
Pokemon: I'm a Farmer

After unexpectedly arriving in the world of Pokémon, Rex only wants to manage his own farm well, to be a leisurely farmer. When he's free, he fishes; in his leisure time, he challenges gyms. Unexpectedly, in the end, he becomes... --- Disclaimer: All the rights to the original author and their each every creators that's been used in this fanfiction. RAWs: https://book.qidian.com/info/1037516892/ Author: 风起于金 (Wind Rises from Gold) Let's Join; My patreon: RockyRoad891

RockyRoad891 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 98: Challenge at the Dewford Gym

"Hey, have you finished exploring already?"

Upon entering the Pokémon Center, Rex noticed that Luna and the others had arrived ahead of him.

"Rex, why did you take so long? This town isn't big, we finished exploring a long time ago."

Drake expressed some doubt.

"Oh, I took a detour along the beach before coming back. I even saw Mr. Brawly, the Gym Leader, surfing by the seaside."

Rex took a seat with them before sharing.

"Really? If I had known, I would have gone with you. I heard Mr. Brawly is a genius at surfing."

Luna, envious of Rex's chance encounter with Mr. Brawly surfing, couldn't help but exclaim.

"It's alright, we'll be staying on this island for several more days. Mr. Brawly should surf often; you'll have a chance to see him."

Seeing Luna's fangirl excitement, Rex comforted her.

Time quickly passed amid their chatter, and soon it was afternoon.

"Let's go, it's time to head to the Dewford Gym."

Rex checked the time and announced.

Before long, they arrived at the Dewford Gym, where they were greeted by the young martial artist from earlier. He led them to a designated battle area, where Brawly, the Gym Leader, was already waiting inside.

"Nice to see you again, Gym Leader Brawly."

Rex greeted first.

"Yes, nice to see you again. I know three of you are here to challenge the Dewford Gym. Have you decided on the order of challenge?"

Brawly exchanged pleasantries with Rex before inquiring.

"I'm Rex, from Fallarbor Town. Let me go first to challenge."

Rex responded.

They had decided on the challenge order at noon, with Rex, the strongest, going first. This way, the other two could observe Brawly's Pokémon strength.

"Then let's begin!"

Brawly didn't hesitate and signaled the referee to start the match.

"Next, from Fallarbor Town, Rex challenges the Dewford Gym with a 2 vs. 2 battle. Gym Leaders are not allowed to switch Pokémon during this time, but challengers can."

The referee blew the whistle, signaling the start of the match.

Almost simultaneously, both released their Pokémon. Surprisingly, their first Pokémon were both Machop. However, Rex's Machop was noticeably eye-catching, missing a critical right arm.

Brawly glanced at Rex's Machop but, seeing the determination in his eyes, said nothing. A Machop with such high fighting spirit didn't need pity.

Without any commands from the trainers, both Machop moved to attack each other.

Brawly's Machop was incredibly agile, a skill honed through surfing.

However, Rex's Machop was no pushover. Its endurance had greatly improved through long sparring sessions with formidable opponents like Heracross, and its punches packed tremendous power.

Rex felt that both Machops represented extremes in training. Despite appearing disadvantaged, his Machop's attacks were easily dodged by Brawly's Machop, while taking significant hits itself.

Despite being momentarily on the back foot, Rex's Machop showed no signs of retreat, relentlessly throwing punch after punch, reminiscent of a 'one-man versus ten' sensation.

While Brawly's Machop actively dodged attacks, the effort took its toll on its stamina.

As time passed, its dodging speed slowed, eventually missing a step during one dodge, giving Rex's Machop an opening to land a powerful Brick Break to its chest.

"Machop, are you okay?"

Brawly, seeing his Machop hit and staggering back in pain, couldn't help but worry.


Despite the heavy blow, Machop managed to respond, indicating it could continue the fight.

Unfortunately, Brawly's Machop ultimately lost due to sheer strength, succumbing to Rex's Machop's final Brick Break, rendering it unable to battle.

"Machop is unable to battle. Gym Leader, please send out your next Pokémon!"

After checking Machop's condition, the referee made the call.

"Go, Hitmonlee!"

After recalling Machop, Brawly sent out his longtime partner.

"Machop, do you want to continue?"

Rex asked, seeing Machop's injuries.

Despite defeating Brawly's Machop, Rex's Machop also suffered some damage. However, Machop had no concept of retreat; unless it couldn't battle, it would fight on.

"Hitmonlee, use High Jump Kick!"

Seeing Rex refusing to switch Pokémon, Brawly ordered Hitmonlee.

Representing brute strength like Machop, every step Hitmonlee took caused the ground to tremble.

"Machop, let's meet it head-on with Brick Break!"

Knowing Machop's battle style, Rex directed it to charge forward.

"Bang, bang!"

The sounds of collision echoed as Machop and Hitmonlee clashed. Despite the size difference, Machop wasn't intimidated, using Brick Break to directly counter Hitmonlee's High Jump Kick.

Watching from the audience, everyone was filled with excitement, especially Kai. He, too, preferred this straightforward battling style and didn't bother with fancy moves, relying solely on strength.

However, for Luna, a coordinated Trainer, she felt Rex was too overconfident, allowing his injured Machop to directly confront Hitmonlee, which was in good shape.

If she were in command, she'd handle Hitmonlee differently, opting for hit-and-run tactics to exploit openings.

Drake, on the other hand, was searching for command weaknesses in Gym Leader Brawly to gain an advantage in future battles.

Ultimately, despite giving its all and landing a critical Brick Break on Hitmonlee's abdomen, Machop fell prey to Hitmonlee's counterstrike, losing its ability to battle.

However, Hitmonlee, after defeating Machop, wasn't unscathed, evident from its labored breathing.

"Go, Heracross!"

Rex sent out his second Pokémon.

Heracross engaged in combat with Hitmonlee.

While the fighting styles were similar, the situation was completely reversed.

Where Machop had been pushed back earlier, Hitmonlee now found itself completely on the defensive against Heracross, unable to keep up.

"Hitmonlee, have you forgotten the feeling of surfing?"

Brawly, seeing Hitmonlee completely trapped in Heracross's rhythm, quickly reminded.

Acknowledging the Trainer's reminder, Hitmonlee began anticipating Heracross's attacks, focusing on evasion rather than direct confrontation.

This tactic worked well against opponents of similar skill levels. However, against a significantly stronger opponent, it only delayed the inevitable defeat.

"Heracross, use Arial Ace!"

Seeing the opportunity, Rex directed Heracross to unleash the Flying-type move, Arial Ace.

With the attack speed of Arial Ace, Hitmonlee's evasive tactics were futile. In a flash of white light, Heracross appeared behind Hitmonlee.

"Hitmonlee is unable to battle. Challenger Rex wins."

As Hitmonlee's massive body fell to the ground, stirring up a cloud of dust, the match concluded.

(End of Chapter)