
Pokemon: I'm a Farmer

After unexpectedly arriving in the world of Pokémon, Rex only wants to manage his own farm well, to be a leisurely farmer. When he's free, he fishes; in his leisure time, he challenges gyms. Unexpectedly, in the end, he becomes... --- Disclaimer: All the rights to the original author and their each every creators that's been used in this fanfiction. RAWs: https://book.qidian.com/info/1037516892/ Author: 风起于金 (Wind Rises from Gold) Let's Join; My patreon: RockyRoad891

RockyRoad891 · Anime & Comics
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205 Chs

Chapter 21: Slateport City

Since Tailow successfully evolved into Swellow, Rex finally escaped the embarrassment of relying solely on walking for transportation.

Now, it only takes him 15 minutes to reach Fallabor Town, which has led to an increase in his visits to Fallabor Town.

After all, staying in one place for too long can become tedious, and sometimes life needs some variety.

Although Rex is not particularly wealthy at the moment, since the grass has matured, the quality of wool produced by the Mareep has further improved after consuming this vibrant grass.

Now, the quality of Mareep wool produced by Rex Farm has reached the top grade, and the purchase price for top-grade wool is twice that of medium grade.

In this way, just by selling Mareep wool alone, Rex can earn about 70,000 Alliance Coins per month.

However, due to the fact that the quality of the energy blocks consumed by Swellow and Heracross has changed from low grade to medium grade, and other Pokémon's strength has rapidly increased, the amount of low-grade energy blocks needed has significantly increased. This has led to Rex needing to spend a large amount of Alliance Coins to purchase energy blocks.

"This won't do. If the strength of Swellow and the others continues to increase, I may not even be able to afford basic energy blocks!"

Rex complained to Yuli Terada.

"Boss, I estimate that it won't be long before our fruit trees on Rex Farm can be harvested. Actually, we can purchase a fruit mixer and make energy blocks ourselves."

Yuli Terada had already thought of this idea before, but she didn't mention it because the fruit mixer was expensive. However, with the current income of the farm, they should be able to afford it.

The process of making energy blocks mainly involves putting fruits into the fruit mixer, controlling the speed of the fruit mixer to mix the fruits together, and extracting the essence of the fruits to make the energy blocks.

Making energy blocks is a course that every Pokémon breeder must learn. Now that she is familiar with the entire process, she just lacks the opportunity to practice.

After listening to Yuli Terada's suggestion, Rex also considered it and found her reasoning sound.

Now, the first batch of fruits on Rex Farm is almost ripe, and there will be more and more fruits produced in the future.

He definitely can't consume them all himself, and if he sells them, he'll need to find buyers everywhere, which can easily lead to price suppression. If they are all made into energy blocks, it will be convenient whether for personal use or for sale.

No matter in which world, selling raw materials such as fruits and Mareep wool is definitely the most basic. After purchasing your raw materials, others will process them and sell the finished products at prices that may be several times or even tens of times higher than the raw material prices.

"That's the decision then. But there's no place selling fruit mixers in Fallabor Town. If we want to buy one, we can only go to Slateport City. I'll let Swellow fly me over there tomorrow!"

Slateport City is the most prosperous tourist and shopping city in the Hoenn Region, and it is also the gathering place for goods from various regions. If there hadn't been an accident, the original owner's family would have settled here.

Rex's parents in this world are buried in the cemetery in Slateport City. He has wanted to visit for a long time now. With the opportunity to purchase a fruit mixer, he can pay his respects.

The next day, early morning.

"Yuli, I'll trouble you with the farm affairs for the next few days!"

"Boss, you don't need to be polite. It's what I should do!"

After explaining to Yuli Terada, Rex rode on Swellow and flew towards Slateport City.

This time, Rex only brought Swellow and Poliwag with him. As for why he brought Poliwag, it's because Slateport City is a seaside city. If he wants to go to the beach, having a Water-type Pokémon would be reassuring.

With Heracross on the farm, he isn't worried about safety.

