
Pokemon: I'm a Farmer

After unexpectedly arriving in the world of Pokémon, Rex only wants to manage his own farm well, to be a leisurely farmer. When he's free, he fishes; in his leisure time, he challenges gyms. Unexpectedly, in the end, he becomes... --- Disclaimer: All the rights to the original author and their each every creators that's been used in this fanfiction. RAWs: https://book.qidian.com/info/1037516892/ Author: 风起于金 (Wind Rises from Gold) Let's Join; My patreon: RockyRoad891

RockyRoad891 · Anime & Comics
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205 Chs

Chapter 76: Journey's End

Rex looked at the charcoal in his hand and then at the Teddiursa wagging its tail in front of him, feeling a bit sentimental for a moment.

After all, he had only extended a spontaneous invitation to the Teddiursa and its companions for dinner, but they had given him such a valuable Pokémon item in return. Rex couldn't help feeling unworthy of their generosity.

"Teddiursa, do you know the value of this item?" Rex asked.

After exchanging glances with its two companions, the Teddiursa eventually nodded, indicating that they understood.

Although they were wild Pokémon, they recognized Pokémon items like this one that could enhance corresponding attribute-based Pokémon skills.

However, this charcoal did not match their attributes, so they couldn't use it.

Instead, it was Torchic, the Fire-type Pokémon that had warmly invited them yesterday, who came to their minds since it was a Fire-type Pokémon.

Seeing that they were aware of the value of the item they had given him, Rex didn't say anything more. Instead, he squatted down and patted their heads.

"Do you want to come live on my farm? I believe you won't be disappointed there, and you won't have to struggle for food anymore."

Rex extended an invitation to them.

Originally, he had no intention of capturing these Pokémon, but since the Teddiursa had given him such a valuable item, he decided to give both sides an opportunity and asked them.

The Teddiursa seemed surprised by what Rex said, but after some hesitation, they still refused.

For them, who had always lived in the forest, they had adapted to the life here and didn't intend to leave just like that. Perhaps they also had some concerns about this human they had met less than a day ago.

Seeing that they didn't agree, Rex didn't try to persuade them further. Instead, he opened his backpack, took out the remaining energy blocks and berries, and placed them in front of the Teddiursa.

"This charcoal is very useful to me. Consider these foods as my return gift. I hope you won't refuse!"

Rex said with a smile.

The Teddiursa would not refuse such a generous offer, especially since food was not abundant in their area, and they had to spend a lot of time gathering it every day.

Now, with the food provided by Rex, they wouldn't need to struggle for food for a long time.

After all, energy blocks were excellent for them. As weaker Pokémon, consuming one basic energy block a day could meet their body's needs and even enhance their strength.

"Goodbye then. Hide this food well. If you change your mind, move in that direction. With luck, you might find my farm. I still welcome you."

Rex bid farewell to the Teddiursa and other Pokémon, indicating the direction of his farm if they ever found it difficult to survive here and wanted to live on his farm.

Under the Teddiursa's gaze, Rex mounted Swellow and flew towards his farm.

The Teddiursa continued to watch Rex and Swellow's figures until they became distant and disappeared into a black dot, feeling a bit lost before starting to move the food.

With Swellow and others around, weak Pokémon would not dare approach this area, but with their departure and the passage of time, the scent would become fainter until it disappeared completely, and other Pokémon would no longer have any concerns.

So, taking advantage of this time gap, the Teddiursa hid the food. With their strength, they might not be able to protect the food from other Pokémon's attacks.

Although Rex didn't invite the Teddiursa to live with him, he was in a good mood after receiving the charcoal. This was the first Pokémon item he had obtained since coming to this world and held great sentimental value.

Moreover, the charcoal happened to be useful for Torchic. At this moment, Rex also realized that the relationship between the Teddiursa and Torchic was good. Perhaps they had thought of giving this charcoal to Torchic, which was why they brought him such a precious Pokémon item!

During the return journey, Swellow instinctively used tailwind techniques, flying at a very fast speed, indicating that it was also eager to return home.

The journey that was originally estimated to take about two hours only took Swellow less than an hour and a half to return to Rex's farm.

Landing in the open space in front of his house, Rex found that in just a short ten days, his house seemed to have undergone some renovation, at least from the outside.

After all, this house was previously lived in by the former farm owner, Jiro, and was quite old, looking a bit worn. But now, it seemed to have improved in appearance.

"Ah, Boss, you're back!"

Yuli exclaimed joyfully.

At this moment, she was preparing lunch. Now she lived alone in this house, so she simply pulled some vegetables from the garden and cooked some rice to eat. She was not particular about her meals on ordinary days.

"Why are you the only one here? Where are the others?"

Rex was a bit puzzled. It was almost lunchtime now, and it should have been lively.

"Now that the new orphanage has been built, everyone else is living over there, so I'm the only one left here."

Seeing Rex's inquiry, Yuli explained hurriedly.

"Is there any change?"

Rex glanced around outside and saw that a new warehouse-like building had been erected. He guessed it was where Miltanks and the others lived, and besides that, there didn't seem to be any other houses.

"Boss, since you just got back, take a rest first. I'll cook a few dishes and then tell you about what's been happening during this time. Is that okay with you?"

Yuli wasn't surprised by Rex's confusion, but she couldn't explain it all at once, so she said so.

"That's fine. I'll take a bath upstairs and change clothes, then we can talk in detail later!"

Rex felt relieved since Yuli didn't seem alarmed, indicating that nothing was wrong with the others at the orphanage. So, he decided to tidy up first before discussing further.

After going upstairs to his room, Rex found that his room hadn't changed much except that it was cleaner.

He remembered leaving Miltank and others to live in his room, so it should have been messy. However, he realized that Yuli must have cleaned the room for him.

After a comfortable hot bath, Rex felt inexplicably comfortable all over. He wasn't sure if it was because he was back at the farm or because he had removed the fatigue of the journey, but it didn't matter. He was comfortable, and that was enough.

After coming downstairs, Rex noticed that Yuli hadn't finished cooking yet, so he didn't disturb her. Instead, he released the Pokémon outside to let them play on their own.

After just bringing himself back, Swellow was already eager to find its tribe.

Poliwhirl and Flaaffy were the same way. After being released from the Poké Ball, they also ran towards their own tribes.

Sandslash headed towards a nearby hillside where it had dug a cave that was exclusively its den.

Two Glooms walking towards the orchard. Normally, unless called by Rex, it would help cultivate the fruit trees there, promote the growth of fruit trees, and help treat injured Pokémon.

As for Gastly, it had already hidden in the shadow, which was its favorite place.

The only ones left, Machop and Torchic, were unfamiliar with the environment at Rex's farm, so they stood there stupidly, watching their seniors go in various directions, thinking they might disband.

"Alright, come with me back inside. Once you've been here for a while, you'll find the place you want to stay in!"

Rex waved to the dumbfounded two Pokémon, inviting them inside.

[End of Chapter]