
Pokemon: Humans And Monsters Alike

Welcome to the world of pokemon! But unlike the Pokemon you know well, this story is much different. Some Pokemon take on traits of humans and we call them Pokemen. Follow the journey of a group of Pokemen on their quest to be the very best like no one ever was.

YellowKarato · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Episode 52: Bird

Otto wanders the enigma that is her mind, not knowing what she's looking for to regain conscience.

Otto: They need me out there, I can't just leave them and die right here. If I do that'll only hinder Leon and the others.

At that moment, Geo, the queen of the sky kingdom and mother to Otto appears in her head.

Geo: Ottoka, I know you only want to help but you have to ask yourself something. What is it that makes you want to continue on your journey?

Otto: Giovanni ask me the same thing. I want to help Leon and the others become champion because they saved me. That's it.

Geo: So you feel the only way you can repay them is by laying down your own life? What then, if something stands in the way of your friends reaching the Pokémon League that they can't overcome, what will you do?

Otto: I don't know, I'll figure it out if I have too.

Geo: Okay, how about this then.

With a snap of Geo's fingers the 2 of them are on sky island. Otto is shown a memory of Aro standing up for her after she was being bullied by a group of Zubat Pokéboys.

Geo: After than you tried any and everything in your power to make it up to him and what did he tell you?

Otto: "It's okay, that's what family does."

Geo: Exactly, those friends of yours, they treat each like family even though you all are from differing backgrounds correct?

Otto: Yeah.

Geo: So do not feel as you have to travel with them to make up a favor to them, travel with them because you want to, because you are family.

Otto: I get it now. But I still want to do everything I can to help them. Not to repay them but because they're family.

Geo: Now you get it, I can not have my successor not knowing what she wants in life. By the way, you are going to need a king to sit at that throne with you, how about the Charizard boy?

Otto: Stop it mother please.

Geo: Oh you know I kid. Also, before you leave I want to give you this, HM Fly, an ability passed through our family. Use it to come visit me when you awake. See you soon Ottoka.

One Cinnabar Island, the group is discussing plans now that they have 7 badges.

Leon: Oh, Wart, Ivy, you remember that one gym back in Viridian who's gym leader was out? The gym leader should definitely be back by now it's been a few months since then.

Ivy: Sure but Viridian City is on the other side of the region, it took us a few months to get all the way here it's going to take forever to get back.

Otto: Not with me it won't.

Otto descends from the sky, finally being able to return to her friends.

Episode End.

Please check out my new series Guns-Blazing 100, a story about a boy who finds a mysterious stone and it brings him to fight in a tournament for a wish of anything he could imagine. it's just been officially published so I would really appreciate it you all could go check it out as we move on to it's next major story arc. Also I have started a Patreon for anyone who wishes to help support me. As of now there is only 1 tier with no benefits but any and all members are greatly appreciated. I hope you can all continue to enjoy Pokémon: Monsters and Humans Alike!!!

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