
Pokemon: I'm a Farmer

After unexpectedly arriving in the world of Pokémon, Rex only wants to manage his own farm well, to be a leisurely farmer. When he's free, he fishes; in his leisure time, he challenges gyms. Unexpectedly, in the end, he becomes... --- Disclaimer: All the rights to the original author and their each every creators that's been used in this fanfiction. RAWs: https://book.qidian.com/info/1037516892/ Author: 风起于金 (Wind Rises from Gold) Let's Join; My patreon: RockyRoad891

RockyRoad891 · Anime & Comics
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119 Chs

Chapter 108: Gracidea Flowers in Full Bloom

Walking into the backyard, Rex was shocked by the scene before him.

He saw that the Gracidea flowers, which had been in bud in the backyard, were now in full bloom, with Hoppip happily dancing above them.

At this moment, Rex could already smell the fragrance of the Gracidea flowers. Although not strong, their scent was comforting to anyone who smelled it, as if it could make one forget their troubles amidst the floral fragrance.

The Hoppip group was now completely immersed in the fragrance of the Gracidea flowers. Occasionally, they would spontaneously release their Grassy Terrain ability, making the Gracidea flowers even more vibrant.

"Wow, it's so beautiful!"

At this time, both Yuli and Yui approached, carrying Marill. Upon discovering the blooming Gracidea flowers, they couldn't help but marvel.

Especially for Yuli, these Gracidea flowers could be said to have grown under her care step by step. At this moment, she seemed to have returned to her childhood garden.

According to Rex, the Gracidea flowers had a long flowering period, lasting 2-3 months. However, the most important point was that once the flowers bloomed, it meant that their seeds had matured.

After waking up the two girls who were still immersed in the fragrance of the flowers, Rex began to instruct them to collect the seeds stored in the Gracidea flower buds.

To avoid damaging the flowers, they needed to use tweezers to collect the seeds carefully. Basically, they could collect more than ten seeds from each Gracidea flower bud, but some of these seeds were non-viable.

Because collecting seeds was too troublesome, they didn't finish collecting most of the Gracidea flower seeds until the next morning. Of course, there were definitely omissions, but Rex didn't plan to search again.

With these collected seeds, they could already plant a considerable area in the terraced flower garden.

"Boss, can I pick a bunch of Gracidea flowers to give to Grandma Nieno as a thank you for her care and dedication over the years?"

Yuli approached Rex nervously, then asked somewhat embarrassed.

Giving a bouquet of Gracidea flowers she had grown herself to Grandma Nieno was Yuli's childhood wish, and now she finally had the opportunity to fulfill that wish. However, these flowers actually belonged to Rex, so she was a bit nervous.

Although Yuli knew that Rex would probably agree to her request, she still felt embarrassed and thought she was being too greedy.

"Of course, no problem at all. These Gracidea flowers were able to grow so well thanks to your care. Moreover, what I need most are their seeds. As for these flowers in front of us, you can decide their use yourself."

Rex patted her shoulder and said seriously.

"With these seeds, we will have a Gracidea flower sea in the terraced flower garden. By then, you can have as many bouquets as you want."

After hearing Rex's words, Yuli smiled happily. She seemed to have seen the beautiful Gracidea flower sea, and she would also participate in the construction of this flower sea, which would be even more beautiful than her childhood garden.

With Rex's permission, Yuli and Yui each selected some Gracidea flowers and made them into bouquets. Then they rode on Swellow and headed to the orphanage in Fallarbor Town. They couldn't wait to give the bouquets to the beloved director.

Now, in the Swellow group, there were already five Swellow. They were riding the first two Swellow that had evolved, while the other three newly evolved Swellow couldn't carry passengers yet.

"Hello, Miss Koko."

Rex remembered Miss Koko, who had provided him with Gracidea flower seeds, so he video called her through his phone.

"Are you Rex? Long time no see. How are your Gracidea flowers doing?"

Seeing Rex, Koko was slightly stunned at first, then remembered the young man who had asked her for Gracidea flower seeds.

Rex didn't say much, but turned the camera to the blooming Gracidea flowers. Although some were picked by the two girls, there were still plenty of Gracidea flowers left.

"They're beautiful. I didn't expect you to successfully grow them, and it seems that the Gracidea flowers you've grown here are even better than mine. How did you do it?"

Koko observed that the Gracidea flowers here were growing better than those planted in front of her shop, which made her somewhat unacceptable. After all, she was very confident in cultivating flowers.

"The main credit goes to them, Hoppip, using Grassy Terrain."

Rex naturally knew what he had relied on to cultivate the Gracidea flowers. Besides using his ability to optimize Gracidea flower seeds, the most important thing was the Hoppip group's Grassy Terrain ability.

"So you're using the power of Pokémon. Why didn't I think of that before."

Seeing the Gracidea flowers become more vibrant in the Grassy Terrain, Koko also realized this.

Before, she mainly relied on her own knowledge and experience to cultivate various flowers and plants. However, after seeing Rex's operation, she also opened up a new way of thinking.

"I now believe that you will be able to provide enough Gracidea flowers for my flower shop in the future. I believe you already have a specific plan, right?"

Miss Koko guessed Rex's plan after seeing his Hoppip group.

"Yes, I have collected the seeds of these blooming Gracidea flowers. I plan to sow them in the developed terraced flower garden. I believe it won't be long before I can provide enough Gracidea flowers for Miss Koko's flower sho.!"

Rex said confidently.

"I look forward to that day."

Now Miss Koko had no doubts about Rex's words. She believed that soon there would be enough Gracidea flowers in her flower shop.

After a short pause,

"Although it's a bit embarrassing to ask, I want you to teach my Bellossom how to use the Grassy Terrain ability. I can pay you a learning fee. I wonder if it's too presumptuous?"

Miss Koko's fair face showed a blush of embarrassment, but after gritting her teeth, she still made the request.

For Miss Koko, if she could teach her Bellossom to master the Grassy Terrain ability, then some flower species that she couldn't cultivate successfully before relying on her skills might be successfully grown by her.

Her ideal was to cultivate as many endangered flowers as possible, and then let more people appreciate their beauty, bringing more joy to people.

However, she also knew that the Grassy Terrain ability was not so easy to come by, and it might be difficult for Bellossom to comprehend it by herself. There was no Grass-type Pokémon in her circle of acquaintances that could use this ability.

"No problem, but it may be necessary for Miss Koko to have Bellossom live with the Hoppip group for a while to learn. As for the fee, it's not necessary. Consider it a return for the Gracidea flower seeds you provided me."

Rex thought for a moment and agreed to Miss Koko's request, after all, it was just a small favor.

Of course, all Rex could do was let Bellossom stay with the Hoppip group to learn the Grassy Terrain ability. Whether Bellossom could master it would depend on its own aptitude.

"Thank you so much, Rex."

Miss Koko didn't expect Rex to be so agreeable, and she expressed her gratitude earnestly.

Subsequently, Rex and Koko arranged for her to send Bellossom to the Pokémon Center in Fallarbor Town, from where he would bring Bellossom to the farm.