Now, Swellow has completely adapted to its evolved body, and during this time, its strength has increased significantly. It only recently stabilized, which is the benefit of evolution.

After each Pokémon evolves, due to the significant increase in base stats, there will be a period of time where their strength surges. The length of this time varies, mainly depending on the accumulated strength of the Pokémon before evolution.

As for Swellow, it goes without saying. Even in its Tailow stage, it could compete evenly with Heracross. After this period of improvement, Heracross is no longer Swellow's opponent. Now, Swellow can even defeat it in a short amount of time.

This has dealt a great blow to Heracross's confidence, so now its training is even more rigorous, without needing Rex to urge it.

Now what Rex can do for it is to handle logistics well, create conditions for Heracross to improve its strength single-mindedly, and let it focus on improvement without distractions.

Even with Rex on its back, Swellow's flying speed is definitely among the top ranks among Pokémon. This time, they only spent less than half an hour to reach Slateport City.

Arriving in Slateport City, Rex finally felt like he was back in modern society. Tall buildings and bustling crowds could be seen everywhere, not inferior to the big cities of his previous life. Moreover, because of the existence of Pokémon, it seemed even more fascinating.

Using the map navigation on his phone, Rex arrived at a Pokémon department store. The variety of products inside was diverse, and it couldn't be compared to the shops in Fallabor Town.

Led by the salesgirl, Rex first came to the shop selling fruit mixers. Since it's a clearly marked item, Rex didn't have room to negotiate the price.

The price of the fruit mixer is 100,000 Alliance Coins. After paying, Rex's wallet shrank again, leaving only more than 30,000 Alliance Coins.

However, as long as he sells the Mareep wool from this batch in a few days, he will have another income, so he is not particularly anxious. This is the sustainable development model.

If Rex didn't invest in building Rex Farm and instead chose to be a trainer, taking tasks everywhere to obtain resources, it would waste a lot of time doing tasks, and the income would be unstable, possibly leading to situations of feast or famine.

The fruit mixer is not small in size and is quite heavy. Of course, Rex cannot carry it himself. After giving the address of his farm to the shop, they will help transport it home within three days.

After that, Rex explained the situation to Yuli Terada and asked her to be prepared to receive the equipment.

After arranging the matter of the fruit mixer, Rex bought some gifts from the department store and then followed the navigation to the Slateport City Police Station.

He came to the police station for two purposes: one was to thank Officer Jenny of Slateport City for her help, and the other was to inquire about the specific location of the original owner's parents' graves.

Upon arriving at the police station, Rex found that the scale of the police station here was much larger than Fallabor Town, and it was very busy, with police officers coming and going hurriedly.

"Hello, is Officer Jenny here in the police station?"

Rex asked a young policewoman.

"Do you have something important to discuss with our chief? If it's not very important, I can help you."

The policewoman replied.

"Officer Jenny helped me a lot before, so I came here specifically to thank her and inquire about something. Can you pass on a message for me? Tell Officer Jenny that Rex from Fallabor Town has come to visit!"

Rex didn't expect Officer Jenny of Slateport City to be the chief of police, but thinking about it, if she didn't have authority, how could she have helped him get so much compensation?

Seeing Rex saying this, the policewoman didn't say anything else and asked Rex to wait in the hall, then went to inform Officer Jenny.

After hearing the report from her subordinate, Officer Jenny, who was handling affairs, was also a little surprised. However, she still had some impression of Rex. He was a very strong boy.

"I'm sorry to disturb you at work, Officer Jenny!"

After getting permission from Officer Jenny, Rex was led into her office by the policewoman. Seeing the busy Officer Jenny in front of him, Rex couldn't help but apologize.

"Rex, you're too polite. What's the matter with you coming here?"

Officer Jenny smiled at Rex.

"I happened to have something to do in Slateport City, so I wanted to see Officer Jenny and thank you for your help!"

"This is what I should do, you don't need to be so polite!"

After some small talk, Rex asked about the location of his parents' graves and then took his leave from the police station.

Your support is my motivation!

(End of this chapter)